18200 Empire Minecraft Museum!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by FDNY21, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Dragon Egg Guide V2s are now back in stock! Come to 18200 Gift Shop if you're interested in buying :) Cheers to Aikar for getting book duplication fixed!

    There is now also a Labor Bench (2014) and a Gold Supporter Voucher for sale in the Gift Shop, make sure you drop by if you'd like to treat yourself to something! Thanks all!
  2. Update #51! :)
    • Updated link for the Empire Builder's Wand
    • Corrected a spelling mistake in the Community Defender link (thanks LeoV!)
  3. Restocked 18200 map arts and also changed the price of the Gold Voucher to 220k from 250k! :)
  4. Restocked Stable Vouchers. Also planning to some when get hold of a Momentus Helmet and a couple of thse Enraged eggs for the museum. We've had a few loan offers so far, but we'll see what happens :) Thanks all!
  5. Update #52! :)
    • Added Incitatus Donkey and information to the Super Rares Floor, thanks for the loan xHaro_Der!
    • Added Enraged Villager Egg and information!
    • Added Enraged Guardian Egg and information, thanks for the loan AnonReturns!
    • Added Momentus Helmet information but still awaiting a Helmet to add - if you would like to loan one then please PM me or message here, thank you! :D
    xHaro_Der and ItsMeWolffpack like this.
  6. Wrong name now lel
    DatFoxMan likes this.
  7. Updated the name - just a note that I won't update everyone's name for them, if they want it changed then they need to ask...

    Also added Anon and Haro to the loan list :)
    DatFoxMan and 607 like this.
  8. I might donate some of my voters stuff if you want it
    BlinkyBinky, DatFoxMan and FDNY21 like this.
  9. Thanks for the offer, but we're not currently doing Voter's items! The only Voter's item in there currently is my 100 day certificate that is displayed on the Gift Shop floor c:
    DatFoxMan and 607 like this.
  10. Restocked the Gift Shop. We're all updated at the minute, apart from the Momentus Helmet. Looking around to acquire one, may wait for prices to settle/lower or accept a loan until then :)
    DatFoxMan likes this.
  11. Bump
    DatFoxMan likes this.
  12. Rainbowchin PVP Head is now back in it's item frame - also updated the loaned by sign for it, changed from wolffpack58 to ItsMeWolffpack :) If you need your name changed in the museum or on this thread because you changed it in game then please PM me or post in this thread!
    DatFoxMan and ItsMeWolffpack like this.
  13. Looks great! Just stopped by :)
    FDNY21 and 607 like this.
  14. Glad you came over and enjoyed it too! Let me know if you have any further thoughts or improvements! It's always nice to get feedback and constructive criticism :)
    DatFoxMan and 607 like this.
  15. Bump
    DatFoxMan likes this.
  16. I have just a regular Chin head if you want to borrow it for your museum :)
  17. I believe we have a regular Chin head up on the Player Heads floor, don't we? :confused: I can't come online just yet so I can't check but I believe it is there :)
  18. The Incitatus Donkey is no longer on show - thanks to Haro for letting us show it for a little while, though! :)
    xHaro_Der and 607 like this.
  19. The Purple Aikar Head was great to have on show but our time with it has come to an end. Thanks to PlasmaBanana for loaning it! :)
    607 and Tahitan like this.