Quarantine and Dragon Tombs

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by bitnibbles, Mar 30, 2020.

  1. Dear Empire Minecraft Community. It has come to my attention that Dragon Tombs was announced August 28, 2012. We are all in quarantine from coronavirus, which is great for the economy because it gives you staff members time to complete updates, but there's been a history of things falling through. There's also been a history of your updates taking a super long time. Instability was used as a reason the updates took so long but once they came out, clearly there was still a lot of instability. All of us waited 2+years for 1.15 to release. All that time waiting, we lost interest in playing. Hopefully, since quarantine is in place, you guys will have more time to work on dragon tombs! Things are doing great right now, lets make sure we support and keep it going and not repeat the mistakes of the past. Thank you so much for being epic staff members!
  2. I think this is a pretty valid point! Please provide some updates!

    * facepalm* I’m good with 1.15 right now.
  3. yes ma'am, very good point :O
    bitnibbles and Windylava like this.
  4. Either you do not know this or you have forgotten. But there was a vote given to the community to decide what was going to get worked on and then released in a certain order a while back. Dragon tombs was a part of that vote. But the community decided that Empires would be the first to be worked on instead of Dragon Tombs. So we will not be getting that for some time as that was what the community collectively voted for at the time. So there's your reason for why nothing has been heard on it. Because it hasn't been worked on at all. Empires has been instead. Hope this has helped clarify things.

    Edit: Ahh Skare beat me by one minute. xD
  5. thank you for sharing with the class :) very cool
    Windylava and DancingDraw like this.
  6. No. Why is this thread a thing? Is it satire?
    So you want us to not repeat the mistakes of the past, by re-promising dragon tombs?
    If so. Dragon Tombs 2020! (I am not going to work on it though)

    Edit for clarity: Dragon tombs has never been a project while I have been on the developer team. I do not have any desire to work on it - as I have no vision for what it even means today.
    I do not have any extra time due to quarantine. So going to squash that notion right now.
  7. isnt it aikars job to kill us with his creations?

    As much as i would love to see dragon tombs no longer a meme
    keep in mind chickeneer and aikar worked their butt of for 1.15 and you lot already asking for more updates
  8. very cool ma'am
    DancingDraw and Windylava like this.
  9. Sure aren't meant to help us... ;)
    Bosoc, Envine and DancingDraw like this.
  10. Community votes in the past have been ignored. For example, we talked about restarting the shop and I haven't seen any progress on it. Also, now with 1.15 being done finally, what are the staff going to do with all of this free time? 1.15 was for the server survival. We need to make sure we stay relevant.
    Bosoc likes this.
  11. They're going to be continuing work on any bugs that have come up due to the recent update, work on performance and then once that's all taken care of. They're most likely going to continue working on Empires and get that rolled out to us. After that though I'm not sure. Possibly Land Claiming will be next.

    Also a little side note here to anyone who can answer this. I can just put a link to a thread here and people can just click on it to go to it correct? Not a veteran when it comes to forum posting and whatnot. xD I figured I'd ask to make sure.
    607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  12. Why not focus on the shop that was promised but ok? Any support for the in-town economy?
    SkareCboi, DancingDraw and Bosoc like this.
  13. The economy needs more support obviously.
    DancingDraw, Windylava and Bosoc like this.
  14. Well just gonna hope putting the link here works. https://empireminecraft.com/threads/poll-what-upcoming-feature-do-you-desire-more.57718/
    That's the thread that Aikar made asking players which features they wanted first and what order the stuff would be worked on.
    As for the "shop that was promised". I don't know much about that and personally it doesn't affect me or matter to me. But I know it matters to others. I'll leave the answer to that question to chickeneer, Krysyy or anyone else in a position to be able to provide a proper answer to that question.
    FadedMartian, 607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  15. How about instead calling it all a mistake, by being promised, the stuff that was promised becomes true? It can start with dragon tombs. Bring them to life rather than trying to clear the slate of stuff promised just to have it fill up again. I understand you all may not have time to do this, but it was promised. Staff do a great job when they actually complete the promises.
  16. I would love for the EMC to come back it was easier to find things instead of going to place to place asking and seeing if someone had something and sometimes being disappointed because someone doesn't have the supplies it gets a little tedious as I have ruppies to spend and I can just go to the emc shop.. and dragon tombs I would love to see that come up because what I am gonna do with all the things I collected (dragon stone fragments and dragon stone) for it up till this point that are in my ender chest that was hard work I've been waiting for this since I joined in 2014 or 2015 one of the two something like that it would be nice
  17. Oh bummer. I had no idea this was the case.
    I mean, somebody could have mention to us that for five years(?) it was no longer being worked on.

    [edit] mea culpa, it was actually announced. But IMO there is a difference between deciding what comes first and stopping progress, and having no plans or desire to work on a project at all. No offence, I know how hard the update was on all of you and in no means I try to imply anything. I'm just astonished that the dragon tombs idea got buried all together.
    607 likes this.
  18. Good morning,

    I'm not sure where this thread came from, considering we just took a giant leap forward years in the making recently, you'd think you'd give the devs some time to breathe (and fix bugs).

    It is true that Dragon Tombs was announced AGES ago. I wasn't a part of it even...We've been very forthright since then with stating that it really shouldn't have. We offered the community the chance to vote on what they wanted to see first and the community chose Empires so we publicly announced we stopped progress on Dragon Tombs. Frankly, I'm glad you voted that way because the entirety of dragon tombs was kinda shot to hell when vanilla allowed re-summoning of the enderdragon and the entire plan for what lay after dragon stones needs to still be re-written. So, the community voted Empires and that's what we focused on. Meanwhile Mojang started rolling out updates faster and faster, with major infrastructure changes in 1.13 and we got behind. I'll admit it, we did and it felt like it just kept snowballing. BUT all the hard work recently paid off and we updated.

    Empires are almost done. I'll say it loud and clear because it was actually almost a part of the 1.15 update. But a major factor of them was found to be not what we wanted it to be in final testing, so instead of delaying 1.15 again, we split them. We're working on 1.15 bugs now. Chickeneer, a teacher having to learn how to teach his classes remotely, isn't afforded with an excess of time to be working on it. He's still working on it, and Aikar is too, but the world didn't stop for them during this quarantine and it didn't for me either. We're still making progress though and the effort I've seen daily from both to diagnose the issues and figure out ways to solve them is astounding, considering what else they have going on.

    As for the "promised" shop, that's completely and solely my responsibility. I think you may need to learn the difference between a 'i'll look into it', 'maybe we can do something', etc and an actual promise. The primary complaint with the shops and why some of you wanted an Empire Shop back is due to player shops not being active enough and being kept in stock. So as that is the primary reason, we decided to focus on what makes that problem go away, and that's more activity, before we could really decide if that's needed. Currently, I really still don't see a reason for an Empire Shop. When online and conducting research, I still find stores in-stock and the community moderates its own economy pretty sufficiently. With the added traffic from the update, we need to allow that to stabilize to see if there is any actual need for an Empire Shop, but as of now it's more trouble than it's worth and definitely impacts the concept of a survival economy. I think we've grown past it honestly, but I'm waiting to see if I'm right.

    So in summary, we JUST finally got 1.15. Can you give the devs a bit of a breather?
  19. dragon tombs will come when it comes. you just got 1.15 give the devs a break.

    hate to break your heart sweetie, but not all promises are kept. dragon tombs was a promise that was made nearly 8 years ago, since then mojang themselves implemented a way to refight the dragon, which was the main point of dragon tombs iirc. not only that, someone else mentioned earlier the community themselves voted for dragon tombs to be completed last. the other things that were in that vote haven't even been released yet.

    promising dragon tombs in 2012 was a mistake. admitting it was a mistake and acknowledging that it may not be completed soon is better than rushing out half-baked updates because people like you exist.

    edit: 5/04/2021 this is a bad take i dont remember writing

    i dont agree with krysyy often but this is an exception. the empire shop was something that was useful for setting prices back in the early days of emc but has no useful place anymore, since the economy is so established at this point. there are plenty of shops that you can buy from if you need things (seriously just get over your pride and go to azoundria or something), and if you cant buy it from a playershop, go pay someone to get it for you or, hear me out, go and get it yourself.

    all the empire shop serves to do is put a maximum price on every item that is sold in that shop. if the price of an item suddenly spikes up because of a sudden increase in demand (think gold before the 1.9 update), shop keepers are losing out on the potential higher selling prices for those items, and it removes any scarcity of the items that are in demand if people can just buy them from an infinite shop. the only upside is that it would create a large money sink for the economy, however the economy is already so dead no amount of money sinks aside from deleting everyones money would solve that issue.