EMC Dragon Tombs Info

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Aug 27, 2012.

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  1. That sounds AWESOME!!
  2. Thanks Alex, I've added link to the OP!
    AlexChance likes this.
  3. Awesome
    This is going to be EPIC
  4. If your player inventory is full will the egg disappear forever, drop to the ground, or can it be set so it will be stored in /vault?
    WolfThunderblade likes this.
  5. i was about to ask that
  6. Is there gonna be like some special, valuable, new block in the arena (end-endstone, nether-netherrack) *thinks to self* arena... arenaranium? XD and if so, can u mine it?
  7. ??? what happened to my post about ender eggs in the shop, i mean, 1 of my posts was spam, i guess, so i get y it was deleted, but the 1 about the ender egg in the shop?
  8. There will be no new blocks as this is an EMC plug in and not a Mojang MineCraft update. New blocks and items are downloaded onto your computer when you sign in "do you want to update now?" and run through your client when you play with the information on your HHD. This plug in will utilise already available code, models, mobiles and put them to you in a fun and innovative way.
  9. and then this post, i guess, was irrelevant, but im still confused about the post about ender eggs in the shop...
  10. o, i was thinking of like a mod or something, but i guess that wud mean that everybody wud have to download it whether they wanted to or not, as long as they wanted to use the arena, or emc for that matter (i think)
  11. The eggs will not be available in /shop. Ever. This question was actually answered if you could have bothered to read the entire thread. They want us to work to get the eggs, and I support them and agree with them 100%.

    Staff, you are AWESOME!
    chickeneer likes this.
  12. I have a question I haven't seen answered yet. Will the portals be updated all at once at a particular time or will each portal be spawned independantly with its own time limit?

    If I find one on Wednesday night and I know it will be there until Sunday night, I have time to contact friends and arrange a raid party. Alternatively, if the thing can disappear at any time, I'm going to gather up anyone who's online, and go.

    I'm thinking the former is easier to program. It's also my preference. Either way, I don't think I'd limit who I told to an exclusive group of friends, but at the same time I'd want to make sure they were able to be involved if possible. The first scenario would allow me to schedule with friends but still leave me the option of just going into Town and announcing the coordinates.
  13. Actually I'm thinking well have a "Egg Storage mechanism" where the eggs go into a virtual count that you can store/retrieve from, and that makes the future wild updates easier to program.

    Aka youd simply type /dragonegg count to see how many you got, and /dragonegg withdraw to get one out to use for display/digging etc.
    We can not add new blocks to the game.
    Theres also the fact the /shop creates a "ceiling" on prices. Players are unable to sell items for more than /shop sells them.

    But we want the players to be in full control of dragon eggs... If you guys decide they are worth 250k each, well then a new player who randomly finds a portal and gets a group of people, can now sell his and be "rich". It's like finding an oil field IRL.

    We will finally have a high value item with high demand that will start to circulate money alot more. The rich players will finally have something to actually use their money on.
  14. You should see some of the auctions we've had lately. :)
    mba2012 likes this.
  15. And to follow up on that note -- This is one ideal thing about limiting # of eggs per week.

    If you want to do massive land claiming, you will have to purchase eggs too. This keeps demand for purchasing eggs high.

    We are planning more than just the wild claiming to be using eggs... so there will constantly be a "need" for eggs.
    mba2012 likes this.
  16. /dragonegg seems a little long. /degg or /egg seems more reasonable. This is a awesome idea. Would this command be usable in the wild or restricted to town only?
  17. can always have aliases so yes /degg too :p

    And yes it would be usable in the wild (I'm sure some will want to hold their newly acquired egg immediately after getting it...)
  18. Aikar, are you considering to get shops in the Wild aswell? I imagine them only able to be set up in a protected area (by those who have permissions). That way endless possibilities will pop up and the dragoneggprice will absolutely rise! Think of shops at a certain Wild outpost? Let me know what you think of it.
    margaritte likes this.
  19. I could see a flag that says "publicshop" that would make the shop price appear in the shop database but not usable for quickbuy.

    I can see this working, and encourage people to visit others wild colonies... However I cant say more without stirring up another 2000 questions yet lol. Wait for more details on that for the wild updates... But note those arnt anytime soon -- gotta knock out residence update, dragon arena, and I have some behind the scenes square updates I need to do too before I likely begin the wild updates.
    margaritte likes this.
  20. I can see my self travelling out to a wild base to get cheap cobble ect, another idea, for the wild users, you could trade your dragon egg for 20 wilderness vault openings..??
    gnyctk likes this.
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