That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. That moment you change your skin and you look into the eyes of new you's dropped head and realize. This isn't you so you change your skin back.
  2. That moment when u wanna change ur skin but it's at your friends Res in pixel art.....
    Aracerer likes this.
  3. That moment when you go to buy something and realize you only have 2 rupees.
  4. That moment when you've alredey got hurting hands of playing too much piano at 10 o'clock in the morning. why? well, I have to learn a quite dificult song for school in less than a week. (Melody Gardot's Your heart is as black as night)
    nltimv and CallumDAKing like this.
  5. That moment when... grinning at your own jokes ;)

    I suggested a name, Aya liked it, but now I can't help grin whenever I see this critter :)
    NuclearBobomb, Jelle68, Abele and 4 others like this.
  6. Haha, I love it! :D
    nltimv likes this.
  7. You print a plan using schematica in SP and it takes an hour then realise you have to do it by hand in EMC! :eek:
    NuclearBobomb and ShelLuser like this.
  8. Or even worse, you make it creative without schematica, and have to constantly flip back and forth between the two.
    Fun times. :L
    NuclearBobomb and Baradar67 like this.
  9. That moment when... "u wait here, imma get ur stuff"

    I wait by the outpost, get some coffee, come back and... this :D

    (the list was even longer :eek:)
    Abele and 607 like this.
  10. Why wouldn't you copy it and load it with schematica then???
  11. My guess: not every player uses mods :)
  12. TMW you realise some people don't use mods! :eek:
    Abele and ShelLuser like this.
  13. My brick of a computer can't handle it. :l
  14. That moment when.........
  15. That moment when you realize that you were here when this whole thing (this thread) started! ;)

    My first post being on 12th of July, 2015. Right on the first page of the thread :D
    NuclearBobomb and 607 like this.
  16. OK. True dis... That moment when you realize that some players don't like when some staff "players" post threads and you have to post disclaimers on it saying you are doing this as a "player" and not staff. Just sayin.
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  17. Yet another reason I wouldn't ever want to become staff at this site.
    But thank you for moderating. :)
    BreezyMan likes this.
  18. When a creeper is perfectly lined up behind another on a one block wide bridge, so you don't realise there's two
    Abele and Tuq_SolidColor like this.
  19. That moment when you learn that making a skelly shoot a creeper gives you a record to play in a jukebox. (I learned that here) Even after all these years of playing I didn't know that.
  20. That moment when....

    Spring turkeys ;)

    Super Turkeys are so super that they're not only around in the winter ;) Was a surprise for me too.