Mojang Released 1.11, you must downgrade to play

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Aikar, Nov 14, 2016.

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  1. Empire Minecraft is currently on version 1.9-1.10
    Current Official Version is 1.11

    You must downgrade to play on EMC.

    If you have been automatically kicked from the server, and you were redirected to this page, it is because you have tried to connect to an Empire Minecraft server using Minecraft version update past what EMC is set to accept. As of Nov 14th, 2016, Empire Minecraft is on Minecraft version 1.9-1.10.

    Upgrading to a Current MC Version
    Empire Minecraft is currently on version 1.21.1, and the current version of Minecraft is 1.21.4.

    You were redirected to this page because you have tried to connect to an Empire Minecraft server using a Minecraft version update that is older than what EMC supports.

    How to start using Minecraft 1.21.1(top)

    You need to edit your profile in the Minecraft launcher and change the currently selected version if your game is outdated. It is advised that you change this setting so that it uses the latest stable release that is also currently compatible with EMC (which is currently Minecraft version 1.21.1).

    If pictures don't work for you, here is a video on how to change your version of Minecraft using the new Minecraft launcher. The video says to use 1.15.2, but EMC now works with 1.21.1, so that must be used instead when selecting your version in the launcher.

    New Launcher(top)

    1) Open the Minecraft launcher. Yours will probably look like this.

    2) Click the Installations button near the top of the launcher.

    3) Click the "+ New" button, or click the profile you use from the list. You will then see the settings for that profile.

    4) Regardless of which you did in the previous step, where it says "version" in the launcher, bring down the drop-down box. Click where it says release 1.21.1 so that the launcher uses the version Empire Minecraft is currently using.

    5) Press the green save button at the bottom. Go back to the Play tab (to the left of the Installations button).

    6) You may select your profile from the drop-down menu next to the Play button. You'll notice that "Example Profile" uses 1.21.1 which is most compatible with EMC. Hit Play and then you'll be able to connect to EMC.

    Did we miss something?

    AyanamiKun, jhtk01, We3_MPO and 5 others like this.
  2. First :p

    1.11 is out now? Cool :)
    We3_MPO and ForeverMaster like this.
  3. When ever I log on a 1.10 + client.. I crash
  4. Maybe mods? Nothings changed on our end.
    Themoglover likes this.
  5. It always happens, even single player
  6. Because of the inclusion of the wiki page there's now twice the same post. :p
  7. the top part yeah, had to do that to make the home page pretty.
  8. Yeah, I realised shortly before seeing your reply, I understand now! :)
  9. Nifty, been running 1.94 anyways.
    Gawadrolt and ThaKloned like this.
  10. Then you are waaaay ahead of us in time :p
    607 likes this.
  11. I'm still running on 1.9.2, so everything is going great here :)
  12. When will emc update to 1.11
  13. I hope they make 2.0 instead of 1.100 :p
    Lilzies, nuclearbobomb and nltimv like this.
  14. Please take your time, No rush to update... The longer the wait, the smoother the update will be on EMC, and Overall...
  15. hi :D thx for this i was wondering what the eta on emc 1.11 will be released if u have any idea yet
  16. Good thing I manually control my version of minecraft in the profile, I never select "Use latest version" ;)
    607 likes this.
  17. That happened to me when 1.9 first came out. I could not play at all it was so bad. I fixed it by updating my current version of Java and Graphic Drivers or whatever there called :p Idk if this will help you but it helped me
  18. If this seems a pain to you guys, it's suuuuuper simple and be grateful for it. I remember not being able to play EMC for 2-3 weeks because I accidentally updated my MC to 1.5 right when it came out (and far before EMC was ready). Back then the old launcher didn't allow you to switch versions. Trust me, spending two seconds fixing it is definitely an improvement! :rolleyes:
  19. It can also be an issue with some outdated mojang files... If you move the .minecraft to say Desktop and try to update, if it works, then its something in the file..
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