That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. Sorry for two in a row, but I really need to get this off my chest.

    You congratulate EMC with their 4th birthday while also requesting: "Please exclude me from getting a promo for this." because you don't congratulate EMC with the idea of getting a promo, you congratulate them because you really, honestly and sincerely meant every word you wanted to say.

    That moment when...

    EMC then responds with: "Here, have a cookie!" (not in those words of course).

    Thanks guys, you're the best!
    SkeleTin007, MustangLover25 and 607 like this.
  2. spent the last two session gather quartz...again, made four stacks of quartz blocks...again, are almost to the outpost...again, and a ghast spawn underneath the lava without notice, shoots you into the lava, thus making all the resources null...again...for the fourth time in a row...and thus why I think my stay in EMC has come to an end. Four times of the same scenario in a row is a bit too consistent to be coincidental.
  3. Im pretty sure Aikar or whatever doesnt spawn ghasts in lava to try to destroy the quartz economy :p
  4. When you accidentally crash smp8 with a potion :rolleyes:
  5. #ChinBrokeIt.... AGAIN!
    DeathPunchKitty likes this.
  6. I read that as 'when you accidentally crash on smp8 with a potion' and wondered, for a second, why that's a bad thing and why you couldn't just log back in... :p
  7. A potion of breakage by any chance? That would be sooo SMP8-like ;)

    (or so I think) :)

    (edit, figured I'd include answer instead of double post)

    I really hope you'll reconsider. At the risk of slightly detouring this thread, but this is important enough IMO:

    You'll always find more ghasts (and even other mobs) around the outposts. It is not uncommon for a world spawn area to remain loaded on a server, so even when there are no players present it would still have activity (I don't know if this applies to EMC, but if so it could be a logical explanation).

    Ghasts usually float around, hellhounds sometimes roam the area (making it impossible to safely leave the outpost), and so on.. I see the same on SMP2 where I've build a "lava pickup section"; and the main danger here are the ghasts.

    A possible alternative: First set your difficulty to 1 (/diff 1). That will make it easier to defeat mobs and withstanding their attacks. Next: Go a good end out into the wasteland and build your own nether portal there. While it does make it a little harder on you (now you need to cross two hostile areas) it might also spawn you into a pretty much unexplored (and unloaded) nether terrain. Which could help reduce the ghast spawn rate. (as well as increase your chances of finding quartz).

    Just my 2 cents.
    607 likes this.
  8. that moment when you order something on amazon you've been waiting for your whole life and realize it's coning in a week
    ShelLuser likes this.
  9. That moment when your mining at bedrock and your pick breaks and the exit is miles away.
    BreezyMan and ShelLuser like this.
  10. That moment in Staff vs the World, when a staff teleports away, we are all still hitting.. air. :p
    BreezyMan and 607 like this.
  11. you drop a beacon on a new player.
  12. discover the person you gave it to later griefed your frontier base.
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  13. Just... *dies*
    ShelLuser likes this.
  14. That moment when...

    GRIP gets its second (but first serious) donation:

    Thanks unknown donator! That is going to become very useful!
    607 and cadenman2002 like this.
  15. That moment when...'re mining and find a big vein of diamonds, only to discover you had circled back and the diamonds are a part of the protected outpost area...
    Decoy254, ShelLuser, Jelle68 and 2 others like this.
  16. That moment when you're fighting Momentus with stone tools only:

    ... but first need to dig him out :D

    By the way: yes, Momentus does like to snack on a player every once in a while but fortunately for us it only eats us medium-rare; after we've been cooked up a little by some enraged zombies :)
    Decoy254 and 607 like this.
  17. you build a sentry gun and nobody comes to die to it
  18. When your favorite pen decides to run out of ink.
  19. That moment when...'re talking with friends on Ventrilo, while mining glowstone in the nether, and mistake the "talk" key used in Venrilo for the "sneak" key used in Minecraft, so you to fall off your pillar and straight into a pit of lava.
    ShelLuser likes this.