That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. That moment when you realize it was a Taste the Freedom steak...
  2. That moment when you realize your sister is 10 times richer than you in EMC and she didn't do anything but beg for money.

    Oh, and she shares her money with everyone except me.
  3. That moment when Jadz gets spammed out of her life on smp8 lol
  4. That moment when it snows and school is canceled, then you realize your 35 and don't even go to school. XD
  5. Your in highschool mustang

    That moment when someone needs to be smacked silly
    SkeleTin007 and PenguinDJ like this.
  6. That moment when you sell something and get a bunch of rupees but spend it all in one day...
    BreezyMan likes this.
  7. that moment when you log onto your old account to find 230k just sittin there
    true story
    607 likes this.
  8. I know but my friend told me that happened to his dad once. XD
  9. That moment when you accidentally delete your entire inventory and panic, only to realize you deleted 27 stacks of dirt.
    f_Builder_sDaNub likes this.
  10. That moment when you type /entc on singleplayer :rolleyes:
  11. That moment when you're out in the Wastelands with 2 friends (AyanamiKun & LBoss9001) and all of a sudden you see: Momentus has fallen!

    We still believe that LBoss stared him to death while he was afk :D Either that or Momentus felt suicidal, which still doesn't make it fair that we didn't get any tokens for all our hard work :p
  12. Shelly goes dark:

    i bet its the revenge of momentus!! :mad:
  13. That moment when you're in a dark cave with headphones on, then Momentus spawns on the surface and jumpscares you with his thunder-ish sound (damnit!) :confused:
    Yeah, I think I experienced that as well! :D
    ShelLuser, JesusPower2 and Gawadrolt like this.
  14. That moment when you actually notice the blog changed colors.
  15. I'm SO proud right now, first time for the both of us!
    That moment when a good friend and yourself finally manage to conquer an ocean monument!

    We both got sponge (no sponge room, only mob drops), obviously 4 gold blocks each and a LOT of monument blocks :)

    Thanks again for the waste reset EMC, this was very cool and couldn't have happened otherwise :)
    Stagger77, nltimv and 607 like this.
  16. That moment when Momentus wants 2 join town! :eek:

    LadBlo and 607 like this.
  17. Should totally snowball him up on top of spawn to scare people :D
    ShelLuser, 607 and AyanamiKun like this.
  18. That moment when you find a DC of packed ice in your bulk storage while you didn't even realize you had it:

    #ihastoomuchstuff :D
    607 and Dufne like this.
  19. That moment when you're really tired and end up putting soap on your toothbrush :oops:
    tuqueque, LadBlo, 607 and 3 others like this.
  20. That moment when... you find out you may be travelling to Galway, Ireland on a business trip. O_O

    never been to Ireland before
    ShelLuser likes this.