That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. Ah, it's been fixed yet? Because of you posting those pictures, I assume it was still an issue. :p
  2. That moment when... you finally see Alien: Covenant and you once again witness the genius of Ridley Scott. Second favorite director!
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  3. From looking around on the Mojang bugs site, I haven't seen it reported in 1.10-1.11.2. But it could just be the fact I'm running off a graphics card that's unsupported now :p
    607 likes this.
  4. That moment when you get the feeling someone didn't like you wasting the wastelands :D

    607, Tuqueque and NuclearBobomb like this.
  5. That moment when netherhounds learn how to swim :eek:

    While trolling the netherhounds at the bottom of the outpost with my bow <ahem> fighting for my life by fending of a pack of netherhounds they suddenly seemed to understand my troll defense strategy and started walking inside the protected area, where I couldn't shoot them (like the little cowards they are :D).

    I walked to a safer more strategic position when all of a sudden they started using the water stream as an elevator!

    So yeah... next time you walk next to a stream of lava I'd be careful if I were you: a netherhound might pop out at any given moment :eek:
    NuclearBobomb, Tuqueque and 607 like this.
  6. Moment when I proof shelly WRONG! :eek:

    lol! :)
    NuclearBobomb, Tuqueque and 607 like this.
  7. That moment when you had a moment but didn't take a screenshot to prove the moment ever happened...
  8. That moment when you realize you have a TON of DCs of clay balls in your vault!

    NuclearBobomb, AyanamiKun and 607 like this.
  9. moment when EMC construction workers become a thing ^.^

    (shelly making concrete roads ^.^)
  10. i thought this was funny, merek & i had a good laugh ^.^

    Merek_Shadower and 607 like this.
  11. I didn't get this at first, but then I realised you were in local chat, while Merek was talking in town chat. That turned out lovely. ^.^
    Merek_Shadower and ShelLuser like this.
  12. That moment when you realize that the open residence count hasn't been this low is quite some time (from what I've seen)...

  13. That moment when you prevent a theft before it happened! :eek:

    Yes Mr. Enderman, I see you looking at that small piece of cobblestone, and you can't have it. There! :D
  14. Is that @ your outpost on 9?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  15. Ayups. More pictures are going to follow "soonish", we've been decently busy to actually build a few things there :cool:

    Frontier ftw!
    607 likes this.
  16. The Enderman obviously didn't appreciate my last post because well.. now they started raiding another outpost I'm involved with! :eek:

    Merek_Shadower and 607 like this.
  17. That moment when Abandoned Mineshaft meets Stronghold

    They fully seem to cross and intertwine :cool:

    And if you want to experience this for yourself you can! Check out the SMP2 End tunnel, a safe (but long!) trip to the End portal.
  18. So my friend Runder came around on my res. and we chatted and had fun, then Runder went AFK for a moment. Being the good friend that I am I immediately took action and protected him from the ghasts on my residence. Because ghasts are evil :eek:

    C'mon, everyone would do this for their friends, right?

    But then I remembered that Runder once killed me dozens of time in PvP with nothing more but a bone! Maybe I shouldn't risk him not understanding my good intentions... :confused:

    That moment when it becomes really hard to uphold the story that nothing special happened:

    Oops... I have no idea how that dirt got into your inventory Runder :D
    PhoenixAffinity and WardleDeBoss like this.
  19. That moment when... a perfect sequence:

    1 tripwire hook, 2 puffer fish, 3 salmon and 4 fish ;)

    On SMP9 I basically play vanilla'ish survival around my outpost. Recently we discovered nether wart so now we can finally brew some potions. The first real demand is water breathing & night vision so that we can (try to) take down an ocean monument. And that means... Fishing :D

    I thought this was funny, perfect matching score.
    MoreMoople, Hashhog and 607 like this.