Server Problems, Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by chickeneer, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. It could be a glitch. Wait a minute or so, then try again. If this error persists try to remember what SMP you were on, then direct connect to another. For example, I'm usually always to be found on SMP2 so I'd use direct connect (see bottom of server overview list) and then "", or maybe "".

    I'll also drop on for a sec to check what happens on my end.

    Update (edit):

    No issues on my end, I noticed that you were on SMP7 the last time so I also tried to go there, and it just works. There are 5 of us online there right now, so it's not the server I think.
    finch_rocks_1 and 607 like this.
  2. I have been having an issue with "Ghost Blocks" when using the ESCD and the Mineral Miner. Both tools are super, crazy FAST, but I have experienced these blocks, which prevent movement and cause damage, while digging/mining.

    Thought this would be significant, given the current expansion process ;)
  3. That is common on most servers when you remove blocks extremely quickly. I don't think there is anything EMC can do about it.
    607 likes this.
  4. When blocks are removed too quickly, the client and server end up out of sync on whether the block is actually there or not, hence the ghost blocks. Logging out, waiting about 15-20 seconds, and logging back in should fix the issue.
    607 and We3_MPO like this.
  5. The waiting isn't even needed; I usually just server hop quickly, and the missing blocks are back again. :)
    UltiPig and 607 like this.
  6. (re)connect too quickly and the server can complain, waiting a few seconds is always the better idea.
    607 and We3_MPO like this.
  7. I've actually never had that issue. But note that I don't disconnect, I go to another server, and then back immediately. I do that quite often really fast after each other, and have NEVER had an issue with that, and it also solves the ghost blocks for me. :)
  8. Not sure if it is EMC or MC itself. Every time I try to login I get "Failed to login: The authentication servers are currently down for maintenance"
    FadedMartian likes this.
  9. Unfortunately that's not EMC's doing. If you check the main forum page then look at the right column. Somewhere below you'll notice a section "Empire status", which also lists "MC Server Status". Well, at the time of writing that lists HTTP Error 502, which means that the Mojang auth servers are currently unavailable (actually down for maintenance).

    So all you can do is be patient until they get back up.
    607 and Mob_Meal like this.
  10. Yeah it's a mojang thing :(
    Mob_Meal likes this.
  11. That's what I was afraid of. Is it affecting everyone trying to get on MC then? If so, i imagine they will be scrambling to fix it!
  12. Single player is fine but all multiplayer platforms of PC-based minecraft are currently inacessible. While there's nothing we can do to expedite the resolution of the issue, we do ask for your patience as Mojang investigates.

    In the meantime, browse and participate on our forums!
  13. Elfin, my friend and I were working on moving all of our gear out of the wastes this evening, but due to the server issues, our progress has been halted. What time tomorrow will the reset happen?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  14. It is "usually" very late at night EMC time. I believe this is so that there are as few players online as possible. Not sure tho.
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  15. We are not certain of what time the reset will occur. However, I can say that if session server issues continue into tomorrow then there is a possibility the reset will be delayed. Whether that delay will occur, and how long it will last, will depend on how long it takes Mojang to bring the Session Servers back online and admin availability when it does come online.
    607, We3_MPO, FadedMartian and 2 others like this.
  16. I hate Mojang right now...
  17. Me too! lol. My internet was acting up so I was gonna relog to fix the lag it had caused... then it said that the auth servers were down for maintenance. Yikes.
  18. Me too, Logged out for 10 minutes due to high ping and came back and it was down. So now I'm sat staring at a status page.

    Also for anyone wanting to join me the site I use for status is here.
    ShelLuser and JohnKid like this.
  19. Just to be sure, you mean late TOMORROW night, not tonight - correct?