Anti-Griefing Update! 8/15/16

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Aug 14, 2016.

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  1. Awsum!
    khixan and Theomglover like this.
  2. Quick question: will public farms automatically have their blocks protected upon request, or do I have replace the blocks for the one I made?
    khixan likes this.
  3. Please check the blocks that you used against the Block List and that will tell you if you need to re-place them.
    ForeverMaster0 and khixan like this.
  4. This kicks some serious toosh.
    Eviltoade, khixan and Roslyn like this.
  5. Very nice.

    I see that blocks that I placed in the nether (I made the test with sandstone) around the entry point of my outpost didn't get the protection enabled. Is that expected ? Do I have to fill in the form for those, considering the request should be made for "common blocks" that didn't get covered by default ?

    Note that it only applies to blocks that I laid down before the update. Blocks that I'm adding now are protected as expected.
    khixan likes this.
  6. Finally... it's happening...all my hard work is finaly safe. Thank you!
    khixan likes this.
  7. jee'aah

    there it is :)
    khixan likes this.
  8. does this mean dragon tombs next?
  9. So a couple questions:
    After getting an area protected, will that mean that all "common blocks" placed in that area after the protection be automatically protected, or will I have to have buildmode on to protect any new blocks placed in that area?

    Why is there a warning message every 30 seconds when buildmode is on? I know it is there to alert players that nobody else can destroy their blocks, but as someone who is almost always at my outpost, I would most likely have this indefinitely on to keep all my blocks safe (so long as the protection of an area is a one-time thing). It is an annoying message to be constantly popping up on my screen. Could it be toggled off?

    Will this anti-grief feature also work with TNT ownership(someone trying to blow something up that isn't theirs, rather than the owner of the blocks blowing them up), creeper explosions(creepers don't own blocks so shouldn't be able to blow them up?), pistons and enderman(same thing as creepers, but instead moving the blocks) from destroying/ moving "common blocks"?
    khixan likes this.
  10. Wow, I really love this system!!!
    Very nice, I certainly never saw something like this before! Amazing!!
    khixan and AlexC__ like this.
  11. Welcome to EMC :p
    Yes you would have to request protection through the form for blocks classified as uncommon- - EDIT: derp, sorry I meant common - before the update. If it's small, considering cost, it might be cheaper to replace them with buildmode on though :)
    I can't test your other queries by myself unfortunately, sorry, but according to the post TNT is protected and I just tested a piston against a solid block and the piston was disabled
  12. Thank you so much! I feel a mountain of relief. Maybe I will finally get to do more in game besides take care of the bloody public farms! HOORAY!

    I probably need to go through that list of details with a fine tooth comb. Since the smp8 public wild utilities were all done with large groups of people, they may be complicated. There's probably 8-20 people at each build site, and the teams who built them in many cases were entirely different folks. I think myself and Corruptedsmile may be the only ones on every single build. I'll also need to review the materials we used in their construction versus the list of "special" blocks. I will need to research my friends list also and how it interacts with this update. I generally just friend back anyone who friends me. I may need to limit that list to PWU folks only. It's 5AM in the morning though, and I haven't had coffee yet :) I'll read about this update carefully and figure out details post-coffee!

    Thank you so much. This is awesomeness!
    Wanderton, tuq1, Kytula and 8 others like this.
  13. I only has enough money to protect Mycelium Heights but not New Autumnville.. :oops:
  14. Now I can finally come out from hiding underground :D
  15. Wooha! Nice work! :D
    khixan likes this.
  16. mmmmf. None of these are small by far, definitely. I guess I'll have to pay to get those areas protected. Thanks for the info.
  17. This is what I wake up to on a Monday morning and you guys expect me to go to work now? How dare you! How can I be expected to work now?

    In short:
  18. Wonderful! Now I have to figure out the best way to get my entire outpost protecte ;) Thanks for all the hard work getting this implemented!!!
    khixan likes this.
  19. This looks amazing!

    What I already love about this system is that, like most other features, its completely different from what is "commonly known". And also that we gain full control over all this (for example: friends are allowed by default but you can override that.. Groups are enabled, but you can override that...).

    I guess us contribs got work to do :)

    This definitely changes my agenda a bit this week: first I'll be giving this some thorough testing later on and as some people seem to somewhat expect of me: I'll also release a guide soonish which explains the basic steps and which will hopefully help some of you guys to quickly get started with this.

    The only concern I have right now (but that's why I need to test all this) is the situation where someone starts using build mode to specifically build something which hinders other players. If that guy has no friends then it could get pretty difficult for other players to get rid of all that. So the opposite of a regular griefing so to speak...
  20. It would just be similar to how regular griefings are handled: it's reported to staff, who will handle it, clear the block protections and assist in removing the hindrance
    607, Vizsco, khixan and 3 others like this.
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