Anti-Griefing Update! 8/15/16

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Aug 14, 2016.

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  1. Aikar is now aware and will add the End. He forgot it.
    khixan, JesusPower2 and WitherDoggie like this.
  2. Remember, that before this update, your friends could also break your blocks....

    The point of this update is to block likely griefers. I sincerely hope that people you've opted to be friends with are not "likely griefers".

    If someone on your friends list still griefs you, then its still griefing and they will be punished. The point of the system is to remove MOST potential. And friends being allowed by default will save more people time not having to toggle it than it would save griefings.

    if we run into an issue where a majority of peoples friends are griefing them.... I think i'm gonna have to consider wiping everyones friends list and triple confirming "Seriously, are you sure this person isn't likely to grief you?" lol...

    I rather the paranoid people have to do the work to change the PS setting, than bother the majority to have to do a "Recommended Setting"
    rdmaster, khixan, ChickenDice and 7 others like this.
  3. WorldEdit/WorldGuard. Actually, there are tons of systems out there, my personal favourite being 'GriefPrevention' (look it up, it's something else!).

    The main issue which all those systems have in common is that players get predefined areas, comparable to our 60x60 town residence. Look at a random residence: you'll notice that in many cases it only contains one or more small(er) building and in many cases the residence isn't fully used. In town not a big deal: in the Frontier that's wasted space.

    With this system only the stuff which actually got build will be protected. Which I think is much better suited for the whole Frontier mindset.

    You could have a neighbour building 3 blocks away and you'd both be protected without 'bothersome' flags such as in town.
    khixan, JesusPower2 and 607 like this.
  4. nice update
    am I the only one that is more exited about this?:

    Current: Anti Griefing
    1.10, Empires
    Next:1.10, Empires
    khixan likes this.
  5. I don't know about everyone else but I fail to see yours.
    Wanderton and NathanRP like this.
  6. this isnt a suggestion thread becuase you said -1 he thought you thought this was a suggestion thread
  7. I do have a question. How far away from spawn will this work? And would it be possible to have, for example, a 1,000-block radius, including many people, and within that a 100-block radius with say one person? Sorry if that's confusing...
  8. The anti-grief update works anywhere that you can build. There is not a set minimum from spawn.

    As for your second question, you'll need to re-word it. I am not clear on what it is you are asking.
    607 and BenMA like this.
  9. Right away. Even within the area where you can't lock containers yet.

    Yes. If you start building and you really, really, really don't want anyone else to mess with it just disable those options. See the /ps command => Anti Grief section.

    You could do 2 things: treat your /friends list as potential builders. So only add people who you'd trust to access your structures. OR... Disable the 'allow friends' and/or 'allow friends to vouch'.

    So back to your example: 1000 block radius with hundreds of people (who also happen to be all your friend). Then you disable the "shared protection" (see above), build your 100 block structure and only you could access this.
    Harp4Christ, khixan and 607 like this.
  10. I was out in the wild/ frontier testing this new system out and i found I was able to remove paintings from the walls. Paintings I did not place.

    Edit: This was of course tested inside of an established outpost.

  11. Maybe you're on the friends list of the person that did place it since I assume you're part of the outpost.
    khixan, AyanamiKun and 607 like this.
  12. No I was using an alt and its not my friends list yet. So it must be a bug.
  13. Nice job dev team! :D
    ANubIsWe3 likes this.
  14. paintings are entities, which are not covered by this system. We will look into expanding it to cover entities, but they have completely different concepts to consider (breeding for one)
    Wanderton, khixan and Zrugite like this.
  15. I didn't say anything that wasn't already said; I just rephrased it to point out the flaw. Look.

    Trying to break uncommon blocks doesn't work, so no punishment for the attempted griefing, as said here:
    Trying to break common blocks works, and isn't logged, so no punishment for the successful griefing, as said here:
    So, doesn't that mean griefers can just roam around in a base, trying to break everything, and get away with it? They would only be able to break common blocks, but it's still griefing, yet there will be no evidence it was them? That's the first thing I imagined when I read these two paragraphs by Aikar, and I still don't see anything telling me otherwise.


    By releasing the list of logged blocks (or giving people the ability to easily figure it out, whatever), they have released the list of non-logged, unprotected blocks as well. They have told griefers what parts of our builds they can grief and get away with, and they've made it even easier for them by not even logging attempted griefing on protected blocks. The response to this is that we should have to rebuild it all, or pay lots of rupees? I'm sorry, but I'm not a fan of this "put the burden on the good guys" philosophy.
    Wanderton, MatthewDA, Zrugite and 3 others like this.
  16. That's why /buildmode exists.

    So the uncommon blocks are protected by default, but if you need to protect common blocks then first enable buildmode, then place the blocks, then disable again. After that even something as trivial as stone will be protected.
  17. Only very targeted and sophisticated griefers would even be going to this level...

    The primary griefers are newer players that don't care if they get banned. They aren't going to think into this detail. They will slip up and reveal themselves in some way.

    By wording it out so clearly as you are, it can assist people in ideas to grief by doing the 'thinking' part for them, which griefers usually do not do.
    Wanderton, khixan, ShelLuser and 2 others like this.
  18. How do i need to see this in costs and calculate it. i have a city that would be nice to protect.
    I have established outpost it seems i just started a few weeks to early with. that outpost have a bit further another building.

    What is the area ?
    What is in this case the protected selection ? outpost and everything inside ?

    What about blocks from others in your town that left or where banned when you want to use SS
    ShelLuser likes this.
  19. But what I'm saying is that it's not high-level thinking. Any and every griefer can just mindlessly break stuff without getting caught, because uncommon blocks don't break and common blocks aren't logged. They wouldn't have to read any of this. It would actually take a more complicated form of griefing to leave evidence. It's harder for them to slip up now!
  20. Great job with the update Aikar! I have been looking forward to this update for a while now, and I am excited to get online and try it out! :) With that said, I do have a few questions...

    Question #1 : Lets say we have a house made out of Diamond Blocks (which is on the Protected Blocks list). What if Mojang releases a new biome made out of Diamond Blocks for example? Does the once Uncommon Block become a Common Block, or is there something I am somehow missing? I imagine that it would just become an Uncommon block and not be protected unless /buildmode is enabled, but I was just looking for some clarification.

    Question #2 : This question may be irrelevant as I haven't had the chance to log in just yet, but I haven't seen anyone mention them yet so I thought I would ask... Where's the frontier spawns that were supposed to be added? :)

    From what I've read so far though, I definitely like the update we got. I will try to get on later to try it out...
    So again, Thank you SO much Aikar and the rest of the Staff team. Yet another amazing update... :D
    PetuniaFigtree and khixan like this.
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