Anti-Griefing Update! 8/15/16

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Aug 14, 2016.

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  1. Awesome! Let's hope i can get out and make some things finally. :D
    ANubIsWe3 likes this.
  2. Aikar, you guys are amazing
    Sgt_Pepper4 likes this.
  3. Yay! I can start work on my mini iron farm at /wild n on smp8! Optimize it. Lately I haven't really seen it producing. But now when I get it fixed, it can stay fixed and everyone will benefit.
  4. We knew it wasn't protected, but we also knew we could report griefings to the staff and they'd have loads of evidence to ban the perpetrators.

    I don't mean to blow anything out of proportion. I guess when I make a bunch of posts in a row about something, it seems like I'm way overthinking it, but I feel like I'm trying to make a pretty simple point: Most griefings are random, and done by new players, who haven't read the forums, and aren't familiar with EMC's system. They just find people's stuff, and break what they can. I'm just worried because the number 1 form of evidence used to ban them in the past is now defunct.

    I mean, okay, maybe I'm wrong and there won't be any minor-yet-unsolvable griefings. But maybe there will be. I just thought it would be better to take preventive measures than have to potentially clean up after a flawed system.
    Wanderton, MrCDub, 607 and 3 others like this.
  5. You seem to be missing the point, Shell. Yes, we can use /buildmode, yes there are ways to protect "common" blocks. Yes, most griefers are stupid and won't selectively target "unprotected" blocks.

    All I see Uber_Corq asking (and I second this) is some kind of reassurance from staff that a griefer who does selectively target blocks can still be caught with this system. After all, up to now the whole point of keeping that list hidden was so griefers didn't know which blocks were safe - the "gotcha!" factor is greatly diminished.

    I don't think asking this question is in any way intended to snub the update - it's fantastic, and long overdue IMO (even if it means New Atlantia has to sit on the backburner for weeks since it was never formally "established").

    PS: Delaware is a couple hundred miles south from here and I'm pretty sure I could still hear khixan shouting for joy. ;D
  6. It hasn't been said yet. But we ARE still tracking information that has not been revealed. I know you were previously a staff member, so you think you know what the implications are to these changes. But I am confident that even with these changes, we will still be able to catch the griefers who try to bypass this system.

    To Everyone: As always, if you experience any sort of griefing, protocol is still to contact Staff for us to investigate :)
  7. We 'may' add those. But what you are wanting is the persistent Empire group. Empires is the next main project after the 1.10 update.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  8. i am not a huge fan of this update cause my friends mess up on things such as farms and i can not fix them e they misplace a hopper then need to go do something i have to wait to fix it

    edit: pls correct me if i am wrong i have only a vague understanding of this update
  9. So I already built some parts of my outpost so does that mean they're protected or do I have to rebuild them? I'm sorry but I can't understand this.
  10. If they are on your friends list you should be able to break their blocks.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  11. The parts of those builds made of 'common' blocks are not protected, so either you have to rebuild or pay to request protection (that's actually why I asked a couple questions above related to such requests).
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  12. also note you wouldn't really need to rebuild the entire thing of the common blocks, but a few of the base ones.
    Even if someone did try to target it, if they hit a few and they say protected, its not like they are going to know which ones are protected and not.

    It's highly unlikely someone would try to break EVERY SINGLE BLOCK in your build.

    Its our job to worry about making sure we have the tools to determine griefing. Let's not create problems before they even exists.

    There are ways we can detect who did it still. and we will adjust if loopholes and issues arise.
    Wanderton, Gawadrolt, 607 and 4 others like this.
  13. Deployed an update

    • add /noprotectmode - opposite of build mode, will ensure no placed blocks are protected. This will mainly be for cases like redstone piston contraptions. Please be careful with it!
    • fix some bugs
    • make non standard sandstone (special ones) protected by default too. (only if placed after this change)
  14. And to ease fears of griefing without logs, I will also add a log for attempted breaks too, so that we will be able to figure it out if we actually do run into a case of targeting common blocks.

    So that will solve your concern Uber.
  15. Yay, we figured this out so amazingly well, considering this is the internet!! :D
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  16. Woooooohooooo so which senior staff wants to follow me around all day and see my cool builds in the wild? Lol.

    I think my only concern here is that someone comes into my frontier outpost and starts building things that should not be there or that get in the way, intentionally or not, that I may need to remove. I doubt staff would be unwilling to help but would such occurances be logged in case it became a repeat problem? Sorry if this has already been addressed

    Edit: nevermid shell already asked and was answered
  17. Ok double post if I havent been ninjad. Would there be a way to have friends "groups" so that our not so close friends can stay friends but our close friends can still break our blocks... and use vouches... which I would honestly let like 3 people in all of emc do, ever.
  18. Then it sounds like you'll want the white list option. Setc your ps settings to off, then modify the players that you want to have blockhead to on individually.
    Gawadrolt and _cTJ_ like this.
  19. Thanks kryssy, I would let most of my friends break blocks I just wouldn't trust most of my friends to use vouches. Just for clarification ;-) Those 3ish people (sometimes i think a couple of them have multiple personalities) are the ones I would give vouches to.
    607 likes this.
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