Original Dragon Egg
Original Dragon Egg
Type: Misc
Released: May 21st, 2013
Update:Dragon Tombs
Obtained by: Could be exchanged for Vanilla Dragon Eggs
Attributes: Final, Soulbound
Lore: This is an EMC Original Dragon Egg
Right-click while sneaking to place an Ender Crystal.
Owners of an Original Dragon Egg have the ability to spawn Ender Crystals on a residence, by right-clicking while sneaking on the location that the user wants the Crystal to spawn. The person holding the Egg must have an Ender Crystal item in their off hand. Each Original Dragon Egg can place an unlimited amount of crystals on the residence. Crystals can only be placed on a residence by the owner of the residence holding the egg. Ender Crystals may be removed by right-clicking it again while sneaking. If an Original Dragon Egg changes owners, the new owner may request to have a previous owner's crystals destroyed.
EMC has a variety of custom-coded items for many uses.
boozle628, Bro_im_infinite, B4DMAN5IMON and 9 others like this.