Cupid's Arrow

Apr 15, 2021
Cupid's Arrow
  • Cupid's Arrow

    Type: Misc
    Released: February 14th, 2015
    Update: Promotional
    Obtained by: Opening Cupid Bundle
    The Cupid's Arrow is a promotional item that was first released on February 14th, 2015. Upon opening the Cupid Bundle, five stacks of Cupid's Arrows were received, along with the Cupid's Bow and Cupid items.

    For the Valentine's Days of 2016 and 2017, players were able to claim a stack of Cupid's Arrows using the command /promo.

    A stack of Cupid's Arrows were also placed in the Valentine's Gift Box of 2020.

    EMC has a variety of custom-coded items for many uses.