Your Favorite God/Goddess?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Ritunn, Sep 13, 2016.

  1. Set.
    khixan likes this.
  2. khixan, UltiPig and ShelLuser like this.
  3. Goddess: Chang'e

    God: Tyr
    khixan, AncientTower and Shadow_Dcord like this.
  4. Someone also plays Smite!

    Edit: I like Neith :D
    khixan and Dj__Krazy like this.
  5. PC or Console?
  6. #pcmasterrace
  7. Great, if you want to add me, my ign is: WordsOfSalt
  8. I haven't played in God knows how long, but i may get back into it :)
    (hehe, see what i did there)
    607 likes this.
  9. That's why I love it.

    It's designed so that it can't be disproven by using the same tactics any other normal religion would, but because of how 'ridiculous' it is (not that much of a far stretch from what's in the Bible to be honest) people say it's 'clearly not true' while they continue to believe in other Gods.
    Zrugite and TotoStyle like this.
  10. I like Aphrodite / Venus
    The god of beauty & love, Chosen to be the prettiest of all gods by Paris.
    I just like beauty and love so wehoo! x'D
    khixan, ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  11. She was on the side of the Trojans, though! :eek:
  12. :O well oh well. its all a game to her XD
  13. Actually if any of you would like to now I made this because I started playing Smite this week. If any of you want to add me I'm ShadowDcord.
  14. I do understand its utility as a potent point of debate and agree that's the purpose for which it was originally intended. I actually find it a little humorous myself if for no other reason than its silly appearance.

    But at the same time I also have never understood the need to actively mock people belonging to traditional faiths, which unfortunately is how I typically see FSM being used on social media these days. If you don't believe in a God or gods, then why spend your time obsessing over those who do? It's seemingly become a form of secular quasi-proselytizing for some. Eh, maybe it's just me.

    Anyway, I always liked reading about the Norse gods and Odin and Heimdallr in particular. One of my fastest Minecraft horses is name Sleipnir after Odin's eight-legged steed.
    607, FluffeMarshmallo and ESSELEM like this.
  15. I do love mythology :D My favorite Greek God/Goddess has to be Poseidon the god of the sea and protector of all aquatic features and horses. I also like Nemesis the goddess of divine retribution and revenge, all though Nemesis is not one of the main gods/goddess's and only a minor goddess she is still great!

    Also may I ask, what Smite is? :p
    khixan and Shadow_Dcord like this.
  16. No idea. I have no problem with people practicing traditional faiths.

    However, I don't know anyone - including myself - who believes in a God anymore. British baby boomers believe in God quite deeply and a lot of their life has been shaped by a religious and ethnic conflict that took place here throughout the 1900s and still continues to this day, so I can see why it'd be stronger. Generation X/my parent's generation tend to be relatively agnostic - they will usually practice their faith, but not very much and tend not to necessarily believe in God, but believe there's a higher power. Millenials and whatever the next generation is called do not believe in a God - those that do are a rarity.

    I suspect a similar thing is happening in the rest of the Western world - i.e the US (who if I recall correctly is the most religious country in the developed world or something? Idk). The younger generation and some from the middle-aged generation will find religion a little bit silly and like to poke fun at it, I guess. And since the chances of offending someone with that stuff is growing slimmer, I'm also guessing it makes people think they can say what they want about it. I've only ever met one person in my own age group who genuinely got offended from me making a joke about religion (locally, I've actually offended many people from the States with stuff like that lol) and they got ridiculed by about 20 other people for being 'stupid enough to believe that anyway' (disclaimer: she has insulted people for 'having no heart' and not believing in a God, so...). I felt really bad, but this person can take criticism (well, unless it targets something she believes I guess lol) and brushed that whole incident off.

    Why am I even responding with big paragraphs to this lol
    Zrugite likes this.
  17. The First, The Last.......Chaos, life giver to the Titans and the puny gods that came after.......
    khixan, Jelle68 and Shadow_Dcord like this.
  18. Smite is a MOBA like League of Legends, in which a team of 5 players choose a God or Goddess and fight against another team of 5 players. In more detail it's a team based Battle Arena where you take towers and try to kill the enemy Titan to win the game, while fighting enemy gods. Lots of Gods and Goddesses are represented, even smaller ones like Nemesis, who kicks butt and always ruins my day. Great MOBA for beginners as the community is really nice and they have a real good tutorial. Pretty easy to get into, but does have a big download.
    If you would like to play it's suggested that you're 13+, because of alcohol reference (very little I should mention) and partial nudity, cause you know Goddesses never really wore much.

    Here is my Refer a Friend link if you want to use it. Gives you a boost and gets me some cool stuff, like a skin for Tyr.