A wise aikar once said that killing the bosses in cheap ways would not work out too well, maybe stepping outside of the protected spawn would help you out a bit
This is an interesting update. But maybe a bit more information on some of the features could be supplied...
Not to complain, but "eerily" is an adverb. Someone might want to change it to "You sense an eerie (or eery) presence..."
We want you guys to figure it out . Thats the best part of this update, we have managed to keep so much of this a secret, and its been hard. We want to tell you guys so much, but we really want to see what you guys figure out on your own. And So far, for just a few hours, you guys are doing amazing.
Cube151 and I noticed that the mob heads drop from the enraged mobs. Not sure if this is true or not though. Anyone know if giants/Marlix spawns more in certain biomes?
So new mobs, more dyeing, harder to get ore's, ghasts spawning 3- 4 at a time moving and shooting fast, oh wait they did that already
It just occurred to me that we can now make creeper fireworks without wasting wither skeleton skulls.
Not me. I got a red message saying "The world you were in no longer exists." But instead of taking me back to town like it said it was, I stayed in the wild.