The EMC Survival Update!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by IcecreamCow, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. This was an error but fixed shortly afterwards. :)
  2. What the %*#( just scared the bejeebus out me and started shooting flaming arrows at me.. o,o'
  3. Creeper Head!!! W00t! And some zombie Virus! Selling both for 12345r each!
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  4. I assume this is due to the update... Well:
    This isn't any problem, I have spawned in the exact same location. Just thought I'd mention this... (I have cut the code in there because I'm not sure if it could possibly give away my secret location, if staff need it PM me ;))
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  5. Ooh, very nice! :)
    Just wondering if this update applies to both the Wasteland and the Frontier?
  6. I have looted 4 regular skellie heads and 3 virus vials trying to see if that "eerily presence" will return so I can figure out what it was.. o,o'
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  7. Me, AmusedStew, and Curundu all just killed a Marlix. Took us about a half hour.
    Shame he only dropped 28 diamonds and a skele head...
  8. Yes, I have encounter both Enraged Skellies and Zombies plus the Netherhounds in both worlds..
    will_iamd likes this.
  9. The eerily presence is a Marlix! Where were you? Me, Curu, and Stew will help kill it. Took us a half hour with the 3 of us
  10. I can't believe Marlix went to the cave and I trapped him into there.

  11. Is that the eerie presence that was shooting at me in the rain..? o,o'
  12. It appeared several MC nights ago during a rainstorm, the sound scared the crud out of me and I ran back to the outpost without ever seeing it.. It hasn't returned since.. T-T
  13. LUCKY! We just spent a half hour killing Marlix, and the only good drops we got were 27 shiny arrows and a skele head!
  14. Has anyone tried using these new skulls to make a boss? Like the same way you do it when you make a wither boss
  15. I don't think that they would work that way unless Aikar has been tinkering with them.. xD
  16. Is the skull that Marlix drops different than regular Skellie skulls? o,o'
  17. Me, Stew, and Curu just went to our base and found a giant. 8 shiny flesh and 3 zombie heads. Manaico, Im using my Zombie Head to test your theory!
  18. No