The EMC Survival Update!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by IcecreamCow, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. I just got threw reading the whole thread, I'm just like flailing. Best Update. Ever.
  2. what does the zombie virus do?
  3. do any special mobs spawn from a spawner? cuz if that happens it will be a lot easier to get the new stuff
  4. Yes spawners spawn special mobs
  5. good to know,
    thanks for the quick answer
  6. Does this meanthe empire will be in survival?
  7. It always has been in survival.
  8. Me kirby and curundu took home a victory trophy today...
    we will be auctioning it soon.... we couldn't decide who keeps it :p
    mba2012 and THE_LEGEND4 like this.
  9. Woot! More Survival! Not enough Normal! More Loot, but more gear required. New Mobs, but, tougher to kill.... I sense something is yet, to be revealed...
  10. Well, if someone was killed by a Giant in a few hits when they have god armor on..... and I don't wear any armor...... I'm pretty much dead.

    In a completely unrelated story, Adderwolf71 breaks an EMC record for dying 17 times in a row from one mob.
  11. More like 1 unless I can get mine fixed :p
  12. I will pay you 1r to have it in my inventory for one snapshot. That is all.
  13. Wait, can they break? :p
  14. I placed it and now it's the same as if ICC died and dropped a head (if he fixes it, I'm placing a new not so rare head...)
    No thanks :)
    THE_LEGEND4 likes this.
  15. If I donated a 100 dollars and lose that, I would be in a monsterly big rage. And just delete my Minecraft account. Move to another country. Change name. And live as a trader in Egypt.
    mba2012, PenguinDJ and brickstrike like this.
  16. Haha how do you get your own head?
  17. How do you get Zombie Viruses? I assume killing zombies, but I could be wrong..... XD
  18. You get killed and your friend picks it up or you pick it up at a bed nearby. (rare)
    I believe the come from any type of zombie, but, it may just be the enraged.

    I think that the dragon tombs will be guarded by a secret boss, you must prove your worthy. That would be cool and sweet, but, it may not happen. It will be _______.
  19. Psst.... we should jump of the H11 building and try to get heads....
    pat2011, smile3, L0tad and 2 others like this.