I was just scrolling past the Recently Active Threads list and thought I saw your profile picture. I was of course mistaken.
Last time I saw you here you were actively trying to wipe yourself off of EMC.. glad to see you back!
I wasn't trying to wipe myself off EMC. Just my old posts. Which I still am, I just haven't done a good job of it 😂
I see you lookin at my thread... I literally saw that by accident while browsing Hash98's stuff and such.
Funny how a few years ago I had debates with you saying the UK should leave the EU. 2 years later and this has me worried and I love the EU :P http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-eu-poll-yougov-idUKKCN0Y00HR
I did some research and stuff over the last year, and I quickly drifted towards pro-EU. It's necessary, it's a good thing to be a part of, and it does have room for change: we just need to be more involved, instead of backing away when France and Germany do stuff and then we complain afterwards. I also mainly like the freedom of movement just because it makes me getting the hell out of England that much easier lol.
I had a debate with my mum and dad about this just now. Dad appears to just have an island mentality, seems to have Europhobia and hasn't researched the benefits at all. Mum was going to vote with what she'd heard (to leave), but I managed to convince her that there's no job opportunities for what I'd like to go into in the UK and its all in the mainland, so she should vote for what I want too.
Oh this guy is on fire with his puns. That's partly why they call him Big Pun, that and the fact it's a contraction of Big Punisher.
His best line: "Dead in the middle of little Italy, little did we know that we riddled two middlemen who didn't do diddly"
"Mining is good, but chopping is for the children. That's why I recommend /v +tree on SMP8." - Old Dirty Barsteward, Wu-Tang Clan
Result: We let you do all the hard thinking, and we just continue to post our chinchilla pics! :D It's a win-win!