Last activity:
Sep 10, 2022
Nov 9, 2011
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Fareham, Hampshire, England
Retired Software Engineer

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Dedicated Member, Male, from Fareham, Hampshire, England

ZBSDKryten was last seen:
Sep 10, 2022
    1. Gap542
    2. NeedsFoodBadly
      Your avatar reminded me it may be time to rewatch some Red Dwarf. Fun, fun, fun...in the sun, sun, sun...
      1. ZBSDKryten likes this.
    3. cowland123
      I just took the time to read your signature, I read it about as quickly as I read normally. It works xD
      1. ZBSDKryten likes this.
    4. Daemoshiin
      Holy wow, a Red Dwarf reference.
      1. ZBSDKryten likes this.
    5. GTO007
      Yeah I tried to travel to your main location but after ending up at the island and then walking down to the first weigh point and then down a ladder into a great looking hallway...I did not know which way to go, so I traveled back to our location.
      1. ZBSDKryten likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. ZBSDKryten
        Completed now working on replacing upper footpath with track
        Jan 24, 2015
      4. ZBSDKryten
        We now have a full rail connection and will devise a change-over station at the main junction :)
        Jan 25, 2015
      5. GTO007
        Sounds great...
        Jan 29, 2015
    6. GTO007
      When they start the official claiming of land do you want to work together as we have places that are way out with many nether rails? We have a lot of farms for all kinds of stuff. I can extend the rail if you want to your place...let me know. We need more people to join us out here and you were the first choice. matthewDA and I are on a lot at night so it doesnt matter the time dif.
      1. ZBSDKryten
        I have a rail station in the nether , but it's at a much lower level than the walkway as it is a direct link to my blaze grinder - though it does connect via a perpendicular ladder. As for land claim, to be honest I've never looked into that but I'm for it.
        Jan 22, 2015
    7. GTO007
      I have not visited your place but know that there is a rail to your area from ours I think. Is it ok if I visit your area? We are both mature players that have been on t his server for over 2 years.
      1. ZBSDKryten likes this.
      2. ZBSDKryten
        You're welcome to visit or build if you wish, we probably don't see much of each other because I'm on GMT so 5 - 6 hours ahead of you. I am amazed at the size and scale of your buildings - quite astonishing :) The rail goes only to an abandoned island about 5k south of my place the rest at the moment is on foot in the nether.
        Jan 18, 2015
    8. GTO007
      Hey just wanted to introduce myself. MatthewDA has been talking to you I think about joining us at our place in the wild. I think we are just south of you and with this whole territory thing, it may be good to work together and be able to claim more territory. Let me or MatthewDA know and we can chat sometime in the game to see how we can work together.
      1. ZBSDKryten likes this.
    9. FDNY21
      Your signature is magical. *salutes*
      1. ZBSDKryten and colepuncher like this.
    10. Gap542
      I've been wondering your age for so long..
      1. ZBSDKryten likes this.
      2. Gap542
        WOAH.. your age was posted below some time ago xD Now I know :p
        Jul 19, 2014
    11. Equinox_Boss
      I love your sig :D
      1. ZBSDKryten likes this.
    12. 607
      Yes, I kenw taht for ptrety long aadrley. It's aslo a fact that msot of the time leongr wdors are eieasr to read than sothrer words. (Wow, this was not taht esay to witreXD
      1. Equinox_Boss and ZBSDKryten like this.
    13. jacob5089
      I forgot to wish you. Happy birthday so happy birthday!
      1. Equinox_Boss and ZBSDKryten like this.
    14. Zudea
      Happy birthday!
      1. Equinox_Boss and ZBSDKryten like this.
    15. synth_apparition
      Happy birthday ZBSD :D I just realised your profile picture is from Red Dwarf xD
    16. Olga
      Habby brithday :)
      1. Equinox_Boss and ZBSDKryten like this.
    17. Faeghost
      You love Red Dwarf! :D "I'm gonna eat ya little fishy."
      1. Equinox_Boss and ZBSDKryten like this.
    18. penfoldex
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
    19. The_Boulder
      Heard you visited LLO, what you and grandson what think of the place :)
      1. Equinox_Boss likes this.
      2. ZBSDKryten
        Brilliant - but I must say that it was difficult to get around in places due to lack of streets (and lighting) ;)
        Oct 9, 2012
    20. Twitch1
      Happy 63rd birthday! :)
      1. Equinox_Boss and ZBSDKryten like this.
      2. ZBSDKryten
        Thanx - especially for the age inclusion :) "When you get older, losing your hair, many years from now...... la-de-la-la etc" ;)
        Sep 9, 2012
      3. Twitch1
        I had to do it haha. I know, my hair is already mostly grey but nowhere in the description selections of hair does it list "salt & pepper" as a choice. :)
        Sep 9, 2012
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  • Signature

    Aoccdrnig to rseeacrh at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.


    Fareham, Hampshire, England
    Retired Software Engineer