That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. the answer would be: minecraft PhYsiiks!
  2. That moment when you accidentally press something that brings up a help page, asking you "Was this information useful?"
    ShelLuser and tuqueque like this.
  3. erm...

    That moment when... someone griefs someone's house and puts signs up saying it was me that did it...

    kinda sucks...
    ShelLuser and tuqueque like this.
  4. That moment when a glitch is discovered:

  5. g g g ghosts, scoob!
    Boozle_ likes this.
  6. That moment when you pour your cereal into a bowl but you don't have any milk :mad:
    Rhythmicaly and ShelLuser like this.
  7. That moment when you fight a wither, but forget that you're on diff 7 and lose all your everything.
  8. want to say that i liked in empathy... not in MWAHAAHHAA loserrrrrrr you lost your everything... because i have lost my everything to ghasts while walking along one block wide dirt bridges across lava too many times to be anything but empathetic!
  9. That moment when a black obelisk appears! :eek:

    2015 - A Nether Odyssey?

    With thanks to Misuzumi who discovered this and informed us all about it.

    In case you're wondering how this is possible: sorry, I'm pretty sure I know how this was done but I'm not going to comment on that just yet. Not before Senior Staff has had a chance to look into this one (they're informed). I consider this a small form of an exploit (griefing exploit?) so yeah...

    But I don't think it hurts to show the pictures.
    607, Rhythmically and PenguinDJ like this.
  10. That moment when you add a joke answer to a forum poll in your first post:

    (I included the advertisement thing just because the last option was "Tribute," which seems appropriate since it was my welcome thread... >_> Pretty good representation of my time here. XD)
    ShelLuser, FDNY21, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  11. That moment when you get pink eye, go to the doctors and they prescribe you some eye drops. The doctor tells you they will fax the info so you will get the eye drops when you arrive at your pharmacy. You get there and ask but they say they have not gotten anything. They say it should be a half an hour. You come back to find that the info isn't correct. They say it should be another half hour. You wait. You check in AGAIN. Nothing.... Then you wait another half hour. In the end from the time of your doctors appointment to getting the eye drops it takes you 3 hours.... NOT fun...
  12. That moment when a momentus that you spent 2 hours catching suffocates and you lose CMT. :(
  13. That moment when...

    You're so close yet also so far away :confused:
    welshficwitch, 607 and PenguinDJ like this.
  14. always...always... always carry masses of dirt in the nether for bridges...
    ShelLuser likes this.
  15. Sorry guys, a little more fanboy'ism for ya....

    That moment when you realize just how awesome EMC can be when it comes to flexibility...

    So what happened here? I only get supporter vouchers because a subscription means that Paypal insists that I either link my credit card or bank account onto my Paypal account and that is not going to happen ever. The only reason I use Paypal now is because I can wire money without ties. Read: should my account get hacked or compromised I know what I can lose up front, and it won't be much.

    Anyway, my gold voucher runs out today and I already have stocked up a bit: I am SO going to go through December as a Gold (or Dia) supporter... So I figured: "since my gold runs out tomorrow, why don't I try to redeem my iron today?".

    I think it's awesome that even when using vouchers you can still more or less get lucky and get a seemingless transition from one level into the other (or a continuance of course).

    Iron, here I come! :)

    But December I'm going gold or higher ;)

    And obviously: thanks Krysyy!
    607 likes this.
  16. That moment when... you can't figure out where your voters gear is. Can't find it on any SMP, my vault, or anything :(
  17. that moment when you realise you should be making homework....
    ShelLuser, 607 and Lukas3226 like this.
  18. Making??

    The moment when something doesn't make sense to you :confused:
  19. Oh come on, he's Dutch :p
    This is actually one of the most commonly made mistakes by Dutch people in English ;)

    Jelle, if you'd be making the homework, you'd be making up the questions yourself. If you're answering them, the expression is "doing homework" :)
    Jelle68 and ShelLuser like this.
  20. 607 said:

    EDIT: the replay button doesn't work....