That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. You hand someone the moon and they ask for the stars
  2. That moment when you got wax all over your desk and mouse...
    Don't ask why
  3. you can't step through it, but you do get a red haze around your "vision" if you get too close!
    607 likes this.
  4. that moment when you buy a 35K pick on accident and he will not refund it

  5. that moment when... you spawn back in and you're in the middle of a cult...
  6. I don't think you've ever been able to step through it. There have been ways to get through it, though, although I don't know if they've been fixed since. Examples of things you could try are ender pearls, boats and tnt.
    ShelLuser and Gawadrolt like this.
  7. I'm pretty sure it has all been fixed. Some people thought it funny to leave chests on the other side and keep their things there. Then the fix came and they were all asking to have their stuff back XD
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  8. Try doing that in the wild with an obsidian portal frame... And the 54 portals you built are one block larger than max. ;)

    That's where my summer went
    ShelLuser, 607 and ThaKloned like this.
  9. Oh I was in the wild lol and was building at level 175 XD Didn't build a safety net either :p *No obsidian used though, thankfully*
  10. Mine was at a similar height, except it was over a swamp. So I just had to climb the ladder for two minutes =P
  11. That moment when you are building an obsidian portal at "y 217", fall past Marix and bounce off Momentus, before you hit ground.

    No joke, fall rom 217 with a load of obsidian, run out to find that I have to get past Marlix, to get to my pile at the feet of Momentous, Who has a 2nd Marlix flying around behind him.

    Have I mentioned how much I dislike the increased spawn rates? Went from running at base difficulty 7 to difficulty 1. and still can't get 1/2 done what I used to due to the constant mini spawns.

    Marlix kills dif 7: 3 - loot 4 bones, 3 arrows
    Marlix kills dif 2 or lower: 9 - loot tokens awarded once.
    Momentus kills dif 2 or lower: 4 - loot 2 vault vouchers tokens awarded 3 times.

    and now I can't even fight them, I lag out for a split second and the dmg dealt resets. 6 minutes of fighting Momentus (potions and apples) without breaking combat and he still didn't die. Gave up pouted about it in chat, next morning someone came out and snuffed him and I went back to my build.

    That moment when you realise your build took 4 times as long to complete because you had to flood the entire area 1st to stop Marlix/Momentous from respawning every 28 minutes.

    3 months playing never saw either of them once (they didn't even load properly in the tutorial). now I just sigh and log out when the earth shakes for the 3rd time in an hour.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  12. Most people are actually excited to see those mobs *.* means you might get the rare promo drops. but i guess not everyone cares for them ^^;
    DatFoxMan, ShelLuser and Galantisizer like this.
  13. That moment when you AFK at a gold farm, and when you get back, you find out the server reset so you can't kill the ones that spawned while you were AFK.

    If you want, I could come over there and kill them for you :)
  14. 2 weeks construction, minimum 3 spawns a day that I mentioned in chat or directly asked for assistance with, 1 reply equating to I'd kill it but I'd rather dig a hole on my rez. makes me believe that your "most people are excited" comment is based entirely on your individual preference.
    not going to touch the differences between mini boss drops and promo items.

    /smp9, /wild s, head south until you see a nether brick pathway out into the ocean, follow the path to the giant smp9 piclic farms! banners, had up to the nether portal, take a minecart trip (spare minecarts available), when you arrive at the desert temple head up to the 2nd level on the north side, use the wood lock to jump the glass, the construction area is impossible to miss, to the NE.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  15. Well, that comment also spawns from what we've seen on the forums of course. But I have to admit that I also think most people like it; I usually have little problems finding someone interested in killing Marlix whenever I encounter him (I don't like fighting Marlix). Of course I also often don't find anyone and it gets to jitter around the area some more.

    SMP9 is a bit difficult for me because I'm usually stuck in the wasteland for a survival game / story project, but I'm definitely going to try to check this out later today (fortunately I'm not that far away from an outpost). If the trip is doable enough then you just found yourself a Momentus slayer. No promises yet (I'll PM you) but if I'm right then you're free to contact me any time a Momentus is bothering you and I'll come over and remove it. My fee is obviously the drops it might give me (usually try to slay it on diff. 8 these days).

    I'm pretty often online (though most likely less so next week, but definitely a few hours in the evening (local time)).
    607 likes this.
  16. Actually, i personally am very bad at killing those mobs. Even enraged mobs are hard for me. But if i have a partner, i'll happily *attempt* to kill it.

    My experience of people liking to kill them is based on my time spend *in town* while i listen to supporters talking in town chat. And from non-supporters coming back to town and announcing they've slayed marlix. I guess smp8 might be a lot different than smp9. We also get constant wither spawning and killing in smp8. It's lively. You should hop onto smp8 to ask for assistance.

    Edit: well, your problems are fixed now
    607 likes this.
  17. That moment when you realize you have an orthodontist appointment tomorrow and you haven't been wearing a retainer for the past six weeks.
  18. That moment when starbucks sponsors your soccer team ^.^
  19. Why?
    Boozle_ likes this.
  20. fite me