That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. Leave it up to Aikar to ruin an awesome deal for me. Maybe I should ask him for compensations :)

    (just kidding guys!)

    If you use /ps you'll find a new setting: MiniBoss Spawns. Set this to No and you no longer have to worry about bosses coming to ruin your party.
    607 and Gawadrolt like this.
  2. That moment when you don't need an x-ray texture pack to look through walls... :confused:

    Weird experience this was; the longer I walked around, the more I could see through my house. But relogging (/smp5 + /smp2) fortunately fixed it.
    BlinkyBinky likes this.
  3. This happened to me when I teleported to my brothers res while lying in a bed
    607 likes this.
  4. that moment when you're falling through the world because of your internet connection... so you start looking for ores in the chunk to dig for!
  5. That moment when you try to take over the "Recently Active Threads" but there is an auction you can't bid in...
    607 likes this.
  6. Three little piglets find their way home and start bothering one of my friends ;)

    607 likes this.
  7. actually they were kinda cute ! , but apart from their creepy looks at me you know
    607 and ShelLuser like this.

  8. That moment when you realise you're online with a load of sweet innocents...
  9. thaaaaaaaaaat moment when you FINALLY get an ok to join a server that you wanted to join half a year ago (before you joined empire), and you walk through their info spawn thinking "you know who did economy better? empire..." "know who made claiming a home easier? empire..." "know who would have a staff member online at this time of day? empire..."
    ShelLuser, BlinkyBinky and 607 like this.
  10. ... am I a sweet innocent? I don't know if I should be disappointed or proud about that :rolleyes:
  11. proud! when you tumble down to my level you become a threat to all other innocents...
    WayneKramer likes this.
  12. That moment when...
    Starzival and BathroomSkiing like this.
  13. That moment when the nubs join SMP2:

    607 likes this.
  14. chicken invasion @ frontier!

    i thought wastelands were bad but this is really crazy b/c theyre even in the quartz! :eek:

    makes an awesome egg farm though ^.^
    ItsMeWolffpack, welshficwitch and 607 like this.
  15. That moment after you have killed 3 Momenti in one wasteland area (they were all at least 200 blocks apart, so definitely not a glitch or such)...

    The bad news though is that Aya lost all her gear. But fortunately this loot can make up for that a little...
    607 and welshficwitch like this.
  16. that moment when... HOW ARE THEY DOING THIS? that is a double freaking fence? why can my horses teleport?!

    ShelLuser, 607 and ChickenDice like this.
  17. apologies for double post but...

    That Moment When you let welshie help you build and mention you'll need lots of wood...

    this will all be gone when you get back, jdog37

    edit: that moment when you realise fire doesn't spread in town...

    edit2 : that moment when you're reminded you had admin, and apparently could have turned on fire spread instead of giving yourself carpel tunnel...
    ShelLuser likes this.
  18. That moment when....

    ... new god armor :cool:

    With special thanks to WeezerNL for helping me out with this one (gotta love his res. spawn point, don't you agree? Prismarine for the win!) :)
    welshficwitch, 607 and f_Builder_s like this.
  19. The moment when you think you're in trouble, while you're actually not...

    Found this under the Southern outpost on SMP2. Immediately started placing torches when I suddenly realized that I was in the protected area already ;)
  20. that moment when...

    you throw an egg at a chicken by accident...

    i'm sure it's on here already...

    but oh the guilt...that little horrified cluck of pain...
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.