[Suggestion] Un-Nerf TNT

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Mob_Meal, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. If you are not aware, TNT is nerfed on EMC. It will not chain reaction fire (one exploding TNT set off another). You can't dig straight down, stack TNT in the hole and light the top one, only one TNT will explode.

    This was done to help protect structures and make TNT griefing more difficult. When I first discovered this Aikar said that he may set it back more vanilla with anti-greifing.

    My suggestion is to set TNT back to vanilla now that we have anti-grief in place. This would require no special coding (I don't think). Just remove the nerf that was put in by EMC.
  2. for some reason I remember a grief party held by a staff member, and I thought it was already like this....*shrug*

  3. Then I can finally blow up the waste. :)
    UltiPig and ChristmasTower like this.
  4. I'm a certified Redstone explosive tinkerer. May make me actually want to go to the waste to blow stuff up, I do like my explosions.

    607 and Sgt_Pepper4 like this.
  5. Massive night before the reset /waste tnt grief party......... +3 +2 +1 ....Kaboooooom.
    TBirdXmas16 and Sgt_Pepper4 like this.

  6. I can confirm this is still nerfed in the wild as of 2 days ago.
    Carbonyx likes this.
  7. +0

    *fills an entire res from bedrock to sky with TNT*
    *lights one*
    *EMC crashes*
    jjhhgg100123 likes this.
  8. Maybe there is a way to limit how many can be chained together (doubtful). I was just basing this off of Aikar's own comment from over a year ago that this nerf could be lifted.
    Nickblockmaster and 607 like this.
  9. +1

    Now, I don't think this rule was set up with griefing in mind but more so to reduce lag. And because we're sometimes still experiencing some of that I'm not too sure how feasible the suggestion is.

    Doesn't mean I don't agree with it of course, if this would be possible then I'd love it. Playing with TNT can be quite some fun and my favorite part is always to try and 'chain' my explosions. So you have a few loud bangs, then nothing seems to happen for a short while and all of a sudden: bang! The last ones eventually got triggered and also exploded :)
    Sgt_Pepper4, 607 and Mob_Meal like this.
  10. Now that we have the anti-griefing update, I think this would be nice for the ones who like to use TNT. +1 :)

    1. That'd be more than 265 double chests of TNT, which is quite a lot.
    2. That'd be way too funny lol
  11. +infinity, I myself would find this very useful when building farms in the nether :)
    Mob_Meal likes this.
  12. To clarify questions as to the original reason for the nerf I can tell you factually it was due to griefing concerns as stated by Aikar himself.

    The full unedited thread can be found here (please don't post to it, it is well over a year old):
    607 likes this.
  13. One player has actually started a TNT project for this ;)

    I don't recall all the names but I do recall having come across a residence which was jampacked with TNT :p But I don't know if it ever got blown up. To my knowledge the residence was never fully filled.

    Also noteworthy: if you place TNT against each other then both will blow up even if you triggered only one. But it doesn't really chain react ;)
    Nickblockmaster and 607 like this.
  14. this was actually discussed on mumble the other day. We will add back chaining, but just saying... Doing that is an extreme waste of money and super inefficient.

    If you want to TNT mine ,setting them off 1 by 1 is the most efficient.
  15. Wow, I'd really love to see that!

    And sure, you're right of course but... Sometimes it's all about fun and not so much efficiency :)
    Nickblockmaster and 607 like this.
  16. Maybe we should only change it in the Wastelands?

    Chain reacting TNT has one purpose: destruction for entertainment.

    Not sure we need that in the Frontier.
  17. That sounds like the best idea to me.

    Not too many players will use this (I will definitely be playing with it) but limiting it like you said will also help you reduce lag (I think), and as you said: it makes little sense in the Frontier. The current system is really just fine as it is, but... chaining can be fun. For going b00m :)

    I like your thinking!
    Nickblockmaster and 607 like this.
  18. what about in town? i've used it to clear out dirt quickly. not a whole res but just an area.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  19. This is just my 2 cents, but if you already used it for clearing out then isn't it fair to say that it already works? ;)