[Suggestion] Un-Nerf TNT

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Mob_Meal, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. Towns fine too. Just limit chaining in Frontier.

    What may seem like a desolate mountain may contain someones personal home inside, which you wont know until you just blew it all up.
  2. We have server changes that slow the chain reaction speed down, so it cant crash the server.
  3. Ah, yeah, I'd love to see it getting possible in the wastelands, again! And town too!
    Not the frontier, though.
    But I see I got to this thread a bit too late. ;)
  4. 265 dc's of tnt at I thought it was 80 k a DC roughly? So that's 212.2 million rupees, or a ton of work. I don't think too many people will be doing that.
    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  5. I'm working on a project that is a massive hole all the way to bedrock. By my calculations, it's roughly 5.5 Million blocks to remove. I think I've removed between 0.5 and 1 mil so far. Just thought TNT would be a fun way to break up the monotony sometimes.

    Edit: The only time I ever use TNT is for massive projects in the wild. For me, keeping the Wild nerfed and freeing up the waste and town is pointless. I'm glad my suggestion may bring joy to others though.
    607 and Nickblockmaster like this.

  6. With the automatic block protections I highly doubt you would accidentally break someone's underground base. And even if you could, when I'm dropping them one at a time I place a ring of protected blocks and TNT in the middle, light and repeat the TNT. I don't really even look into the hole until I think I'm close to bedrock.
    607 likes this.
  7. digging large holes for nether farms witch farms etc and even tree farms
    607 and Mob_Meal like this.
  8. And clearing resses of dirt.
  9. Exactly. But I wasn't gonna say it, cause I think Aikar is anti-farm.
    607, Nickblockmaster and Pab10S like this.
  10. that has already happened, icc did it. so not rlly an excuse lol
  11. yeah except sometimes people who have wildbases and stuff actually want to clear a large space for builds.....so maybe like include open frontier tnt use on owned land? also, wouldntgrief protection still protect builds from this?
    Tuqueque, 607, Mob_Meal and 2 others like this.
  12. Completely off-topic and days late, but you're probably thinking of this TNT res project as well.
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  13. That's the one! I couldn't find it anywhere for some reason, thanks! :)
    607 and FunWart like this.
  14. Yes, protected blocks are TNT proof. I have tested this. Surrounded TNT with glass in the wild, lit it and boom! Glass was untouched. I know this is the case with other protected blocks as well.
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  15. If I ever leave EMC I'd love to do this as my goodbye. Blow up a load of TNT, crash the server, get permabanned, leave. It would be glorious.
  16. Sorry, but I doubt you'd get banned for that. :p You'll probably be able to add some things to it, though.
    (but make sure you don't get ip banned, please)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  17. Fun fact (I learned this thanks to Aya btw): Pigmentus, the main gold farm on SMP8, once lagged out the entire server :D

    Many pigmen got injured during that fight, some rumors even mention that it wasn't so much Pigmentus but more so a pigmen invasion which, thanks to Aikar's AI experimentations, somehow tried to invade the Empire.

    But bottom line: to my knowledge no one got banned. However, some requests were made to try and prevent that from happening in the future ;)
    607 likes this.
  18. Yes please not the frontier. Keeping it as pristine as possible is one of the best aspects of this server. With the exception of player builds of course.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  19. I agree! +1 Million!! It makes it really difficult to mine out your res with TNT because of the nerf, and now that Anti-Grief is in place, TNT will not explode protected blocks, just like creepers won't. So why not bring regular vanila back?

    EDIT: Chaining should be banned in the waste and frontier, but not town, as your residence is your own responsibility... so if someone explodes it because you gave them ignite flag, then that is a personal problem, but of course you should report the player because he was set out to grief.

    EDIT (Again lol): ^^ he/she**