Rules Reminder: PvP/UHC and Illegal Mods

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Apr 22, 2016.

  1. Do not negatively troll other players.
    • We're all up for a joke, but when people start getting upset, it's no longer funny. If you are reported, the issue is no longer a joke, regardless of initial intent.
  2. Lol Boulder the ninja
  3. sooo how about that weather?
  4. Oh my god, you guys.

    So PenguinDJ explicitly and blatantly confesses to committing a ban-able offence, accepts that he will likely be banned for it, and then gets banned for it.

    What is unfair about this scenario?

    So, I guess the implication here is that he lied about hacking, and should therefore be unbanned?

    Okay, regardless of what "should" be done according to whomever you ask, here's what I want to know:

    What was the point of this? Why did you (PenguinDJ) publicly state that you broke the rules, only to turn around and say you didn't, and that your ban was unwarranted? What exactly are you trying to prove about the system, or the staff, or whatever, and in what way will it be constructive? Like, what is the ideal end-goal that we're supposed to arrive at here?

    Rather than helping anything, it looks more like you're just trying to prove some misguided point, or maybe set some legal precedent for an action that we really don't want to become commonplace. I don't want to fight anyone, and I don't mean to take a side, but I just feel like your actions have caused only destruction, or at least primarily, and I don't see a benefit here, or really anything positive. Maybe you have some grand design that will all be clear in due time, but I can't pretend I'm enjoying the process.
  5. Uber is #TeamKrysyy
    WitherDoggie and PenguinDJ like this.
  6. No one was upset/pissed. The staff overreacted to a joke, and an investigation should be conducted.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  7. I think it is kind of late for an investigation.

    And the doc seemed pretty serious to me.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  8. Why is it late for an investigation?
  9. Someone reported it. Penguin was punished. I'm done repeating myself. It's just falling on deaf ears.
  10. From your point of view no one was upset but members telling me in pms or starting convo on site about it tells me else wise. You think it's not a overreaction but getting over 20 reports a day about same thing/same people still doing it is troublesome. Also you don't know if we did investigation into the manner and what was the end conclusion about it.
    crystaldragon13 and We3_Nub like this.
  11. Kind of hard to investigate somebody who knows he is being investigated online.
  12. I don't understand how you can correlate prank calling a disallowed Minecraft client versus prank calling bombing a school which would surely kill hundreds of innocent children if followed through.

    There is absolutely no relation that can be drawn. That's like comparing a school bully to an ISIS militant.

    Don't even.
  13. I am well aware that one is significantly worse than the other, BUT it is the same principle. Someone made a joke/threat about hacks and someone else felt threatened.
    crystaldragon13 and We3_Nub like this.
  14. Oh no he has a chance to possibly be using an advantage in Minecraft! I feel so threatened!

    Grow up.
  15. Oh sorry. I guess I just shouldn't build on my residence because I wouldn't want anyone to think I was griefing.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  16. I might feel threatened because that means he would be coming after me with a sword a lot quicker.
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  17. Watch the rudeness.
  18. @staff, by making these types of reminder threads right after something significant and obvious happens (I.e the controversial ban of a well known player), you're literally asking for an assload of drama to start.

    No idea what you expect, maybe "oh let's take this reminder and COMPLETELY ignore this super significant and controversial thing that just happened".
  19. I personally believe that a permaban is too harsh for crime that was not even done(x-ray wise). I do not see how that is reasonable from just the actions that dj has performed.