Minecraft 1.12

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Unoski, Feb 8, 2017.

  1. This sounds very interesting. I'm especially excited about these two:
    • Fixed MC-115064 - Custom advancements in world folder use the "minecraft" namespace instead of folder name
    So in other words: custom advancements not working was probably caused by a bug and not so much the syntax I used. So it's time to try this again:)But I also think that an assumption I made earlier was wrong:

    • Fixed MC-115157 - No advancements on server
    I assumed that those advancements weren't there because the server operator had to make them. That appears to be wrong, but that's also why I don't always like testing Minecraft: because you have to guess about stuff which makes it a lot harder to decide if something was intended or is actually a bug.

    The only thing I don't particularly like is that beds seem to be white now by default (based on the official report). I'd rather have seen that they kept the default red color but became dyable, somewhat comparable to the shulker boxes.

    Oh well :)
    607 likes this.
  2. Agreed. But I guess it wouldn't make sense if you crafted a bed using white wool, and it became red. How would you craft a white bed, if that were the case?
    TomvanWijnen and ShelLuser like this.
  3. I like how microsoft likes to push updates out to us too fast. They didn't even complete 1.9, 1.10, and now 1.11.
  4. Microsoft is and has NOT been responsible for 'any' of the Minecraft updates.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  5. 607, ShelLuser and PetezzaDawg like this.
  6. The only thing I seriously fail to understand with regards to the snapshots is the kind of new bugs they manage to bring into the game. Especially when we're talking about features which used to work as expected.

    Anyway, don't bother to try and run the server because chances are very high you'll run into MC-115979: the server won't start at all :confused:

    Small output snippet:
    ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized format specifier [d]
    ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized conversion specifier [d] starting at position 16
    in conversion pattern.
    ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized format specifier [thread]
    ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized conversion specifier [thread] starting at positi
    on 25 in conversion pattern.
    607 likes this.
  7. I don't understand how they manage to create bugs with things completely unrelated to what they change in snapshots.
  8. Sometimes, pieces of programs don't work as expected. The reasons can range from simple/trivial, to highly obscure/confusing and frustrating.
    607 likes this.
  9. Although true it's also something which can usually be prevented by using / applying a design model onto your software. Only not many developers do that, they develop software and not necessarily design or think about the design.

    And that is also why you often see software which sometimes reaches a limit to something (think about the block amount for example) while that wouldn't have been necessary provided you kept the option for expansion in mind when you developed/designed the software.

    Problem is: just like with backups most people will only come to realize this when the damage is already done. For software projects this often implies a complete or partial rewrite to allow the new design to actually work.

    I've seen this happening just too many times to recognize some possible symptoms.
    607 likes this.
  10. If anyone would like to watch videos covering all features of new snapshots, I'd highly recommend slicedlime. He's been the best at what he does for a while, in my opinion.

    ShelLuser likes this.
  11. https://minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-17w16a

    1.12 is now feature-complete. Mojang is starting to wrap-up this update, entering their polishing/bug fixing phase.

    I guess ( none of this is confirmed ) that Mojang releases 1.12 by Friday, May 12 (weekend into Mother's Day), and then to EMC sometime by mid-July.

    Although there are some considerable internal changes in this update, I partially think it will not affect the time it'll take for mods, plugins, and EMC itself to be updated. Aikar himself has been privately informed from Mojang at last year's Minecon on 1.12.

    From Grum and Jeb on Twitter and Reddit, 1.13 is looking to be the bigger update to MC server developers, not 1.12. What probably matters most is how much time Aikar gets opened to development, following Paper and other plugins.
    607 likes this.

  12. Is it just me or is there a new type of villager in this back right-ish of this image? :O (This is the header image of the 17w16a snapshot post). From what I'm reading, they might be called the "Illusioner", but no clue as to what might be in store for this villager yet (haven't gotten a chance to load up the latest snapshot and won't for another few hours)
    607 likes this.
  13. Friday is a bit too optimistic I think, there are a lot of loose ends right now.
    607 likes this.
  14. If there are a lot of loose ends, then that's exactly the right moment to launch it, according to Mojang, right? :rolleyes:
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  15. I wonder why it wasn't shared with the community. Or perhaps it was on Reddit? I could see the majority of the imgur community not appreciating something heavily video game related.
  16. Well, videogame or Minecraft. They really seem to hate Minecraft, Aya can confirm that one :D
    607 likes this.
  17. was playing on shelly's snapshot server, read about illusioner so tried /summon illus and pressed tab

    shelly didnt notice ^.^

    hes kinda weird b/c is way too OP

    and this one:

    ShelLuser, 607 and ForeverMaster like this.