Happy I-Day! Liberty Swords & More!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Jul 4, 2016.

  1. I remember cookieclicker...
  2. I think the new shop transaction count may have a bug. It shows the number of all transactions from any shop you've made, not the number of transactions from YOUR shop.
  3. He's agreed to increase to 10.

    It's for all shop transactions, as in anything that shows in your rupee logs.
    ShelLuser, Gawadrolt and TomvanWijnen like this.
  4. That's awesome! Thanks he! :D
    EquableHook and ShelLuser like this.
  5. Awesome update! Happy 4th everyone!
  6. How long will the /promo thing last? Also, I think the avalauncher needs to be taken off the tbuy command....
  7. Til at least the 18th.
    Avalaunchers have been mentioned to Aikar, who is sitting 10 feet away. He will get out in the next update.
    Eviltoade likes this.
  8. Same with the Freedom Steaks?
  9. Just brought 2 Empire Fireworks and 1 Iday firework and 2 Swords :p
    ShelLuser and Eviltoade like this.
  10. Ok. I assumed from the way it read that it was for shop signs that I had put up.
    Theomglover likes this.
  11. I appreciate all the time put in to update the shop system.

    I was just wondering why you would break the existing system. I don't understand why it couldn't be made so that [slot] syntax still works and just converts to choose syntax?

    Also, the wiki is not updated yet. (That's where I went first when it didn't work.)

    I also looked at the front of the site, but the front page says nothing about shop signs changed until you open this thread.
    M4ster_M1ner and ShelLuser like this.
  12. Happy Independence Day and nice work on all the updates!

    My favourite being the shop notification upon log in.

    Would be awesome to see some stats added to that log in pop-up :) (how much you sold for and how much you bought from other players)
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  13. So freedom steak doesn't drop in town, is that right ?
    And for how long will it drop??
    ShelLuser and Gawadrolt like this.
  14. In the next update, it will warn the user if they try to use [slot] that it's been replaced at least. Converting it on sign creation would require duplicating the conversion logic which we would rather not do.

    Contrib Team will update wiki soon as they can.

    As for front page, we can't flood the front page with stuff. People are going to click to read the post anyways.
    SirTah and ShelLuser like this.
  15. Summary of rupee total changes, maybe, but differing types would require even more code and rather keep it simple.
    Faithcaster likes this.
  16. Fyi, we found a fix for this. I believe Aikar plans to deploy it either tonight before he goes to sleep. Or with the reboot. (one of the two)
    SirTah and ShelLuser like this.
  17. Thanks for the awesome promos and updates, Aikar/Devs! Those shop updates are seriously wonderful and have been needed for a long time now. :)

    Though I must say... is it wrong of me to think that the best thing about this post is how beautiful that top banner looks? I'm sort of drooling over it, to be honest. :p
    SirTah, ShelLuser and chickeneer like this.
  18. Awesome update! Happy 4th of July :)
  19. ok multiple bug fixes going out
    • [slot] signs on shop creation now warn its been changed
    • animals instant despawning on utopia should be fixed (had to do with using world time as a cache time but we reset world time to keep it day....)
    • fixed being unable to unignore players
    • fixed issues with selling books in choose shops
    • finally removed avalauncher from tbuy
    • changed the shop sign limit to 10 per second instead of 2 per second
    SirTah, EquableHook, Kytula and 7 others like this.
  20. Happy fourth of Juli everyone (Okay, I might be just a bit late...)