Just a heads up. When you try to throw a soulbound item, a piece of stone appears in your inventory. Please no one use this, it will get you banned.
Supposedly a bug: typing just "help" gives you this: (edit: as can be seen in the post below this one, it's not a bug ;))
been like that for a VERY long time.... intentional. and stone issue fixed. If you got some, repair the Frontier with it! *evil stares, repair repair repair!*
Happy independence day everyone! And wow, free stone for everyone? What an amazing idea Anyway, can't wait to get my hands on the new promo's. This is going to be expensive because I've been collecting the fireworks, so I can't afford not to get this years edition. But I also really want that sword too Have to finish up on some work first, but can't wait to hop online later this evening. The new promos and the shop sign updates really sound amazing!
Oh really??? Did you really think I was going to write all that down!? It wouldn't even fit in this post! Just kidding ofcourse. Aikar, you're doing a great job
Having issues atm. We're in utopia and every time we see an animal it is instantly dying. Can't even get close to one to try and kill it.
Working on figuring this one out. I can say for certain that it's not every animal. There are some that seem to be immune to the poof fairy.
I've seen the smoke of freshly poofed animals. But I've also seen their brethren that were standing right next to them continue on like nothing has happened. We are working on defining the variables.
My above picture, that pink thing above the smoke is another dying pig lol Tried to snap a few pictures to get a good one, that was the best . We both reset our PCs and games, not that it might fix things