Very interesting indeed.... Judging by the article I get the strong impression that we'll be getting more games than merely copies of the staff events which we have now, which I think could be interesting. I like where this is going, it's yet another direct and specific take on the average Minecraft server. Meaning: are mini games coming to the Empire? It may seem like a weird move in a time where plenty of players actually grow tired of those, but as long as you don't put the full focus on games but instead provide survival + games then I think you can have yourself a solid combination. The only thing I do hope you guys got covered is that this won't turn into a time sink for the staff, which then gobbles up precious time from survival activities. For example, one of the most heard complaints around "that big other games server we don't speak of here" ( ) is cheaters. If you set up games where people can also win prizes then it's bound to happen here as well. And that (probably) means more required staff attention. But as said, could be very interesting. I think having something more to do besides survival gaming could be a game changer for plenty of players.
If they do give out prizes they should only do it for staff run events where staff are going to be there anyway so it doesn't take up extra time, at least not much.
I think the fact that different SMP's have different events make them more unique and is quite a big part of EMC where people choose the SMP they want to be on which one of the factors could be that their fav event is on that SMP. I'm not completely sure if everything will be put on the game server but i could be wrong as it would defo be more efficient with all events being on there but i like how SMP's are unique with their own events if you get me
While that's true, someone who lives thousands of blocks in the wild on smp4 may never get to participate in a Fire floor event.
oooh yh, I also think the fact that this server is mainly town, economy and survival, it allows the people who wanna take part in the pvp and other events to all be on one server and they won't get lost doing so for example i remember having to guide so many new people to mob arena back in the day lol even though the instructions were in the announcement.
Agreed. That's the only small downside I see as well. What to think about new players who discover other servers (and server hopping) thanks to the in-game announcements, another cool thing (IMO)? There is a bit of nostalgic here, totally agree. However.. I also remember seeing plenty of players complain how they couldn't get onto their home server (!) because there was an event and the player cap wasn't raised yet (these issues always got quickly fixed though). Or what about some EMC veterans (former SMP6 players) who relocated because they grew tired of all the bickering which accidentally found its way into town chat (vs residence chat on /pvp)? So yeah, I definitely agree with you that some of those event builds added to the style of a server. But I also can't help think that there are plenty of players who might actually be a little happy to see them move. And well... If firefloor (smp4) and pvp (smp6) need to move then maybe something cool can be made in its place. Maybe that could even become an event in its own right.
Sounds fun & interesting. Tho not clear why everyone is posting their selfies here.... please keep the boulder out of the servers room Krysyy