[FEEDBACK] Dev Mistakes - Eggs (CLOSED)

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by chickeneer, Apr 20, 2024.


What do you think is the appropriate Response?

Poll closed May 11, 2024.
I don't play or care 3 vote(s) 4.7%
Code the items to self-destruct. 24 vote(s) 37.5%
Introduce the exploited item to all people for fairness. 17 vote(s) 26.6%
Do nothing. Let the people who silently got them, keep them. 12 vote(s) 18.8%
Other: Leave a response 8 vote(s) 12.5%
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  1. Close the auctions, kill the profiteering and let everyone buy one. That's the only reason they were kept secret.
    We3_MPO, naMrorriM, Fred_TWK and 2 others like this.
  2. Now I'm on a computer I can thoroughly talk my opinion on how this should be handled instead of putting out random 1 line responses to every single reply.

    I voted that the items should be given out to players as a additional item & the simple reasoning for it as the item have been in circulation, sold etc. it simply wouldn't be fair for those who have already bought them.
    As for the currently running auctions well, that's a different issue on its own. I want my rupees as with the same for the other auctioneers.

    You can also re-enable leprechauns and allow players to eggify them for a short period but that option seems less plausible as it would also devalue the hoards.
    And ill be deadest honest, I egged them because I wanted easy rupees and if you reading this say otherwise you are lying to yourself. If you knew the issue you would've done the exact same thing.

    EMC has a silly promo culture issue where "rare item" make stonks so its pretty obvious why those who discovered it, including myself would keep it a secret from everyone else and you would've done the same.

    I'm now going to add some transparency & this is absolutely nothing against chickeneer.

    I reported the issues on the 5th of april, roughly 2 days after I discovered it after seeing a zombie leprechaun roaming around my base and thought "why not see if it can be cured", which it could.
    The following day or two later I see a player I wont name on a old mob fighting platform eggifying them & we had a chat. the following day after giving the whole problem a much deeper thought I decided to report the issue, but at the time I just assumed it'll end up much like the enraged zombies and netherhounds so we both thought how much money we could make from this!

    The response chickeneer gave after reporting the issue in DMS on april 5th was a simple ":(".

    April 10, i eggify another couple leprechauns to check if its still possible which it is and give chickeneer a friendly reminder that if he has fixed the issue, its still a issue while also adding that there is probably a few around

    April 15/16 leprechauns have been disabled from spawning, but the ones which haven't de-spawned are still able to be converted

    I understand that what chickeneer dose for this server is a hobby and for that we should all be grateful, fixes do take time especially when time is not infinite & I'm sure if everyone who knew about this issue knew that this would descend into the chaos it has no one would've done it.
    Spyrovsgnorg likes this.
  3. based
    ultipig likes this.
  4. I think the idea that "Lucky the Leprechaun" would be so unlucky that he'd get zombified is hilarious even if it was a mistake.

    Whenever an item like this was introduced into the game in the past, Auctions were not allowed until Staff decided whether it could be auctioned at all and if so the quantity. I was surprised to see the Auctions prior to seeing a thread or post ok'ing them.

    If it is possible, I think the current auctions should be halted until a Leprechaun egg promo can be produced. Give it a custom name like Lucky to differentiate from the other eggs, then leave the event Leprechaun as it is as if it were planned that way. Then resume by allowing auctions of both the promo Leprechaun and the original unnamed egg.

    Players can participate in the auctioning of the new item with the knowledge that next year there will be more. If that seems unfair to those who have already bought an egg or have put the work into creating some to sell, it shouldn't have happened anyway, especially without permission. Perhaps a bit of disappointment will prompt players to ask or wait the next time an item like this is introduced.
    Lily_Lil, NuclearBobomb and naMrorriM like this.
  5. Considering we don't have many developers and the ones we have are doing their best to keep all of us entertained I vote to destroy the items.
    I am in game every single day and haven't once heard about the possibility of egging the little guy. It was obviously kept quiet by those who could do it for the purpose of cornering the market for profit. It was a coding error so I would call it an exploit.

    As players we all have the responsibilty to report coding errors as we see them to improve what we have and what new players will be experiencing.
    NuclearBobomb, Fred_TWK, Sefl and 4 others like this.
  6. Personally, I would delete the eggs, refund the money or re-enable the mob for another week and let folks collect away. If this issue would have been dealt with sooner than later, it wouldn't be such a massive headache. I realize I don't play on EMC, but I had a number of years of dedicated play and understand the capitalistic attitudes toward potentially bugged features that can translate into rares for cash. This culture has been on the server for at least the last six or seven years if not longer (enraged zombie and netherhound oopsy). I don't think it's fair to shame those who didn't say anything nor act surprised anyone did as this is the culture of EMC for a long stinking time.

    Guilt tripping the community seems inappropriate and toxic, as well. I suggest laying this issue at Aikar's feet if he's still around and let him decide instead of taking eggification of the leprechaun as an insult to one's effort. Folks are always going to test if there's a way to eggify a seasonal mob. Always. This has been standard operating procedure for EMC collectors forever, so it shouldn't be such a shock or disappointment.

    Maybe in future, test every possible way one might be able to break it in order to eggify. Seems obvious some would try to essentially zombify it and cure it to see. And if it wasn't obvious, maybe have mods and other staff double-check since one isn't playing as often to understand this is what happens.
    Spyrovsgnorg likes this.
  7. I voted for this option in the poll: "Introduce the exploited item to all people for fairness." It's a straightforward option, and nothing else feels right to suggest. Thanks for seeking our input! I never even noticed nor heard about the glitch! I also agree with Sefl that if the rules are going to be enforced differently, the Contribution Team needs to be given the all-clear to update them on paper too; otherwise, it'll be very confusing, especially for neurodivergent and/or socially inexperienced people that both tend to be naturally inclined to interpret things literally.
    Spyrovsgnorg, ThaKloned and Envine like this.
  8. I apologize to anyone feeling manipulated by me here. I am overwhelmed and don't know how to share that. I don't need nor want anyone's sympathy. All a consequence of my choices and actions. Some thoughts are going to be self-deprecating which isn't right for me to share here. Sorry.

    I initially chose to do 'nothing' because I knew that every option was going to peeve someone.
    Big picture, even now, is that there is never going to be a resolution that makes everyone happy. Biting the bullet and making a definitive decision would have been less painful, but ultimately these cracks in the community and culture were already there. EMC has a diverse community with many different playstyles. The only certainty is that there will be conflict. Actually, that might be the only constant of EMC, is that there are going to always be disagreements and interpersonal problems. But isn't that humanity?

    As for the rules. I hear ya - they need enforced or what is the point of them. But I'm not going to punish the only person that was willing to talk to me about it. I don't have data to investigate who else exploited the bug. My decision paralysis definitely made this worse. I freely admit that.

    This is all why most people won't report a bug, unless they have something to gain from reporting it. Your reward is thanks, let me take this discovery away. If ya don't report it, how exciting to discover something new, maybe I can make some game money from it!
  9. I voted for making them available to all, but I know that is tough on those who have paid a lot in auctions. I wonder if they do become available to all, whether those who sold them might consider full or partial refunds for the ones they sold? I don't know how those players might feel about that? If they are all destroyed refunds would be the fairest option.

    We do love our rare and promo items, so I can understand why there was a temptation to squirrel away rare spawn eggs when there was a chance. But EMC is what it is because of the work and generosity of Chickeneer and staff so I think we players should be thinking about not causing headaches as much as possible.

    What about a rare item given to players who report exploitable/profitable bugs? So there is incentive to report? But that may be just creating more work to put in place and there could be people who find a way to game that system too?

    I thought the leprechauns were a lot of fun, and nice company when out in the waste and wild. :)
  10. I don't think you made a mistake, I read clear instructions on use.

    As it's an exploit and not intentional, just like other bugs in the game which are not allowed as they are considered cheating.

    Action: - I would ban all trades of any kind, (auctions, selling in game or forums etc) and request all players who currently have them to destroy them.

    If some have already been traded sold auctioned etc, then refunds should be give.
    If no refund is given automatically by the original owner and after requesting by the new owner then they should be reported and staff can handle if from there.

    I believe there are rules already in place with regards exploiting of bugs in the game, and don't feel you need to do anything other than simple instruction to all owners of the items.

    Also I think what you said hereis clear : -

    As stated only one player reported the bug. Clearly others have not!!

    Clear instructions given on use, as stated below

    I see no instruction or authorisation to exploit this in any way.
    Fred_TWK and RatedMC like this.
  11. I personally voted for make them available to everyone. Its just the most fair. However after giving this topic some consideration and seeing just how many people were able to get them, I'd choose the do nothing option as its most in line with EMC's laissez faire economics system.
    NuclearBobomb and We3_MPO like this.
  12. deleting them is the funniest option so it's got my vote
  13. Let them keep the eggs this time. But from now on a message on all events that states something to the effect 'Any exploits that result in additional items that were not intended, additional items than intended etc. Will be destroyed without warning, do not buy or sell as you will lose your rupees. Exploits are against the rules of this server, please report any you find'
    If we all know the blanket response will be destruction, anyone that takes part in an exploit is wasting their time and rupees.
  14. Could you imagine if you coded these eggs to self destruct in chests and have it where it leaves just a little gold nugget that says "oops looks like the leprechaun ran away" ofc... the golden nugget would just be a plain renamed golden nugget that was renamed in an anvil
  15. In the past I have had discovered a bug/dev mistake and reported it and it was fixed within hours and didn't further exploit the item and only kept the two and I am not able to auction the item. So, I think in all fairness if it was obtained knowingly to the exploit or through trial and error then those said items should be removed but if 1 or 2 of them were to be obtained accidently then I'd say make the item un-auctionable and a keep's sake for your Emc collection, so it's not used for personal gain.
  16. The easiest route is just deleting them. It's not a big deal. This reminds me of the exploit me and others did in 2015 of trapping numerous Momentus spawns in a minecart for infinite shiny flesh. Naturally it got patched and any existing minecarted Momentus poofed from existence.

    Don't let exceptions remain to exist, it gives entitlement to those that have them.

    You can introduce a way of naturally obtaining the item next year if you'd like. But that's your choice if you want to develop that. More work, but probably the best of everyone's worlds.
  17. Just out of curiosity would deleting them mean deleting any villager that has been renamed to Leprechaun? I,ve gotten some really good trades using the leprechaun egg villager and it would suck to see my 1 mending for 11 emeralds Leprechaun Villager go bye bye. With that being said, deleting all villagers would be fine too. they are OP. and next update will bring highly anticipated villager balancing.
    We3_MPO and NuclearBobomb like this.
  18. NuclearBobomb and Spyrovsgnorg like this.
  19. There is almost always some exploit or unforeseen consequence with the release of anything and everything nowadays. If they were not intended on being sold/eligible to be obtained, then it is within your right to revoke them. As my personal take on the matter, it is what it is. If you close the loophole as soon as you hear about it then that's the best you can do. There is an argument to be made for breaking rule 3 of the EMC rulebook as stated by many others. You can implement a new rule/subsection that all future "unintended" or "exploited" items will be banned from marketplace interactions (being buy/sell/auction/etc.) and is punishable by the item being voided or whatever punishment is deemed necessary. That way it doesn't effect "the economy" if we're still even trying to save that.

    TLDR: there is an argument that can be made for both, but just rule that future exploited items/mobs/whatever are considered breaking rules and can be voided/punishable if caught with said contraband.
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