Your telling all of us today is your birthday because 91 is 9/1 which is September 1st and it is today so...Drop Party???
Seffy likely saw my event idea I was planning and spoke to you about it Can we collaborate on this event? Like, would it be at all thinkable to hold it on my residence, or is that beyond the pale for staff? It's just that this is a business for me; people are allowed to take their chopped logs with them for their own use, but I offer them the option to sell them to me, then I can auction in bulk. Or would the business aspect make collaboration impossible?
I had a very fun/stressing time. I get it was fun but I accidentally hit Q and dropped my axe and it went to seffy, then later on she realized she had my axe xD but I had fun the last few momentus I had, I wish Aikar never made that mini boss update so momentus' wouldn't be a problem.
This and all empire events are focused on community, not on economic gain. Feel free to tool run your event on Wednesday if you would like, but we cannot collaborate. This event along with another variation, have been in the list of event ideas dramanya has been working on. She's got some neat ideas that are just taking time to set up to run properly. It is coincidence that your was posted before this one because she didn't want to chaise confusion as old events have done when people assume the day it is posted.
Actually it was because we were talking about how cool it would be to have an event like that. Yours is a little different as an event. We just ran around planting trees and chopping them down. and building houses and there was so much cake!
Had a blast today Seffy! Thanks! looking forward to doing this again! Some pictures of the first TTC Seffy's "Fort of Awesome!"
I accept that completely, I have no issue with that. That sounds fun! I don't want to sound self-centred, but it seems like something I could integrate with my own plans. I could offer to buy Birch Logs if anyone wants to sell theirs I could invite those who want to continue chopping to my res, for banter after I could use it to advertise Wednesday Night Choppers (within reason) etc. etc. etc.
EMC time is GMT -4 right? And I meant 12 PM is confusing. When we think, 12 PM should be midnight, but it looks like it's also noon... In how long does it start?