Empire Minecraft 1.9.4 Update

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, May 30, 2016.

  1. Nah, Microsoft may own the Mojang company (just like Nokia) but although it doesn't happen often they're actually using their brains here: Mojang is pretty much free to make decisions on their own regarding Minecraft. It's not as if Microsoft enforces specific stuff to happen, although the "Windows 10 version" is likely an exception here.

    And also important to realize: Microsoft has had some serious influence within Mojang long before the takeover was done, this has also been confirmed by several people (making me quite the cynic when 1.8 got released, even going so far as to insinuate that it could just as well have been that same Microsoft influence which caused the 1.8 release to be so horrible at the beginning).

    Microsoft makes a lot of horrible decisions and sure knows how to completely mess up some of their own key products (Visual Studio comes to mind), but from time to time they can actually make solid decisions which not only make sense but are good for the consumers as well. IMO the same applies here. When we're talking Minecraft it's honestly first and foremost Mojang, Microsoft's main interest is using the franchise name and exploit that best as they can (for example: allowing companies (Lego anyone?) to use the Minecraft name, but only after royalties are paid of course, stuff like that). I'm pretty sure they also got their share from Minecraft story mode too.

    Honestly... If Microsoft really wanted to put their "mark" on it then there is no doubt in my mind that they'd start pushing to move away from Java. Obviously this would seriously hurt the product but heck; that is something Microsoft more than often doesn't seem to care about at all (here's once again looking at stuff such as Visual Studio, Windows 8 (pushing on mobile), Windows CE, TechNet, PowerShell, Sharepoint, Microsoft SQL server, etc.).

    All of those products share one common problem: at one time they got nerfed quite severely, upsetting tens of thousands (most likely way more) of fans and professional users alike and Microsoft more or less didn't care at all. Because that was their plan, that was what they did and we just had to embrace that (only to come back to some of their decisions and roll some stuff back, but the damage had already been done).

    Minecraft... It already had a history of introducing (new) stuff or changes which some people really liked and some plain out hated.

    So yeah... Sure, Microsoft owns the rights but I'm convinced it's still Mojang calling the shots.
    TomvanWijnen, jkjkjk182, 607 and 3 others like this.
  2. In early 1.9, boats needed to be controlled by pressing both left and right. Left would make you go right, and right would make you go left, just like with real paddles. It got changed back later to how it used to be, but with improvements.

    Gawadrolt, TomvanWijnen and ShelLuser like this.
  3. ]Doing this in a different post so it doesn't go unnoticed behind the answer to Tom[/FONT]

    I got confused by reading one of Shel's posts. Why would you not be able to ride skeleton horses? Did EMC make a change to prevent you from being able to do that?
    Because in vanilla, you definitely can ride them.

    Oh, I think I might get it: EMC has a system in place checking who tamed a horse, so you can't just steal anyone's horse. And because skeleton horses are already spawned tamed... I get it.
    In my opinion it should be tried to fix that, though, as that change from vanilla doesn't seem reasonable to me.
    ESSELEM, JesusPower2 and ShelLuser like this.
  4. I think the Skeleton Horse bug stuff is on your behalf, sorry to say. If you can make a system so that the first person to ride an already tamed horse is the owner set up, that would be nice.

    Skeleton horses are tamed when they spawn, all you must do is saddle them and they are yours in a singleplayer world. However, (I have seen only 1 instance) people can get off the saddled tamed skeleton horse but not get back on in EMC.

    I don't want to be rude, but a lot of people would love for this bug to be fixed.
  5. I know, exactly!
    The whole "skeleton horses can't be tamed" thing is very misleading. Sure, in vanilla they can't be tamed, but why is that? Because they spawn tamed!
    So in vanilla, skeleton horses are totally usable. But on EMC they are not, because of the owner system that has been put into place.
    StoneSky likes this.
  6. Doesn't egging a Horse un-tame them? If so and if we were able to egg Skeleton Horses it seems like they could be treated as normal ones allowing us to tame and take ownership of them.
  7. I believe so.
  8. Y SAY MORE?
  9. Umm, Dragon Tombs?
  10. That's not the entire story.

    According to the wiki page on Minecraft horses you can see that skeleton horses can spawn in due to the skeleton trap, but end up tamed after they were struck by lightning. Quote:

    But there's more, another quote more down the bottom in the statistics section:

    Now here's the thing... If you spawn a skeleton horse in with default stats then it is not tamed nor can it be tamed (ridden). I'm talking about: /summon EntityHorse ~ ~ ~ {type:4}. Same applies if you summon a horse (which wouldn't be tamed) and then change it into a skeleton horse.

    The only way to get one which is usable through commands is by having it spawned tamed: /summon EntityHorse ~ ~ ~ {type:4,tame:true}.

    I think there's more going on here than merely having the horses spawned in tamed.
  11. NICE! Must get on ASAP to check it out!

  12. I'm not sure if this has been discussed already, and I could have been doing it wrong, but I definitely just tried this great new shop system on my horse shop... and had zero luck. The buyer was only able to purchase the one horse egg that I named the sign with, and no more. :/ Has anyone else had this issue? I didn't want to wade through 6 more pages to see if so.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  13. It should only sell the one horse egg since almost all horses are unique. If I understand this system correctly, it makes each shop work for only one unique item type at a time.
  14. For what you are wanting, multiple unique horse eggs at the same price - you would still have to use slot signs with a hopper setup.
    We have a planned feature that will Fix this issue and replace slot signs.
    607, MissFable, ShelLuser and 2 others like this.
  15. Day 3, starting to lose it.

  16. I love the sound of the shop update. I might round to the nearest thousand on things, if I can get a decent response in some polling I'll do. It'd save me so much time to put 5k, instead of 4867 from a spreadsheet generated calculation. If I want to change the price of one thing, I have to enter 12 prices the way I got it setup. Very time consuming. Thanks Aikar and staff!!!
  17. when you put emc.gs/t/#### it shows as this: emc.Gs/t/##### annoying...

    like this:
    607, TomvanWijnen and ShelLuser like this.
  18. Shields are supposed to take durability damage right?
    Well, they don't for me.

    EDIT: No unbreaking or other enchantments