[Discussion/Ongoing event] 2018 World Cup

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by ItsMeMatheus, Apr 30, 2018.

  1. Well, I'm 1/3 so far, hopefully Croatia does something good :I
    jacob5089 likes this.
  2. :D
  3. I mean, Croatia did something good :p
    jacob5089 likes this.
  4. Haha that's why I did it, I'm just happy someone had their bracket do something right :')
    607 likes this.
  5. I think I am 5 and O right now :D BUT I don't really know what I am doing and could be wrong...
    SliceOfRhyBread likes this.
  6. *is 2/3*
    Smooshed_Potato likes this.
  7. I’m not crying about the Japan Belgium game there’s just some onions
    EDIT - Why didn’t they add extra time?... Belgium celebrated for over a full minute and they didn’t add any extra time for that.
  8. how many knockout games have there been?
  9. What even are these games, Belgium x Japan was insane. Brasil had a really tough game, but played it well, we got dis.
    jacob5089 likes this.
  10. 5/6. Not too shabby atm. :)

    That said, Belgium - Japan probably has a claim for game of the tournament and DEFINITELY holds the goal of the tournament for the time being.
  11. Wait... Let me get this straight
    The winners in knockout so far are Uruguay, France, Brazil, Belgium, Russia, and Croatia?
  12. Correct.
    Out of those, I've guessed France, Croatia, and Belguim correctly :I
  13. Okie cool! I guessed 6/6
    ItsMeMatheus and SliceOfRhyBread like this.
  14. Someone stop this man
    607, Smooshed_Potato and Tuqueque like this.
  15. We have 2 players who guessed everything correctly so far! They have guessed different winners for Colombia x England, however, so one of them leaves the Ro16 ahead!
    As for my predictions, I never sent a form, but what I guessed while making the form:
    France beats Argentina
    Uruguay beats Portugal
    Spain beats Russia
    Croatia beats Denmark
    Brazil beats Mexico
    Belgium beats Japan
    Switzerland beats Sweden
    (So 5/7 for me)
    For the next games, I guessed:

    Colombia beats England
    France beats Uruguay
    Croatia beats "Spain"
    Brazil beats Belgium
    Colombia beats "Switzerland"
    Brazil beats France
    Croatia beats Colombia
  16. Uh - oh, England is winning! (I think...)
  17. Has Matheus even started that statue design? :cool:
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  18. My phone surprises me everytime but today I googled the score and had the option to pin live score so I pressed the button and I could pin the score to anywhere on my phone.

    607 and Smooshed_Potato like this.
  19. I despise Colombia right now.

    No way England makes it through these penalties. Ugh. We were so close.
    Sachrock likes this.
  20. I knew Colombia had equalised even though I was not watching the game due to the cheering coming from outside.
    607 likes this.