[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. I know for sure that he's going to get rid of the affordable healthcare system we have partially implemented right now. (Going to be a pain in the ass to get the possible second surgery I need...)
  2. My last word before the thread is closed; Clinton leads with popular vote, Trump elected president. Rigged system, amirite Donald?
  3. Like it or not, we are a representative republic, not a majority rule democracy and the electoral college is specifically called for in Article II of the United States Constitution. That's not rigging the game.

    If you want to change the way presidents are elected then you'll need to get an amendment passed.
  4. He was just quoting what Donald has been screaming to the public for the past several months.
    Dr_Chocolate and ESSELEM like this.
  5. Riots are breaking out in the US. I want all Americans to know that we don't want you here in Canada. You voted and thats the results. We honestly could care less about your country now. It goes for any country if you guys who voted 3rd party voted Clinton way different results would appear =P. Canada isn't your safe haven. Keep out stay away the walls are up now!
  6. Trust me, I've heard him.

    But I stand by what I said. Al Gore won the 2000 popular vote and lost in the electoral college as well so there is precedent here. The electoral system is the same as it has been since the 23rd Amendment was ratified in 1961 granting Washington, D.C. electors. There's nothing nefarious going on. If people don't like it then they need to take the initiative and change things.
  7. Canada is actually a nice country; went up there back in 2005. I sure hope President Trump doesn't do anything to you guys during his first four years... (god forbid second 4 years...)
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  8. They said the same thing when Obama took office. It's just people being upset and not realizing that Canada is COLD!
  9. How did we get on the God thing? Read Matthew 19:24, it is very succinct on the subject of wealth. Seriously more socialist stuff? It is just fear mongering. Democrats are no more socialists than republicans.
  10. REALLY!?!?!?!? how about Bernie Sanders? that's exactly what a lot of that party is!
  11. I quote you to respond to you and what you say. When you participate in threads like this, that's what you're asking for. You never give an actual reply though, just something like this.

    Please don't pray for me. I don't have a religion and I don't really want anything to do with it.
    Bernie isn't a Socialist in any way at all.

    Erm, what? England has never been for religious freedom. The native's religion was cut down by Catholicism, Catholicism cut down the Germanic Pagan's religion in the north, the Anglicans cut down Catholicism, and the Anglicans are now cutting down Muslims.
    Dr_Chocolate and God_Of_Gods like this.
  12. Well, that's interesting. :P
    I won't stop doing so every now and then, though. ;)
    UltiPig, Gawadrolt and SoulPunisher like this.
  13. Erektus, time to close this perhaps, I'm afraid that, the election being over, this might turn into a religious debate, and I think most of us know that hasn't often ended well on EmpireMinecraft... :p
  14. Well in that case, you can if you want to. As long as it's good things, I guess the thought that someone cares enough to pray for me is nice. I was just annoyed because he clearly meant it in a negative way, like 'oh, you don't agree with me? I'm going to pray for you'.
    607 likes this.
  15. Haha, yeah, when I first read it I chuckled because it seemed like a threat of some sorts. :p
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  16. Dude, read my post above on what socialism is. And then tell me what it is that Bernie advocates that can be considered socialism. Universal health care is not socialism. Please, tell me one thing that can be considered socialism.
  17. I see the election as bittersweet for us Democrats; shows we were unprepared and relied on inaccurate poll data.

    However, he's the sweet parts (in my opinion):

    1. The Democratic party will (hopefully) find out where we went wrong and will be ready for the 2020 election.
    2. This shows that we need to revolutionize the way polling is done, as it seems what we're currently doing isn't a good enough technique
    3. Republicans have COMPLETE majority over the White House, Senate, House of Representatives, and maybe even the Supreme Court.

    Long story short: If America starts going down the tubes, they CANNOT blame it on Democrats, as we have no majority in the Federal government anymore... Everything is on the Republicans these next come 4 years.
    Bellusros likes this.
  18. Canadian Immigration Website atm:

  19. I see no need for this. All of the votes I've observed since I started caring about politics back in 2014 have had polls way off - the 2015 UK General Election (hung parliament predicted, ended up with a Conservative majority), the British EU referendum (Remain was expected, ended up with a leave vote), and now this (Hillary predicted to win, Donald actually winning). The one time the polls weren't way off was with the Scottish Independence Referendum in September 2014, but largest amount of political upheaval since the Great Depression has begun and we can't call anything anymore. It'd be worthless to try and fix polling when there's nothing really to fix - plus, why does it matter?
    607 likes this.
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