[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. President Donald J Trump
  2. I went off the political climate of the western world - Brexit and the second rise of the right wing in Europe - and I knew Trump would win.

    I was still immensely surprised when I woke up this morning. I was surprised when I went into school and America was the laughing stock of the world. I was surprised when I heard Pence saying Trump would roll back on LGBT rights. I expected it and I didn't expect it.

    You've cocked up America. I didn't think this would be the year of both Brexit and Trump presidency, but it is. I remember back in February when the worst thing that happened was Bowie's death. The hurdles that have happened afterwards are... UGH!

    Screw you, 2016.
  3. I'm legitimately terrified right now. Great job guys. We're looking at death by climate change very soon, an economic depression by his tax policies, Goldman Sachs as Secretary of Treasury, and the persecution of millions of minority. Good frickin job, America.
    Hashhog likes this.
  4. We need Hillary they said.

    She's a good candidate they said.

    Bernie wouldn't beat Trump they said.

    Screw you DNC
    IsaacNorman likes this.
  5. I was always wondering what would happen if Trump did actually become president, but I always thought Hillary would actually win. Now I regret wondering this...
  6. Bahahaha, you guys are scared NOW?! Whatever. Nothing is gonna change. This ridiculousness that the economy is supposedly doing good and that taxes will be cut and military funding will go through the roof... wait... what the hell will be the difference? The market doing a nose dive, the LGBT rights the immigration. It's all fear mongering and campaigning and a bunch of crap. If you want to be scared, screw the president of the US. The vatican and the Jesuits and their money is what controls all that anyways, who cares that the puppet in washington has a yet to be identified creature living on his head.

    Worldwide economies are crap. Look at the 1990's versus now. over half the worlds economies are shit now compared to then. There are definitely, without question, outliers and that is not what I said, I said global and not those few countries that were being bombed into oblivian in the 90's. WHICH! was less countries than today, imagine that. When I was growing up in the suburbs I had friends of every color, religion and sexual preference and we all played together and got along much better than today. Today's world is full of hate, despotism and lies.

    Now that the clowns are done with their balloons can we go back to trying to love each other once again? Oh liberals, welcome back to the "Screw the system" side of things. Missed you guys since obummer has been in office. Republicans just arent as fun to party with... like molktav cocktails are way more fun to throw at cop cars than driving tractors over them... see what I mean? I kid of course but I'm ready for the irony of libs saying the exact same thing for the next 4+ years that conservatives have been saying for the last 8+ and both completely friggin ignoring that they both say the same damned thing.
  7. Bernie wouldn't have beaten Trump. His policies were way too left wing. I wouldn't dare consider myself right wing, but I also wouldn't be able to get behind Sanders.
  8. lol bernie would have done better than hillary and they wouldn't have had to rig the primaries, the election and lie on every damn "poll statistic" that they put up on cnn xD

    Also, probably wouldn't have had any dnc staff members assassinated.
    Dr_Chocolate likes this.
  9. He was beating Trump by an average of 15-20 points. And in polls, most of the American public supports liberal policies (when not said it's liberal policy) even if they don't associate themselves as such.
  10. For a Muslim-American-Pakistani like me Trump wants nothing other than more intense surveillance, hate, and possibly kicking out. -1 *thumbs down*

    Also @Shell didn't read your entire post but Trump has really poisoned the atmosphere already. Racists and alt rights found someone who'll protect them... I mean who heard of alt right before 2016? And for goodness sake he had one of their leaders as his campaign CEO.

    I don't think he'll be a bad president because he has little experience. With the right people advising him he could do very well. I think he'll be a bad president because he used racism to power his campaign, so what's to stop him from using that toxic rhetoric in the White House? It helped him win for sure.

    He's become a symbol of unpolitical correctness, of the alt right, of killing what remains of chivalry in this country. That's what worries me.
    Echelon815 and SoulPunisher like this.
  11. Bernie was far too much socialist to garner any real chance against the GOP. That's why they went Hillary and it almost worked. However, America spoke out against the government system with this vote. The DNC was doomed from the beginning simply because of Obama's terms. The only reason it wasn't a landslide is because it was Trump. Look at the house and Senate. America wants anything but what the last 8 years has given us.

    For those worried about rollback on LGBT rights, etc: I advise you not jump the gun until something happens. A LOT of what a candidate says while on the campaign trail is intended to fit with their political party extremist views. Otherwise they wouldn't have a chance at actually winning. No Republican nominee could dare support LGBT, or abortion rights, etc and survive an election. It's sad, but that's the issue with a bipartisan system.

    Overall, I am going to let Trump's actions speak for themselves, rather than make assumptions based off of his pandering on the campaign trail. This isn't a screw up until something actually goes wrong.
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  12. Wrong. There are plenty of Democratic Party loyalists who'd vote for any candidate. That's how she had the support she had. Polls were taken, an overwhelming majority of Americans support a liberal agenda, when it's not branded as liberal. Bernie would have actual liberal base (Hillary did not), democratic loyalists, White working class majority (Trump had),and pretty much anyone who wanted to avoid a Trump presidency.
    SoulPunisher and Gawadrolt like this.
  13. yeah kryssy you can say that all you want but did you visit a single college campus during the democratic primaries? More democrats and young voters would have actually went to the polls. Hell, I'm a freaking anarchist and I would have went to vote for Bernie. I have been surrounded by republicans thanks to obama and several of them would even talk about bernie... especially had they known the crap that was gonna come out of trump over this election xD We can say what if all day but at the end of it, we have trump.... fml. If we didn't we would have had clinton... which honestly would have been even more fml.
    SoulPunisher and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  14. And there are enough fence sitters that wouldn't put their vote behind Bernie because he was too radical and not traditional DNC and would have voted for Trump to prevent socialism taking over this country. The fact is, as shown in nearly every state, there is a rural vs urban divide for red vs blue. As it usually does after an 8 year presidency, the balance will continue to constantly shift as each nominee boasts about change, but fails to deliver. Such is the American government and the people's mentality.

    Now, I will have to say that with a Republican majority in both House and Senate, as well as a Republican president, we could actually see change, instead of these childish stalemates/ executive orders at play. The only way to know is to watch and wait. In 4/8 years, the DNC might take back over if we see nothing.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  15. Nope. False again. Even if he does have some of the voters abstain, like you said, he had the majority of Trump's base. Then he has no emails to ruin his lead and Trump still has the tape leaks - easy landslide for Bernie.

    Also, Bernie isn't socialist. He's a democratic socialist. He's rallying for policies every modern country except the US has.
  16. like I said already, I don't believe for a fraction of a second trump would have won against bernie... hell he barely beat CLINTON! Also, once again, doesn't matter because it doesn't really change anything today. The past is set in stone, the future... well clinton might not be done killing people to get what she wants but she isn't gonna be president xD
    Dr_Chocolate likes this.
  17. He had the Trump base that I know completely against him even more than Hillary. You underestimate the rural areas in this country.

    At the end of the day, Bernie lost to Hillary and Hillary lost to Trump. The media played an integral part in this election, but even they didn't anticipate blue states going red. The suburbs sided with rural more than urban. The people want change and they got it. Now to see what change actually happens.
    Dr_Chocolate likes this.
  18. Ya know, I could have really believed that "America" wanted change to the political system(a republican) 4 years ago when bummer got elected. Actually... my platoon sergeant at the time, we were all so sure that Romney *shudder* was going to win, had a formation to tell us the election results and to shut the hell up... we will see what happens. My platoon sergeant and everyone on post was sure that Romney's loss was the ushering in of the second civil war. My last squad sergeant even called me a traitor when he asked if I would fire on American civilians. Oh yeah, my answer... it was HELL NO.
  19. Yeah I see. He has good rhetoric when it comes to economic change, but his actual policy raises taxes on the middle class. Oh well, it is what it is
    IsaacNorman likes this.
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