[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. No, I am not planning on moving to Canada. My parents and I have way more sense/common sense than to change everything in my life because someone that I did not want to become president became president.
    607 likes this.
  2. Ultimately, it's not our choice, but the people who want to analyze it. I do suspect a change will be around the corner, though; Hillary's poll managers were surprised that she wasn't aligning with the data they got from their polls they conducted.
  3. They will still blame it on the democrats and people will believe them.
    TuckerAmbr and IsaacNorman like this.
  4. How would you feel about me moving to Germany because I don't agree with the UK leaving the EU, then? Publicly opposing the referendum will likely get you physically assaulted by some skinhead raging nationalist who hasn't had a proper job due to his lack of professional skills but blames it on 'the imigrunts', the UK government is absolutely set on it, and there's absolutely nothing remainers can do to oppose it anymore (besides the recent parliament ruling, but the problem with that is it's not blocking the vote completely).

    Ignoring the fact I have someone who is very close to my heart in that country for a second, what would you think about me leaving the UK due to a decision (and having a Prime Minister people didn't vote for) I don't agree with? Do I lack common sense for leaving everything I have here?
    607 likes this.
  5. Ignorance is bliss, eh?
    God_Of_Gods likes this.
  6. Here's a story to consider...

    Three people tell the boss she's going to win. She likes being told she will win. Everyone makes money if people believe she will win.

    A fourth tells the boss she won't win. Nobody likes the fourth. He's so negative! The other three say the fourth must have made a mistake and that he's just not as good as them. The boss let's the fourth go and the other three get raises and promotions, after all they are more skillful.

    Facts come out in the end...the three were wrong. But that's, OK. Nobody gets fired because the job is already over. The paychecks were cashed. The titles are written on the resumes. The three make some excuses for the mistake, then they go on to the next job with the higher pay grade and title. The fourth takes a new job too, still at the lower pay grade, though a little wiser than before.
    gladranger7 likes this.

  7. "barely"
  8. Legend says if you eat enough cabbages, your cells will transform into plant cells and your body will take form of a cabbage
    nuclearbobomb and AverageWalrus like this.
  9. Nice story, but perhaps I'll have to consider it more as I wouldn't know what it's getting at.
  10. Please do. :) Understanding broader pictures and motivations helps us become more discerning individuals.
    gladranger7, 607 and SoulPunisher like this.
  11. Now as much as I don't like Trump as much as the other 80% of Canada who doesn't like him I should mention that most of what Trump wants to do can easily be blocked by the senate if they're smart enough to stop the bad things (like his idiotic wall). But another president who many people hated at first was Ronald Regan, but he turned out to be pretty good.
    There is always a light in the darkness, it's a matter of looking for it. For now good luck cause if Trump does anything stupid Canada will likely be affected by it, like how he wants to cancel every green energy agreement Obama made and move back to using fossil fuels.
    607 and nuclearbobomb like this.
  12. no u just need prayer and so I'm going to pray for u.
  13. Well, fine. But apparently he doesn't want to know, so perhaps you had better do it silently :)
    gladranger7 likes this.
  14. Please, enlighten me as to why I 'need' prayer.
    Trump mirrors Reagan in many ways. I do not like Ronald Reagan. He was a horrible President, both domestically and in his foreign policy. What he supported in my country (eradication of Socialism) ended up destroying lives and it still screws people over to this day (2008 recession was worse in the UK because of policies from the 80's). Oh, and then he had the gall to suggest intervening against us and siding with Argentina in the Falklands War. Screw him.

    Trump supports Brexit, which is likely going to dominate a lot of his foreign policy in terms of the British-American special relationship (hopefully if Jeremy Corbyn is elected in the UK in 2020 this ends once and for all) and if Brexit ever gets through parliament (at this rate, it won't) the UK will need the US to bend the EU to our will. I have a feeling he will stab us in the back when the time comes for him to be able to do so, too.
  15. He's going (wants) to repeal NAFTA. That will greatly affect Canada and will probably send Canada into at least some type of an economic slide.
  16. Yes I heard that. The senate would be stupid to allow that though wouldn't they?
  17. Also wants to leave NATO. Don't really think that's going to happen, to be honest. All these things he speaks about leaving aren't going to happen. If he leads NAFTA, NATO, or anything of the sort, I will record myself eating pieces of bricks.
    nuclearbobomb and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  18. I think the recording of you eating bricks won't happen, but I do agree with you on what you said. There's no way he'll leave both at once, because if he does, he's screwing with the world economy which could backfire drastically.
  19. Probably; like you said, he'd be screwing the world's economy over, and I don't think Donald would even want to do that. If he does, and if I'm still on EMC by that point, I will genuinely record myself eating brick chippings.

    Saying all of this, I do have a really bad habit of making bets and then losing.
    nuclearbobomb likes this.
  20. Hopefully Obamacare hasn't been removed yet at that time, 'cause the doctor at the hospital you go to will want to be paid. (RIP the future death of Obamacare... :()
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