[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. Phew, you had me scared for a minute. My sincerest apologies. It's sometimes hard to read long religious rantings particularly when it is in the context of political issues. I don't share the doom and gloom either. I did see the evangelicals came out to vote for Trump in record numbers. I would guess that was not because they love him so much but probably because of the supreme court vacancy and their hope that the court will someday make abortion illegal.
    TuckerAmbr and 607 like this.
  2. Lets just hope.
  3. He won't immediately. I saw on the news today that Canada said they would be willing to renegotiate NAFTA. Possibly a renegotiation will be enough. Obviously, if Canada throws that out one day after the election they must be quite concerned.
    TuckerAmbr and nuclearbobomb like this.
  4. yeah they would they are republican we haven't owned this much of the govt since 1920 :)
  5. Are you going to answer my question or do I need to continue guessing why I 'need' your prayer?
    • He hasn't changed at all.
    • When was he ever a Democrat? I googled and couldn't find anything.
    • His view on abortion is probably just something he said to get elected. Like Krysyy said earlier, you can get into office as a Republican and be for abortion.
    • You're also calling Democrats and pro-choice people the embodiments of the antichrist.
  6. no need to guess it would really help if u would pray and ask God why I'm praying for u.
    but as u asked I will tell you that I will pray for u bc we are all sinners and need forgiveness (including you)
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  7. I made the decision long ago to not believe in a God. I've already explained why. It's been the best six years of my life. There is literally no point in me praying. When you want something done, you do it yourself - the only person or being able to give me an answer to your statement is you. Don't try to evangelise me. The only faith conversion I'd ever undergo is to another branch of Christianity (Eastern Orthodoxy) for the sake of being able to be with a girl and having her family accept me - I still wouldn't believe in what it teaches, preaches, or God.

    And sure, I may sin. I've sinned more times than I count, especially over the trivial things the Bible details. I don't need forgiveness off anyone though.
  8. One final comment for me on this thread. At the moment there are 131 votes for Donald Trump and 131 votes for Hillary Clinton on the poll at the top of the page. I know there's no way to tell but I'd REALLY like to see what the results would be with alternate accounts and the votes of non-US citizens taken out of the equation.
    Sgt_Pepper4 likes this.
  9. I feel like this explains this election lol
  10. He's gonna be bald before his terms up...I can see it now.
    Gawadrolt and nuclearbobomb like this.
  11. Snopes says they cannot find where he ever actually said that. In fact, every link that came up when I searched for "run as a republican trump" agreed. Actually, some of the stuff he said back then makes me hopeful that that is still the same guy we have now.
    Dr_Chocolate and 607 like this.
  12. Pretty funny regardless of its legitimacy.
    IsaacNorman likes this.
  13. It is bogus. Dude, I thought it was real. Why ya gotta be that way.
  14. Payback for that one time he shaved Vince McMahon's head in WWE.
    nuclearbobomb and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  15. I didn't fact check, lmao. I thought it was real. But the content of the quote is factually correct.
  16. You need to give a link that the content of the quote is factually correct cause I'm not feeling it.
    TuckerAmbr, 607 and SoulPunisher like this.
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