[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. All time highs at the stock market. Good things already happening lol. (I know they were close anyway :p)
    Equinox_Boss and UltiPig like this.
  2. Ya, who needs regulation on business. Pollute as you want , take away health benefits, don't provide overtime. As long as quarterly profits are good and CEOs get huge compensation based on short term profitability it's all good. Just saying.
  3. Oh, and cause a depression with Bush tax cuts on steroids.
  4. I heard Walmart was trying to increase wages and career opportunities for their employees because they realized you get crap at $7 a hour. I havent heard any company say they re cutting health benefits or overtime due to Trump. Can you name some for me? Oil companies saw what happened to BP and they try to avoid accidents, but lets face it, our society is completely dependent on oil and Nat gas and all of oil's many by products that are essential to modern society. Pollution is inevitable. If you don't like it, you can always start over out in the woods. Just don't make a fire, that's pollution too. It's kind of CEOs jobs to not just create profits but value as well for the public. Not all ceos just collect money for themselves. They do want to make choices that sees their company grow and benefit millions of people through jobs, competitive products, technological innovation, and yes steady dividends. If you looked at any blue chip stock, youd see it. Anyone can be a shareholder. Even you. No one is excluded. For like $40 you can be an owner of GE if you wished. With that said , some regulations are good and essential to society. It's just finding that perfect balance that no one agrees on lol.
    Gawadrolt and Equinox_Boss like this.
  5. Markets satisfy supply and demand. They'll go up and go down. It's just what they do. It's the most efficient way to prosperity. If you have a better idea tell us so we can adopt it. America didn't become such a great place to live with a centralized planned economy. And on the taxes.... our corporate taxes are pretty high vs the world, which puts our companies (and our jobs) at a disadvantage immediately.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  6. Trump wants to lower taxes on the rich by a big percentage (I forget the exact number). It's more than Bush did and that led to the Great Recession. They claim to more revenue and job growth with less taxes but that was disproven with many recessions and the Great Recession and Depression.
  7. Of course we're dependent on this stuff right now but it can change. Green technology will create so many jobs and it will cause an economic boom. It's the way to go.
    SoulPunisher and Sgt_Pepper4 like this.
  8. Yes, I am a significant owner of various individual stocks, mutual funds etc... My career has had me greatly involved in the financial doings of large and small corporations alike. So please don't presume I don't know what I'm saying. When I say health insurance benefits requirements of organizations I refer to what is required under the affordable care act, such as they are. Why do you think republicans want to do away with it. Look up what is required and you will have a better understanding. When I refer to overtime I refer to the DOL regulations regarding salaried employees. Again check it out. But probably you are well versed in all of this. As I have been involved on determining the costs involved for corporations on both and they are significant. Both will almost certainly entirely disappear. When it comes to the ethical business dealings they are concerned only with managing short term risk related to potential contingent liability and maximizing short term profitability to appease their board of directors that in turn will reward them with compensation. Why do you think BP cut corners on costs that caused the disaster? BP might have suffered but did the executives suffer with their golden parachutes and how long did they get away with cutting corners on safety? Did any go to jail? No, they walked away with hundreds of millions. Executives do not consider the long term viability of the organization, only short term. And that is what the boards reward. There is NO ethics in business. I assure you of that. NONE. I have personally been witnesses to it countless times. The only ethics they have is what is forced on them. Greed is the only ethic in corporate America.
  9. Oh, by the way Walmart did not increase wages because they were all altruistic. They did it because they are unable to attract employees by paying minimum wage. Have you seen the unemployment rate since the democrats took over? My company has increased the starting rate 20% for unskilled positions in the last 1.5 years to try to attract staff. LOL. Walmart wanted to be all nice. That's funny dude.
  10. Of course they didn't want to be nice, they knew if they didn't invest in human capital, the gravy train is over. I think the real unemployment is 9.5% in October 2016. It's rough out there.
  11. Nice find man. The quote and image speak for itself, lol.
    Sgt_Pepper4 likes this.
  12. I guess a great question is this, Which do you think Trump will do first:

    1. Destroy Obamacare and "replace it" with something else?


    2. Repeal Obama's immigration policies?
  13. Ok walrus, its time :) JK
    UltiPig likes this.
  14. Thanks for letting me vent some tonight. I know there's bad things about capitalism and regulations help with it. Nothing is perfect. Every known system leaves someone out at the very least. But I think America's system is the best so far, so I like participating in it. Here I am. Hoping for equality, happiness, and economic prosperity for all. Randomly rambling on a thread on the internet. Peace to all.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  15. http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/21/politics/donald-trump-election-democrat/

    The above statement is how we have so much erroneous so called facts about our President Elect - Donald Trump.

    No where did I compare Democrats and pro-choice people to that of the antichrist. As a result of just plain out slander, someone else could write an article off of what you said and say something like...KnightZer0ne predicts Democrats and pro-choice people will usher in Armageddon. From there things could just spiral way out of context, and we are left with all sorts of junk to sift through. Similar to when someone says something in court they know is not admissible, but they say it anyways to put that thought in the jury's head. The judge requests that statement be struck from the record, but what was said still lingers in the juror's mind.

    This tactic is what the Clinton campaign did and used in an attempt to influence would be voter's to steer clear of Trump.

    I fail to see how a party can draw so many people's focus on the fact that an individual is Black, Latino, Female, or Oriented differently, and consider themselves inclusive.

    If we go play golf, and Black people get a handicap of 3, Latino people get a handicap of 4, Females get an additional handicap of 2, and people who prefer their own gender get a handicap of 2.5, then how does this bode as fair? How does this suggest unity, and level the playing field? God forbid, I as a white guy would attempt a game against a female who likes other women, and was a mix from a latino and black family. I would be 11.5 strokes behind to just begin the game. All of these so-called measures to prevent discrimination only invoke discrimination on white men.

    While on the topic of white men, and to further convey the thought here. We have all seen the documentary about white men and basketball. I believe it was called - White Men Can't Jump. If this is a known issue, then I move that all basketball goals be lowered to at least 8' to level the playing field. Oh but wait...not talking down on my Asian brethren, but they are often even more vertically challenged, so let's see...we should just lower it to 7' that way it would be fair for all races to easily dunk on the goal.

    What is wrong with that scenario? We undermine the very rules of the game, we remove the challenge because if I can reach 8' surely the taller people can stand flat footed and dunk all day long on a 7' goal, but hey, it is not about the challenge, it is not about whether or not you have worked hard and built yourself up to where you can actually dunk on a 10' goal or not, it is about equality. Why should we care if there is any real difficulty presented....yea....let's look at it that way...why should we have so many levels of difficulty in the Empire? I don't like to fight mobs, so I suggest we simply make the ps setting 0 and let us build without mob hassle. It shouldn't be about what may be best for everyone, it is about making sure I as the weakest link can control the measure by which all others are subject.

    It has been happening all over the place and people do not see it...especially younger people, because they do not have as much time to compare back against. Like the frog in water, or simply pouring water in continuously until the tea is diluted to stained water, our country has been flooded with immigrants and perspectives that do not align with those that the country was founded on. Trump's campaign to Make America Great Again is in reference to returning us to the ideals that the established this country. Does this mean go back to slavery, and the like...no way. It does mean putting God back "In God We Trust". It means setting clear goals (10') and implementing programs to train people how to reach them. It means offering all the various difficulty levels and variety of game play with concise tips and tricks (wiki) to navigate the world one finds themselves in. It means taking focus off of Oak Tree, Spruce Tree, Birch Tree, Acacia Tree, Jungle Tree, or Dark Oak Tree....and simply view the fact they are all Trees, and make for an awesome forest when put together.

    As for what you mention that Krysyy said, I would respond that Trump has already defined 20 possible picks for the Supreme Court Justice appointment, and has on several occasions re-iterated that he will be picking one of those 20. They were all Pro-Life Justices, so I do not see how he could be intending to waver on this issue.

    Just so you understand, I have not written anything in this thread with the intention of persuading one to change their view, but rather offer some understanding when the time comes that things transpire, and you find yourself questioning why things are going the way they are...remembrance of this thread will come to mind, and hopefully some of the things I said will ring true inside, and give you hope in a God that cares enough to make these things known to you.

    He spoke about that day being the unveiling of mysteries and revelations that would affect the following areas over a period of time:

    Political events that will bring a period of peace for the USA

    Hidden agendas exposed and a shaking of terrorist activities in a big way

    Unusual access into secular arenas for the purpose of evangelism

    Medical discoveries that will affect the following diseases: Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Parkinson's, a lung disease, and a rare bone disease

    Unusual spiritual manifestations in spiritually uninhabited places with mass responses due to media coverage of these events

    Kingdom appearances in church meetings

    March 11 will begin disclosures in political circles, and the President will have to use a firm hand against internal enemies.

    Cain will be exposed within the Church

    Finally, I saw March 11 as the "beginning of the end" of major terrorist leaders and movements.
    God will bring them out and will display them before the world. Even though there will always be terror, hatred, aversion, and attacks against Christian Nations, there will be a reluctance to use modern methods of attack in such a violent way against this generation of believers and leaders.

    The red letters above are yet another prophecy given back in 2004 that I feel is relevant today and on the horizon. Will next year be the year that those words ring true? Personally, I hope so...I am ready to see God move mightily, and enable His people to do "Greater Works than He".

    Sorry if I got way out in left field on this one...shouldn't keep pushing myself to reply to these after a day of work in the middle of the morning.

    There is something Great on the Horizon, Let's Go Seize It!

    Tempered Outpost Founder


    If our alts can vote...I got 12 more votes for Trump :)
    Gawadrolt, UltiPig and ChickenDice like this.
  16. I love that "real" unemployment rate term. Does someone count if they don't want a job? And I know the difficulty getting a job differs on where you live but overall nationally it's not hard to get a job. Where I am businesses are fighting to get staff. There are help wanted signs everywhere. We pay an unskilled, no experience position at $13+ an hour and have huge difficulty finding anyone. And the living costs here are very low. Are you just quoting the party line "it's tough out there" or do you actually know anything about what is going on out there?
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  17. Dismantling the affordable care act will require an act of congress and although they want to do it they will still have to agree on how to do it. Plus, what do you do with all the people currently insured through it. He can get rid of the immigration executive orders with the swipe of a pen.
  18. The message I got from your previous post was Donald Trump was 'chosen' to be President by 'God', a reason he 'saw the light' or whatever it's called being that he became pro-life rather than pro-choice, and another being that he became Republican. This would suggest, to me, that you're inferring Democrats and pro-choice people aren't worthy in God's eyes (I don't see why anyone would care about that anyway lol).

    Have no idea what the rest of your post is about besides basketball and religious fanaticism.
    Dr_Chocolate and God_Of_Gods like this.
  19. I think he was saying that he felt we shouldn't give advantages to non whites, women or the LGBT community. Not sure where he is getting that from. I guess just from the fact that they want to be treated fairly. And then yes, Trump was going to perform miracles due to his providence from God. I would ask you please don't get him started. I think it would be great if he would start a different thread where he could sermonize his intolerant religious beliefs to people instead of inserting it in a thread that really wasn't designed to be a religious discussion.
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