Empire Firework (4th of July)
Empire Firework
Type: Firework
Released: July 4th of 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
Obtained by: /promo iday and Empire Shop
Attributes: Soulbound
Lore: 4th of July, 2013 Celebration Firework
(Random effects on use)
The 4th of July Empire Fireworks are EMC-exclusive Fireworks that were obtainable on July 4th each year since their original release in 2013 until it was discontinued after the 2017 release. They are intended to celebrate the USA's Independence Day holiday. They were obtained using the /promo command in 2013, 2015, 2016, and 2017, and were available at the Empire Shop in 2014.
There are two versions of the 2014 4th of July Fireworks; one was released via /promo. It is unknown how the second (green title) version was obtained, and a very limited number of these are in existence.
Every time an Empire Firework is fired, it produces a random effect (of a random size and height) with random colors and shapes.
Shown on the right is the image is for the 2013 version of this item. Other lore for later versions are below in the spoiler:
EMC has a variety of custom-coded items for many uses.