Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Adds a whole new meaning to the classic Ghostbusters phrase "I've been slimed..." :D

    If you need an easy way to lock things up then polished stone variants might be better. So: polished andesite, diorite & granite are all protected blocks, and (relatively) easy to come by in the overworld. Just dig out some stone and then use your personal 2x2 grid to get the polished variant.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  2. :D

    The reason why I prefer slime blocks is that they can be broken without a pickaxe - and not all accounts always have pickaxes there (still in the process of making everything). :p And it sounds fun. :D
    Nickblockmaster, AyanamiKun and 607 like this.
  3. The first reason is what I assumed when I saw the picture and had considered it for some seconds; the second reason however is much better. :D
    However, considering both reasons... wouldn't honey blocks be an even better alternative? :eek:
    AyanamiKun and TomvanWijnen like this.
  4. I genuinely have not yet seen a bee or honey yet in minecraft, so for me, not yet. :p We actually took a shulker filled with slime blocks to the outpost, as they are often useful in redstone things - and clearly also for securing your stuff. :p
    607 likes this.
  5. Wouldn't it be even easier to just use protect mode? Then u can even use dirt to block those chests.
  6. That could work too, but then I have to type, which takes effort. :p
    AyanamiKun likes this.
  7. LOL, omg... yes, i know more peeps who seem to be having that problem ^.^ next time ill try to share a random screenshot of that :p
  8. 1: Chests that are placed under Honey blocks can still be opened, chests under slime blocks cannot. The reason we placed blocks there in the first place, is so that the chests cannot be opened by someone without the ability to break our blocks. (eg. not us)
    2: honey is mroe expensive than slime blocks, and arguably looks worse.
    3: both blocks can be instamined.

    So, no. Slime definetly is better than honey in this case :p

    Slime blocks can be instamined with any or no tool, dirt cannot :p
    607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  9. Huh, I wonder if there's a reason for that inconsistensy.
    In fact, I thought that chests could be opened through slime blocks, but I updated my knowledge by that screenshot. ;)
  10. It is not an inconsitancy: Slime blocks can also be powered, Honey blocks cannot. Slime blocks, though they may not look like it, are a full solid block, like stone. Honey blocks aren't, like glass.
    The only exeptions to Slime being solid is it letting through light, and it not updating the hight spawn map when placed, the second is the reason mob farms sometimes use slime blocks. :)
    607 and ShelLuser like this.

  11. Just plop that PNG into your textures/entity/cow folder (in either your resource pack or base game files)
    607 likes this.
  12. I really like fireplaces....

    And I still manage to get myself lost! ;)
    607, MoreMoople and Nickblockmaster like this.
  13. I think it was wearing my head and leggings that had dropped from a previous death and the apron is over the leggings...but what is the weird green thing sticking out the side, still doesn't make sense. Is it a glitched farmer hat or something?

    Also, my previous post:
    "Weird lag stuck in the floor and apparently swimming...?"
    I have since learned that CRAWLING is a thing. I had no idea.
    luckycordel, 607 and Nickblockmaster like this.
  14. It's not a bug, It's a feature :)

  15. This is my third account on utopia. :) No, that is not a joke. :p

    7,048,891 stone is a bit over 2039 DCs. :D

    All with a single voter's pickaxe! :D
  16. So I finally decided to go out and hunt my fav mob. Enraged Nether Hounds, after quite some time waiting for them to spawn I came over a hill and saw a pack. I got excited and started my barrage on them. Lo and behold I saw a head drop and was THRILLED! a couple were shot and killed just out of my view but no worries.

    I grabbed all the loot, trucked around the hills and looked for the other loot. Turned a corned and this BEAST came vis to vis to my nose! I jumped in my chair and had to take a screenie. Had no idea 2 had dropped and this guy decided to wear it's hat...

    Ahhh EMC I've missed you!!!

  17. :eek:
    Can you do instant mining with a voter's pickaxe, at least??

    Did you end up getting that one too? Seems like a dangerous ordeal... ;)
    Egeau likes this.
  18. Nope! Mining stone with a voter's pickaxe (Efficiency I) and Haste II sadly does not result in instant mining.
    607 and Egeau like this.