How-To: Establishing Your Outpost

Discussion in 'Establishment Requests Pending' started by Krysyy, Jan 3, 2015.

  1. :/ that sucks. Good luck!
  2. I know that rules state that one can't make outposts within 5000 blocks of an EMC spawn point.

    There is this water monument located near my outpost that is like right on that border. 994999.450 is the X coordinate. I would assume that I can't do anything with it right?
  3. It's actually outside your claim zone, so it wouldn't have the same protection as your outpost. That being said. Anyone can make a guardian farm out of it or what not, it's a first come first serve zone in this situation.
    Pab10S likes this.
  4. That's what I was hoping to turn it into.
    AncientTower likes this.
  5. how much area do you get for a frontier outpost if you get one.
    SpicyIcyBoi likes this.
  6. 1500 blocks surrounding the locked chest if the claim is approves
  7. I am joemiester99 in game I have done all the requirments and then some.
    I am on the wilderness frontier
    I will be the sole established owner<3
    The name of the base will be NAZERITH (YES ALL CAPS XD)
    If there is anything else I missed please tell me????!
    SpicyIcyBoi likes this.
  8. Thanks for your interest in claiming land for an outpost out in the frontier. Please make a thread for the claim here is the link..

    welcome to the Empire...

    SpicyIcyBoi likes this.
  9. I heard that we can claim multiple outposts. Is this true, because I've been entertaining the thought of expanding my outpost's borders
    UltiPig and KatydidBuild like this.
  10. Yes
    ConductorConduit likes this.
  11. Sweet. I would assume the process is the same as claiming just one outpost?
  12. You would be correct. ;)
  13. How does one "measure" 3k blocks via the live map? Is it 3k in all directions from another base or? Need to know so I can get my distance from a former build group
    ShelLuser likes this.
  14. 5k blocks from spawn and 3k blocks from another outpost (both in all directions). If it's too close to another outpost, the leader of that outpost can give you permission to establish one within 3k blocks.

    The live map has coordinates on it if you want to measure the distance. A lot of players go way out into the black parts of the live map, which is a good indicator that no other outposts will be around.
    ShelLuser and Zomberina like this.
  15. So add 3k onto the coordinate numbers yes?
  16. (late reply here) Yes - if you want to. I think it would be easier to go far out so you won’t have to check, though. :)
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  17. can confirm, it is what I've done for all the outposts I've established :p never had a problem with people nearby :+1:
    UltiPig likes this.
  18. quantum outpost requesting protection on the register per conversation with crystaldragon13
  19. You gotta make an actual thread requesting outpost establishment... Title of thread: (Claim) Quantum Outpost..
    Format of thread listing what smp the outpost is on whos the owners of the outpost are and that you have a locked chest at the center of your claim site so staff can find the location and take a look to make sure it meets the requirements for establishment. Requirements: 3k blocks from any visible build and registered outpost, 5k blocks from any EMC spawn outposts. Good luck... you can make your thread here with this link.
    ChespinLover77 likes this.