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Sep 16, 2022
Jul 14, 2016
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The Chamber of Secrets
Roadrunner and future concert pianist

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Elite Member, Male, from The Chamber of Secrets


sivaDtasivaD was last seen:
Sep 16, 2022
      1. UltiPig and Whomstdveluyaint like this.
      2. sivaDtasivaD
        Made my day <3
        Jul 19, 2020
    1. sivaDtasivaD
      I've been diagnosed with a BACHteria. It's harmless to me, but harmful to others. Music puns are my FORTE, and I got a long LISZT of them... who's next on the CHOPIN LISZT? Before I ROLL another one, better hop on DeBUSsy! Does this MEASURE up? If not, I'll be glad to rePHRASE it
      1. sivaDtasivaD
        And you gotta admit, humor is a KEY part of living! Y'all shouldn't B-SHARP and on edge with puns! Be grateful whenever someone PLAYS one on you! Am I TREBLE-ing you yet? I'll admit, it goes against our CODA conduct. BEAT yet? A'ight, this is the last COMMON TIME (comment I'm) making. Fine, I'll give it a REST. ;)
        Jul 17, 2020
    2. sivaDtasivaD
      1000th vote! Saying goodbye to the triple digits generation forever!
      1. TomvanWijnen
        Welcome, nicely done! :D
        Jul 14, 2020
    3. sivaDtasivaD
      Me: *plays a complex piece of music for my grandma* My grandma: "Where'd you learn to do that?" Me: "..." - I've been playing piano for nearly 10 years, and she's heard my playing throughout...
    4. sivaDtasivaD
      Ain't it just nice to have sleep paralysis three days in a row, each with a different demon sighting, and different illusions?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Sadie_Dragon
        sorry to hear, hopefully tonight is better...
        Jul 12, 2020
      3. sivaDtasivaD
        The fourth night after those three nights was bizarre... I dreamed of having sleep paralysis, and instead of demons, I saw everything I could ever want, and it was all right in front of me. But I couldn't get any of it because I was paralyzed ๐Ÿ˜‚
        Jul 13, 2020
      4. Sadie_Dragon
        Well at least it wasn't a demon, eh?
        Jul 13, 2020
    5. sivaDtasivaD
      Today's my cat's 3000th day of being alive. I've had her since her first birthday. Dang, time flies by fast, especially when you have a furry feline to keep you company.
    6. sivaDtasivaD
      Falling asleep 3 hours early from crying (don't ask), woke by weird sound from cat, finding ways to get over fear of the dark, not wearing glasses, fumbling around a dark house, questioning weird light from laptop, & being completely disoriented. Don't you hate when that happens?
      1. sivaDtasivaD
        Update (30 sec later): And on top of that, seeing two black widows being chased by my senseless cat!
        Jun 22, 2020
    7. sivaDtasivaD
      Let this be a lesson to people with carpal tunnel: Don't go swimming. And for the love of god, don't double-fist water bottles for a run, especially with your phone in one of your hands.
      1. 607
        What happened?
        Jun 18, 2020
      2. sivaDtasivaD
        When you swim, you use your forearm to scoop water, which puts tension on the wrist. When you double-fist water bottles when running, you can't switch hands for which hand holds a bottle when one gets tired because both hands always have something in them. All that makes carpal tunnel worse, found out the hard way.
        Jun 18, 2020
      3. 607
        Ah, I get it!
        Jun 19, 2020
    8. sivaDtasivaD
      Ever since I tried a REAL waffle (non-refrigerated) for the first time last Sunday (16.5 years, and it was my first waffle), I've been eating them non-stop, getting endless sugar rushes and crashes, and I LOVE IT! WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
      1. MoreMoople and wafflecoffee like this.
    9. sivaDtasivaD
      Last day of school today!!! Anyone else?
    10. sivaDtasivaD
      My worst nightmare has became a reality. After nine years of being a pianist, I finally got my first wrist injury keeping me from being able to play. *cries in 4-3 polyrhythm and whatever Chopin writes*
      1. Temperhyture likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Rhyblet
        Oof, I know all about that, got three (?) bruises on my hand last year from handball and it went about as well as you would expect it to
        Jun 9, 2020
      4. sivaDtasivaD
        At first I thought it was just a pinky tendon cramp because that's where I was feeling it, and I thought that the tight tendon was tugging on my wrist, causing pain. But I just talked to my piano teacher, and it turns out that it's the beginning of carpal tunnel ;(
        Jun 11, 2020
      5. sivaDtasivaD
        (Cont'd) And as a pianist like me, who practices for 3-5 hours each day, that's a huge toll...
        Jun 11, 2020
    11. sivaDtasivaD
      Let's all take a moment to remember the life of George Floyd, who was wrongly murdered by a policeman. Rest in peace, Mr. Floyd. You will be missed.
      1. ArkonXT and DaybreakerMC like this.
      2. sivaDtasivaD
        Murdering is wrong. The form of murder doesn't justify anything. It's still the taking of another person's life. To be murdered is one thing. But to be murdered the way George Floyd was... that's a whole different ball game.
        Jun 1, 2020
    12. sivaDtasivaD
      Just got up from a 6 hour nap with my cat. Sadly, that's more sleep than I've ever gotten on any day this past month.
      1. Stnywitness likes this.
    13. sivaDtasivaD
    14. sivaDtasivaD
      1. CarFryer likes this.
    15. sivaDtasivaD
      So I'm doing finals online, not sure if anyone else is, but for those who are doing the same, best of luck to you! :D
    16. sivaDtasivaD
      Happy May 1st! Just another month closer to being another year closer to being dead...
      1. sivaDtasivaD
        Looking back at this, a week later, and I'm cringing my eyes out. I was reading lots about Franz Liszt at the time. If you don't know, he probably had the darkest mindset ever. "Life is only a long and bitter suicide, and faith alone can transform this suicide into a sacrifice." ~Franz Liszt
        May 10, 2020
    17. sivaDtasivaD
      I was learning about Joseph Stalin earlier, and found his birthday is the same as mine, just 125 years before mine! O_O
      1. SoulPunisher
        Congratulations youโ€™re now the leader of the Soviet Union comrade
        Apr 29, 2020
    18. sivaDtasivaD
      Remember, anything that has a start will have an end. This pandemic started somewhere, so it's gonna end somewhere. Just hang in there! :)
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    The Chamber of Secrets
    Roadrunner and future concert pianist
    I love cats, I do Certificate Of Merit each year for piano, bowling is my favorite sport (WITH THE BUMPERS DOWN), my favorite food is cow stomach (true fact), "I LOVE TRAINS" (jk)