Last activity:
Sep 16, 2022
Jul 14, 2016
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The Chamber of Secrets
Roadrunner and future concert pianist

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Elite Member, Male, from The Chamber of Secrets


sivaDtasivaD was last seen:
Sep 16, 2022
    1. sivaDtasivaD
      I was using the vacuum cleaner earlier and my cat looked so mesmerized by it. When I was done using it, I decided to let her 'explore' it. She put her little nose up the airway and walked around with it, it was priceless 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I wish I could've gotten it on video.
      1. BennyLikesBelts and Harp4Christ like this.
    2. sivaDtasivaD
      1. sivaDtasivaD
        So, 4'33 by John Cage. It's a piece of music where it's complete silence for a full 4 min and 33 sec. It may seem silly, but the history behind and is astonishing. There's a sight about how John Cage wrote 4'33, and I was beyond surprised after reading about it.
        Apr 17, 2020
      2. sivaDtasivaD
        Un Sospiro (translates to English as "A Sigh") by Franz Liszt. Believed by many pianists to be the most beautiful piece of music ever written, and I agree. Words can't describe it. That's the music's job. It's also one of those melodies that aren't beaten to death, and I think we should keep it that way so it doesn't become like Fur Elise.
        Apr 17, 2020
    3. triphora
      1. CuttlefishSmuglr likes this.
    4. sivaDtasivaD
      I probably should've acknowledged this hours ago (like this morning), but today, April 13th, my cat is officially 8 years old! Happy birthday to her! :)
    5. sivaDtasivaD
      Happy Easter everyone! :)
    6. sivaDtasivaD
      After nearly 3 months of injury (tendonitus in the foot & Achilles tendon strain), I can finally run again. I've never been so happy to be able to run and jump around, like a bunny 😂😂😂
    7. sivaDtasivaD
      Hello... at 3am... ya not much.
    8. sivaDtasivaD
      So a cat a popping out from the bottom left of my screen every few seconds, is anyone else getting that? I feel like this is some April fools joke. But I'm only getting it on this page. And no, this profile post is not an April fools joke.
      1. Cyberazaz101
        Ok... Not just me. That's good
        Apr 1, 2020
      2. sivaDtasivaD
        Apr 1, 2020
      3. sivaDtasivaD
        Oh thank gosh, I was really creeped out for a second.
        Apr 1, 2020
    9. sivaDtasivaD
      So I heard covid will never have an end... APRIL FOOLS, yes I know that one was awful
      1. 607
        It mightn't! AIDS has been around for several decades now.
        Apr 1, 2020
      2. sivaDtasivaD
        I was unclear... I was talking about being quarantined and shelter in place 😂 And I agree, AIDS may never go away.
        Apr 1, 2020
      3. 607
        Ah, right! Once most of the population has had it, the measures can be lifted, I'm sure. Also if a vaccin is produced for everyone that needs it, in case that happens earlier.
        Apr 1, 2020
    10. sivaDtasivaD
      Don't give up on your dreams, and you're dreams won't give up on you! :) ✨
      1. Ch33zus and Harp4Christ like this.
    11. sivaDtasivaD
      I think I've found (some of) my love for MC again. I was originally popping on to view some mail, and 2 hours later (and at 2am) I was still online, feeling like I've been having the time of my life. I got distracted by the joy of playing the game again. Cant wait to do more here
      1. 607 and Sprhyngtime like this.
      2. 607
        Mar 28, 2020
    12. sivaDtasivaD
      Just came back from a 7hr 45min walk! 50,000+ steps, 18.5mi!
      1. TomvanWijnen and Sprhyngtime like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. sivaDtasivaD
        Tom that's amazing! That must've taken a long time! :O
        Mar 29, 2020
      4. TomvanWijnen
        Well, the best thing is that I did not specifically go for a long walk... Only in the evening I went with my friend for a "short" walk that ended up being about 2 hours, but the rest of the day wasn't intended at all and somehow added up to be a lot. I walked to the train station, around and on the stations (a lot of times :P), to the bus stop a couple of times, and some more... and it ended up being a lot... :P
        Mar 30, 2020
      5. TomvanWijnen
        I must add that I was also in trains for about 6 hours that day, and another hour in buses... :P Fun, tiring day. :D
        Mar 30, 2020
    13. sivaDtasivaD
      Those who live in the US, over 50 years of age, stay away from everyone possible! COVID-19 kills most people who are of that age. And children, teenagers, and people in their 30s, don't panic. It's nothing worse than the flu, if not, better than the flu. (Especially 50+, BEWARE!)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Hashhog
        Not panicking is generally a good idea, but still be cautious. From those descriptions available from former patients, it can feel MUCH worse for young people than any flu I've ever heard of, even if it is deeply unlikely to be fatal.
        Mar 11, 2020
      3. AlexC__
        It definitely doesn't kill most people who get it at age 50+, if that is what you meant. It is still far more deadly than the flu, though. 80 year olds have a 10% death rate right now, but that is in flux still
        Mar 11, 2020
      4. Krysyy
        Also asthmatics, overweight, smokers, immunocompromised...
        Mar 11, 2020
    14. sivaDtasivaD
      Okay update, I changed my password, but it's like the weakest password possible. I'm only doing this so I can get into my account again and see what the hacker did to my account, if anything, so I can fix any damages done (if any).
      1. View previous comments...
      2. 607
        Hm, no, I don't think I do. :P
        Mar 28, 2020
      3. TomvanWijnen
        :P Thats exactly why I haven't done it yet. :p
        Mar 28, 2020
      4. 607
        I think one comes with xs4all (assuming you have them (still)). I use Passpack myself, but I use an old version for some reason.
        Mar 28, 2020
    15. sivaDtasivaD
      I've been hacked, so if you see a rude post by me (or auction bids), then it wasn't me. I'm also having difficulty changing my password(s), so I might be out for a while :/
    16. sivaDtasivaD
      Something I'm sure literally every running athlete wants is to have tendinitis the day before track tryouts... I think this is gonna be a long 4 months O_O :(
      1. MoreMoople
        Oh no!!!! :( Feel better soon D:
        Feb 13, 2020
    17. sivaDtasivaD
      Happy first day of spring!!! The Punxatany Phil didn't see his shadow!!! Happy Super Bowl day, too! I guess together that makes Super Groundhog Day... or Groundbowl Day??? Idk lol :D
      1. TomvanWijnen
        Spring? What? That isn't for another 1.5 months...
        Feb 3, 2020
      2. sivaDtasivaD
        I heard he didn't see his shadow?
        Feb 4, 2020
    18. sivaDtasivaD
      Only 12 days into the new year and already 4 new year's resolutions that have not lasted! Woohoo! I feel... awful 🤣🤣🤣
    19. sivaDtasivaD
      1. FadedMartian likes this.
      2. FadedMartian
        Jan 1, 2020
    20. sivaDtasivaD
      If it's 2020 for you and you're reading this, then hello from the other side... we're still in the previous decade here in Cali xD 👋👋👋
      1. Nickblockmaster likes this.
      2. Nickblockmaster
        Happy New Year 🥳
        Jan 1, 2020
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    The Chamber of Secrets
    Roadrunner and future concert pianist
    I love cats, I do Certificate Of Merit each year for piano, bowling is my favorite sport (WITH THE BUMPERS DOWN), my favorite food is cow stomach (true fact), "I LOVE TRAINS" (jk)