Hahahaha! What can I say? I thought that if he knew, he wasn't one of those people who think they know everything about something because they live near it
Dang didn't mean to leave the t out. I tried hard not to leave the h out of Meghs lol. YES YES YES. This annoys me so much. Also: there, their, and they're. I saw the status update of some business one day say "This is the dress code aloud at our establishment." instead of allowed. There's always Your and you're, Board and bored, Adding T at the end of words that end in gh when it is not needed = enough, rough, though. "We don't have enought rought sandpaper thought" My cousin is the same way and actually catches people she works with on this stuff. She's in medical billing. They have a form that goes out for people to update their info every year and it said "To insure correct billing" She told them it should be "ensure" they were like "Are you sure?" She said yes, google it. They did and shw was right but they had already sent about 200 of them out.
On the subject of, "It", if someone asks to be permabanned, they're coming back to whine and complain, and moan, and say we suck for not making a stupid move.
I hate ghetto people.. Wanna be people.. Slow people... I get annoyed by mainstream stuff. ih8distip3 0f grommefr. It doesn't have to be perfect.. but... nothing that looks Re**rded. little kids who think they know everything...
http://empireminecraft.com/threads/the-truth-is.11902/#post-186378 Annoyed by mainstream as in show interest in weirdish things like me? Or Annoyed by mainstream as in hipster?
While he was arrogant, annoying, and always trying to steal our money, I personally think we should keep it to banned players, or extremely post-annoying players (in my case, for one of the people i mentioned) I was never personally annyoed by 72's posts, it just made me wonder about if he actually thought that he was genius of the world
http://empireminecraft.com/threads/smp5-massive-excavation-project.10595/ http://empireminecraft.com/threads/the-empire-premium-bond-weekly-draw.7434/ http://empireminecraft.com/threads/...y-shop-for-you-to-sell-your-products-in.7152/ http://empireminecraft.com/threads/i-need-to-know-is-this-allowed.6906/ That should suffice.