Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. MoreMoople and Kryarias like this.
  2. Anyone got screenshots of me yelling out vault 70 or whatever number in chat accidentally
  3. There's probably some out there.
    Lol everytime I log on I feel like everyone is always comparing vault amounts.
    "Oh I have 14 how many do you have?"
    "ah just only 42"
    "ha losers I have 57"

    Me with only 9 :oops:
    607 likes this.
  4. I have 10 and have 0 intentions of ever getting more, even though I have multiple stacks of vouchers. :) Storage belongs on a residence, not in vaults. :D
  5. But what if you go offline and are unable to vote for some reason? ;)
  6. Then you ask for someone else to vote for you or ask Krysyy to increase your derelict timer. :)
    607 likes this.
  7. What is that?
  8. 607 likes this.
  9. I think he lost something.

  10. AGEBOY

    Also Oof
    BennyBeltsjets likes this.
  11. Today, I got to experience my first SS trolling... :p
    CarFryer, Impulsive_Egg, 607 and 2 others like this.
  12. i was 2
    edit : yup i built that :p
  13. That makes me think of something my friends built on my singleplayer world when I opened it to LAN one day:

    Isn't he beautiful
  14. Not gonna lie I can use that in a future build xD
    Impulsive_Egg likes this.
  15. do it!!!!

  16. Someone on Utopia made fanart of me! I feel so loved!! :D:D:D
  17. See that res in the bottom-left corner? Well that's my 5111 event! (link opens in new tab)
    CarFryer and BennyBeltsjets like this.
  18. I was in the wastelands gathering resources earlier today, then got distracted by other things and forgot to find myself shelter. I came back to this:

    I wonder how I died... XD