We have opinions on the current votes... We disagree with the denuclearization of Israel, but I think we should find a way to drastically reduce the number of warheads they own. Israel is a small nation with big enemies, it would be unfair to strip away all their best possibilities of defence. They have had enough hostility from neighbouring countries, most of which want Israel dead. Not to mention the fact that a hostile country to Israel, Eygpt, is also in a good relationship with The Empire, the biggest military power in the world which doesn't even like Israel at all. In conclusion, let them keep the nuclear bombs, but reduce the number that they are allowed to keep, they are already in hot water with other nations, why allow them to stand totally deprived of power, against nations who could easily mop the floor with them? The League of Nations idea I can get behind. It's great to band together in our world to make a safer and more civil earth, where everyone is equal and shares the same rights, a world without wars would be great. The Empire's idea of a One world government though is a big NO. We are not in support of any ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT at all, leave our independence and laws to ourselves, we are not participating in any One World Government at all. Until we are broken and our cities are covered in ashes, we will not participate. I don't have a heartful opinion on the EU as of now, but I would have to agree with an EU Commonwealth. In total... 1. We are in support of Israel keeping their nuclear bombs 2. We are in support of a League of Nations, as long as it does not involve a One World Government. 3. We are in support of an EU Commonwealth, but our opinion isn't too drastic on it.
TUN has finally covered all land mass in Malaysia. Rebel forces still exist, but the military has estimated that numbers are low and that they are not a big threat. The military is now finally settling in the country and holds control over most villages and towns. Citizens affected by the disaster are aided with food & water, supplies, and medical equipment. Peacekeepers are also aiding in the reconstruction and repairing of destroyed farms, roads, and buildings. So far, military watch over the country is very widespread, and any signs of resistance to the military or government are met swiftly with non-violent actions. Dozens of military checkpoints are spread around the main roads and cities, and military bases still intact, are in use by UN troops. After everything gets under control, TUN will help create The Malaysian People's Army, an army under the branch of TUN, but still very independent, unless of course, they are rebelling against TUN, which shouldn't happen anytime soon. The government reformation is chaotic at this moment though, the previous government, corrupt as they were, are refusing to give up office, and in turn, are being held in custody. TUN is going to replace the government with an already existent democratic Malaysian political party, which previously were oppressors of the previous government which is currently being replaced. TUN will also use their own politicians as placeholders until everything is sorted out. The main goal is to introduce a brand new justice system and bring new rights to the citizens. Gender equality was a big problem in Malaysia, and the Equal Pay Act and a new system to bring equal rights to women and men will be enacted. TUN thanks the UKNS for their great help in aiding in the invasion, and will allow a small part in Malaysia, whatever it may be. We also thank The Empire for their military help, but we are still skeptical of their plans to make Malaysia Independent.
The Empire does not want a one world government, but rather an organization that fights for humanity as a whole.
Is this a good flag for the League of Nations? It has yellow, associated with joy and sunshine, green, associated with nature, blue, associated with the sea and white, associated with perfection. As for the issues, we think Israel should be able to keep their nuclear weapons as long as they do not use them for harm. Just because their land area is not big, doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to have the same power as other countries. We are in favor of a League of Nations, but as previously mentioned, the name sounds adolescent, and would much rather prefer a better name. We're neutral on an EU commonwealth. Not in favor, but not against it either.
Personally I like 'One Earth' or 'New World Order'. Motto I have no clue about. I like the flag! The meeting concludes with the nations split on the Israel decision, with UFOS not delivering one at all. The upper bodies of the European Commonwealth begin negotiations with France and Poland to join the organisation. This will take 10 posts, with integration taking another 5. Once complete, Iberia and the rest of Europe will be able to trade over land much more freely. Poland also looks promising economically, and the EC will help them reach their full potential.
Finally, something that isn't about war! TUN is outlawing all trophy hunting in Malaysia and will make it heavily illegal to hunt rare wild animals, such as Malaysian Tigers, Pygmy Elephants, Sumatran Rhinos, and many more. TUN is keeping a close watch on these animals, and any poachers attempting to cause harm will be strictly met with the law, and possibly serve a very long time in prison. Deforestation of animal habits is also a big problem, and organizations to prevent these have been funded. So far through minor research, the damage to the environment from the war was surprisingly minimal, and most of the damage was seen in residential areas. These projects have already gone underway in Canada and the North American states of TUN, but Malaysia is a bigger focus right now. Also, the government is focusing on currently finding affordable and safer ways to reduce pollution, the biggest problem right now is the abundance of Coal factories which were put in place by TUN Council back in the 1940s.
The Empire has been bending over backwards for the EC and UKNS, under select circumstances. Food, the mighty Imperial steel, and other necessities of life is being sold by the Empire, and in return concrete, electronics, and some necessities of life. However, when that trade circles back to the TUN, the Empire recoils. In addition, the Empire is making EC/UKNS-HMKX trade much more lucrative than EC/UKNS-TUN trade. The Empire is providing mutually beneficial deals. The Empire is up to something. However, this has slowed the economy. The president's popularity is dropping. In addition, the Empire's dilemma has been solved. Colombia must be punished, whether the UFOS likes it or not. Forget about the alliance, they're a loose cannon. If UFOS doesn't like it, they'd be going uphill against the moral high ground and the Empire, a current global power. If UFOS does nothing, they lose credibility as an ally of South America, which weakens their hold on the continent. Either way, the loose cannon is weakened. Panama must be protected, along with the Panama canal. The Empire has the moral high ground. While diplomacy would have been preferable, and likely more befitting, if it means weakening the UFOS and securing their own interests quite well... The Imperial 8th fleet, consisting of ground invasion forces has been ordered secret communication orders. In addition, the 2nd fleet has been alerted. Be ready to mobilize at any moment. Panama depends on it. Prepare the troops and supplies. Panama has been alerted. The Empire will secure its own interests there. Lastly, the Empire has built another few Nuclear reactors. The environment there is... downright oppressive. Morale is low, very low. However, this is also the direct reason for the Empire having 0 reactor... 1. Someone tried to blow up the reactor, though before he could get far he was shot 183 times. His fellow reactor technicians restrained him because it is regulation, and if they didn't do it they'd be shot. The low morale was the likely cause.
TUN troops who were training in Panama leave immediately, they aren't there to provoke anything, and they were only there to train in the deep jungle, absolutely no interference with the Panama military, citizens, or government was attempted. Training has begun in Malaysian and Indonesian jungles. Speaking of Indonesia and the UKNS, TUN would like to offer them joint training exercises in Alaska and British Columbia. We also wouldn't mind you setting up a military base in Canada, we would be happy to join military forces together.
Directly due to the Empire's disastrous defeat within Myanmar, the Empire has trained troops to fight within exotic climates. The TO-2 is a very competent all-terrain tank. Colombia has invaded Panama. It seems they believe the UFOS will back them up. If the UFOS supports them, it is likely they will gain benefits from the Panama Canal. The Imperial 8th fleet has been mobilized. The 2nd fleet is in route to Panama to provide support. The 4th fleet, with its large numbers of Gunbarges are also mobilized. It remains to be seen how the UFOS reacts to this. They have a Catch-22. They lose whatever they do. Option 1: They could feasibly force the Empire into retreat, but then they are essentially condoning an invasion and aggravating the Empire. In addition, this is in flagrant violation of International law set down by the convention. That would lose them any sort of respect internationally. Condoning invasions has that kind of effect.Option 2: If they do nothing, they lose credibility as an ally and the South American-UFOS alliance cracks. The UFOS is regarded as a loose cannon by many, and that would reinforce that perception. This weakens their standing within their own power bloc. Turning on their own ally has that kind of effect.The Empire is playing a gamble, but they're in a good position.
The UFOS's Goverment is thinking more on this matter as it's a very big matter for them we will give our answer in 2 posts
The Empire... didn't annex Myanmar. They didn't even plan on annexing Myanmar, only replacing the current government with a friendly one. And they failed at that. They got utterly destroyed in Jungle warfare and lost a lot of troops. They only ended up with a guarantee that Myanmar would no longer mistreat the Rohingya people.And Swisilla is dead.
The Empire sees that the UFOS has done... absolutely nothing. Great! The Empire can crush Colombia however it pleases! The Imperial fleet begins bombardment of the Colombian forces. The Imperial fleet surrounds Colombia completely via Panama Canal. No more sea trade or resupply. The Fensuo ships of the Empire, those blockaders utterly decimate any Colombian attempt to break out. The Empire, via Mexico sends wave after wave of aircraft to decimate the invaders. With such devastating air power on their side, the Panama army simply has to march through taken land. The Empire has not directly invaded. The 8th fleet has been sent home. The 2nd and 4th fleets are sufficient to rip apart defenses, because Mexico is a great platform for the E-2. Saudi Arabia and the Empire are trying to negotiate a deal with the UKNS. What could it be, hmmm?
The UFOS WILL NOT get involved in a military dispute between two countries NO MATTER who they are but we have been sending Columbia food and water to help with their population but the UFOS goverment is holding an emergency meeting for the Alliance to see if the whole of South America should get involved but the UFOS isn't confident so we are sending 200,000 soldiers to different parts of Columbia to reinforce their defenses If all of South America decides to help Columbia then we don't think that the Empire wold try to retaliate
We've been focused on transportation for a while now, but it's time to move on to our next focus: Energy. Our goal is for most of our energy to become solar energy by 1985. All of the Thousand Apartments are already using solar energy. Next, we want to get the entirety of New Trumbull (new name of Trumbull County City) using solar energy. After that, one by one, we'll try to get every state entirely dependent on solar energy until most of Javor is using solar power. We buy the land from residents in the following townships in Portage County, Ohio, next to New Trumbull: Paris, Palmyra, Deerfield, Atwater, Edinburgh, Charlestown. Solar panels will be placed covering the entirety of these townships, which will (presumably) create enough energy to power all of New Trumbull. tl;dr: We bought some land and covered it in solar panels
Colombia just invaded Panama. Helping them out would be condoning an invasion, and the Empire would probably call them out on it. Not helping them out would mean South America would lose faith in UFOS. Colombia is actively begging the UFOS to help them out. The Empire will only assist Panama for as long as they stay within their own territory. Beyond that, they're on their own.