And yet the Empire has even more Nuclear weaponry. And an even more vast military. And did I forget to mention? The Empire's arming their soldiers with AK-47s? The whole lot of them? And nuking Panama? Seriously? They are their own nation, and they are not a formal Imperial ally. And yet the Empire's fleets surround the entire icy ocean. The Empire has prepared themselves for the cold Arctic lands. The Russian troops of old. The same Russia that has general winter on its side. The Empire has no intent to live in the Arctic. That's dumb. Really dumb. No. Fleets and navies will do just fine. The TUN will be granted safe passage. It's not the Empire's authority to do so, but rather Panama's. And the Empire's isn't leaving. You're essentially telling a nation to get out of its legitimate holdings. That's just being a jerk. And you're essentially invading Panama here. Panama can do whatever it wants with its Canal. And it wants to let TUN and HMKX through, and let HMKX stay. The Empire has mobilized its 12th fleet, bulwark of the Pacific to intercept the Pacific Fleet. The 4th and 1st are in route. TUN is in the wrong here. Any nation with respect for international order should denounce the TUN. And I'm not saying this in character. I'm saying this out of character. IMPERIAL STATEMENT OF THE PANAMA CANAL TO THE YET UNNAMED INTERNATIONAL ORANGIZATION (OOC: Courier New is the Empire's font in official communications. The GAD is Times New Roman. Pick your own fonts, dammit.) [IMPERIAL SPOKESWOMAN YI]: Our Empire has recently invaded Colombia because of its illegal invasion of Panama. In exchange, Panama has granted us military bases within the Canal. This was a completely legitimate deal in all aspects. However, Panama still has control over who goes in and out. The Empire cannot do anything about this. However, the TUN in an incredible display of selfishness and aggression has moved its fleets to remove us from our legitimate holdings. In the process, the TUN endangerers the existence of Panama, an innocent nation who have been caught in a struggle between powers. Allow me to share a saying of my country. [SPOKESWOMAN YI COUGHS] "In a fight between whales, the shrimp suffers". The Empire and TUN's standoff will endanger Panama. The TUN's aggression, more accurately endangers Panama. This is unacceptable. The TUN tries to slice open a legitimate deal, then promptly waves fleets at Panama. Is this justice? No. This is injustice. This is aggression, this is madness. This endangers would peace. The TUN must be reminded that illegitimate interference with legitimate deals and waving fleets at a nation whose only fault is being in the crossfire is unacceptable. Would we want this to become the new Global standard? To allow big nations to secure greed with dangerous action? No. The Empire gained by using a deal. The TUN wants to gain by waving fleets at nations, who have done absolutely nothing to deserve this. They must be reprimanded. Thank you.
The way that you put everything in your own context messes me up, you're acting like I have to go around South America, while you are now saying I'm allowed to go in. Stop calling me the idiot when you're twisting your words, you're acting like it's a big problem for me, even though it isn't since I'm "allowed" to go through now. This game is just becoming more and more tiresome with you doing this to me, no point in wasting my time on these stupid games you keep throwing at me. (in game, ships are backing off, nothing happened)
In the event of war, TUN will have to do it. I was notifying you if things got hairy, then TUN has a massive problem. And I was kinda concerned you ignored the strategic value of Panama. I was really expecting you to retaliate, or do something about it. I'm not kidding. I was essentially notifying you of just how important it could be. I was kind of weirded out. Really though. The games are a part of HMKX's in-game strategy. To tire their enemies. To rig the world stage in their favor. To slowly grind down the TUN, and all their enemies. Continuously gaining, continuously pushing. There's a balance here. The Empire, however is continuously maintaining balance but pushing it in their favor. You've got to do the same. The Empire is the epitome of greed. It's probably going to be their downfall. However, I suppose I do owe you an apology. I won't frame things in my own context anymore, but rather in an international context. My apologies.
The HMKX Empire nails down the name One Earth Order before anyone can object. In addition, they hang up the flag before anyone can object. Yeah, no one voted but it was long overdue. The HMKX Empire, unimpressed with the state of the temporary headquarters of the OEO offers to Spearhead building another one. It would be located somewhere within the Fertile Crescent, the cradle of human civilization. The exact location can be debated. However, the Empire's plans include for whatever land to be non-national, but rather international. Within the temporary headquarters, the Empire has one thing to say. What do we do about the war criminals? 20 years. For 20 years the victims have waited. Because in this alternate timeline the Nuremburg trials never happened/were reduced to a great extent, the Nazi war criminals were able to get away. Japan's war criminals are also unpunished. The HMKX position stands firm. Backed heavily by a Korea-Chinese coalition, this position has great support. Japan, while none too happy cannot override China, Korea and a good chunk of India who sympathizes. The war criminals must be hunted to the last man and woman. The war criminals must be appropriately punished. The people affected must be compensated. The Empire requests the world opinion. The world must discuss. The UKNS here is at a strange position, because they annexed Germany a while ago. That... might hamper their opinion. This is a request by HMKX to everyone. Do something about this! (I checked New Nations 2 (the old thread) and everything went down weird, this seems far more utopian compared to the old one.) The HMKX Empire has created a new atomic bomb. It is essentially useless in Aerial/Missile combat, because of its sheer size. However, it could be useful in burying/suicide bomb convoys. Elijah-Type Nuclear Bomb: 34 Tons in weight 134 Megatons yield (theoretical) 69 megatons yield (amount allowed by the Ethics council) Due to the nature of this massive weapon, the ethics council (A quasi-official body of senators and powerful people) has outright banned usage of it to its full potential, because of the sheer amount of radiation that will be released to the world. Instead, a lead tamper will be used in order to reduce radiation. This model will be created and tested in 10 posts. This weapon will be used in 2 scenarios. Total Nuclear War An End-of-the-World Scenario In the case of 2, the bombs will burn the world. Begin again.
Alright, is anyone even getting alerts from this forum game anymore? Or it's IRL matters. Probably IRL matters. Show of hands, who's still getting alerts but is too busy IRL to answer? (Witness my pathetic attempts to poke this forum game to life)
If not even Javor will answer, then the Empire will have to hunt down the criminals themselves. And... is that a typhoon? Oh, not a problem. *Rumble heck...
Alty, poke this damned game to life. Please. I suppose this will double as an action post. NATURAL DISASTER ALERT The HMKX region of Korea and Japan have been struct by a series of Earthquakes and a Typhoon. Category 3 Typhoon "Sonagi" as well as a 8.1 Earthquake has struct the Japanese region, and then moved on to the Korean region. The Korean region has also been infested with 6.0 Earthquakes. While aid is not required, the Empire's capability will likely be hindered in the Japanese region for at least 2 years.
The UFOS government would like to announce the completion of our new ICBM technology that even rivals the Empires tech we have named it the NH-1 WITH the 2 being researched now
Wait what The Empire has been pouring money into this for 10 years and giving it a sufficient budget for 5. How does this upstart suddenly rival Imperial tech? They have... just begun, apparently. How does this... NH-1 somehow rival the Doomsayer? It's like hospital intern being better than a experienced doctor! The TUN's the only one that's researched this as much as much as the Empire has! (Actually, no. No one has researched as much as the Empire has. The TUN is the only nation that comes close.) What? (Alty, please poke this back to life please you own this thread)
This is true. However, here I have a point. The Empire has been researching this stuff for 15 years. TUN’s stuff does rival Imperial tech however. The minuteman, while less effective than Imperial missiles can be made far easier. Guess what is important in a Nuclear war. Quantity. More missiles, more nukes launched. And might I mention, Imperial plane tech is currently inferior to TUN tech, as well as some standards in the Civilian sector. The thing is, in the event of war, the Empire is basically screwed. The Empire's got a massive weakness in its side, and in WWIII the it can do is take down everyone else with it. It's doomed, no matter what. That's why the Empire wants to seem invincible. Unstoppable. Juggernaut. That's its strategy. To seem invincible, to avoid a fight by force of sheer reputation, because war means doom. I mean, everyone else is doomed too, but the Empire is doomed especially. You gotta understand that's why the Empire is making all those military tech developments. A high-tech army is a good army, especially if it seems invincible. But it's not. If you can't understand that, you can't deal with the Empire. They gotta one-up everyone because they need to retain a terrifying, invincible reputation. If they're inferior to someone, anyone, they are no longer so terrifying. Just another power. Just another power that they can push around. Where does that lead? Disputes. War. Doom. That's why.
Okay, thanks makes a lot more sense, because you do seem superior, which is a genius move I might say, because you can tinker into peoples minds, just like mine
Let's see how our airline, Javor State Airlines, is doing. Aircraft owned: 10x Boeing 737-200 (main), 2x Boeing 707-320B (backup) Routes offered: Philly to Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland, New Trumbull, Pittsburgh. Boston to Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland, New Trumbull, Pittsburgh. 10 total routes, 1 737-200 assigned to each (btw, Javor making our own aircraft failed so we're just going to use Boeings for now on)