The Javorian Cohrin (co-RAIN) is hereby the official currency of Javor. Its current value is the same as the value of the USD in 1960. US$1 can be exchanged for CH$1, US$5 for CH$5, etc. by the government. Bills come in CH$1, CH$5, $10, $25, $50, $75 and $100.
we are going to power the new apartment buildings we have been building so that our residents can sleep under a roof and off the streets
The sheep of god would like to apologize for the idiocy of the entity Warlord678. The theocracy knows he's kinda dumb.
An additional 5,000 residents have left Timmins, shrinking the population to over 20,000 current residents. Ignorant religious individuals and ignorant people by themselves have refused to leave their city behind and stay at their doorsteps, refusing to leave their neighbourhoods. The Christian Scientist Church has done a lot to push the ideology of only God being able to treat the radiation sickness, something which is killing many people. TUN has made an effort to shut down the church. Is this out of an attack on Christianity? No way, this is only to stop radical ideas which are killing people to be stopped. This is no way is an attack on religious freedom. Hospitals are totally filled. Stretchers are flooding the hallway to the point where nurses say "We cannot even walk down the hallways without having to squeeze between stretchers" This has caused an insane amount of unsterilized treatment and has caused many patients to be undertreated. Medical teams are resorting to creating miniature medical centers in malls, small shops, and even in casinos. Luckily, a large amount of medical funding from the UKNS, UFOS, and The Empire have improved radiation treatment drastically, and have allowed more patients to be treated in the right ways. So far, radiation sickness cases have risen by 30% and will keep rising until the UKNS and TUN hazmat teams have either figured out ways to lower the radiation levels or eventually evacuate everyone. Another problem though is house raiders... These scum pillage through deserted neighbourhoods and ravage through abandoned houses to steal valuables. Unknown to them, they are being closely monitored by military personnel, and are being caught and placed in the city jail. Luckily, most citizens who have already been evacuated have taken all their valuables with them and have left little to none treasures to robbers. TUN has made an efforted plan to COMPLETELY evacuate the entire city in 2 posts. TUN is NOT waiting anymore, and will forcefully remove residents from their homes, onto buses and away from the area. At this moment, all hospitals and medical centres are being emptied and patients are being moved. A note from military personnel in Timmins: If you do not comply to leaving the city immediately, we will forcefully remove you from your homes and you will be transported via buses, the damage is done enough, we aren't waiting to see you die.
The election is coming closer and closer. Tensions are high within both Conservative and Liberal parties, both major parties in the race. It's not looking good for the current Conservative government though, many citizens are expecting to vote for a liberal government, one which will hopefully put an end to these nuclear disasters. Quite frankly, the current President was a good one, he insanely boosted the military and proved to everyone what TUN was capable of with Castle Bravo. But his term is ending, and it's ending sooner than expected, the disaster at Timmins is blamed all on him.
The Results of The 2nd United North Election are in! Finally, after long waiting, the Electoral results are in! The elective President Party moving into office as the 2nd United North President is... The Liberal Party! (Btw, this is the stupidest and most low budget online election ever, it's super inaccurate and the map makes zero sense to anyone who actually knows about this stuff, but I'm bored and I'm just doing it... because!) The liberal party has won with 10 state votes! The Conservatives come in 2nd with 5 state votes! The NDP comes in last with 2 state votes! The next President of The United North will be inaugurated in 5 posts. This brings an end to the 10 years long ruling of the Conservative Party! Congratulations to the Liberal Party! The Liberal party promises to improve Nuclear reactor safety and to boost the economy, in ways much better than what the previous Conservative party did. The Liberal party also hopes to invest a ton of money in military equipment and technology to be a force more powerful than The Empire. "Our citizen's safety, well-being, culture, and freedom is first, before anything else." - The President of the Liberal Party, 1961.
The Empire is concerned at best. (In-character dialogue, is a representation of current Imperial feelings.. The liberal party seems like a threat. Oh, it's on. TUN. Hi Canada 2. You think you can win against a powerhouse like the Empire? You watch, as my full might is brought into light. UFOS. You're on my side, right? The Soviets are revving up to gain power. I was going to try and be buddies... but your whole Liberal party thing is ridiculous. I've been developing nukes for a while now. Aircraft carriers, too.
The Empire is developing a nuke. More specifically, a ICBM-mountable 1-Megaton nuclear weapon. Another one. The NC-1 model. The Imperial arsenal (top secret) stands at 3,700 warheads mountable on missiles. 0 aircraft-mountable bombs. As well as this, a new generation of Solid-Fuel ICBMs are here. Doomsayer-Class ICBM: Effective Range: 8,300 kilometers True Range: 11,000 kilometers Being fairly expensive, this missile is a solid-fuel missile. While fairly expensive, this is able to mount 2 NC-1 models of warhead, and is very accurate. It also requires no fueling, making for a much faster response time. The older ICBMs are being scrapped and retired in favor of this one. Even the smallest of targets will fall. This is expected to be superior to any missile to date, including the "Minuteman". The Empire has begun negotiations with Mexico to mount them on Mexican territory, placing them under the Imperial nuclear umbrella. Things are... not going well, but it should be done in 1 and a half years. These things are insanely accurate because of their high-quality computers, because the Empire invested in them sometime back. The Empire is trying to get them into submarines. It's not working, yet. (and yes, the edgy names will continue.)
TUN has always strived to be the best since it was first founded, the liberal party is just letting everyone know they aren't backing down with wanting to be the best.
Yeah, but they're going to take it seriously. The 6th fleet, with 2 Feather-Class Aircraft carriers has been deployed to Hawaii. Their mission: sail circles around the Hawaiian islands. Leave at once if the TUN shows up and stay within international waters. DO NOT FIRE UPON TUN SHIPS. This only amounts to taunting. The Empire has 12 of those things.
TUN sends a message to The Empire. Get your ass out of our WATERS NOW. Leave Hawaii alone or face consequences, we have the ability to completely crush your nation in half, with the help of Javor and the UKNS. If you don't leave ASAP we will heavily bomb your ships and you will watch as they sink to the depths of the ocean. If you want war, you got it, we aren't scared to drop another Castle Bravo.
TUN immediately sends 4 Battleships which were a few miles from Hawaii waters directly to the taunting Empire ships. They stand off at guard and fire two warning shots. It's The Empire's turn to see if they fire back, or if they turn away and cower.
TUN calls this an act of violation and a breach of borders. TUN heavily strengthens and alerts all personnel in the Bering Sea, who are superior in numbers. TUN sends in 2 supercarriers to Hawaii and an additional 6 powerful naval units. This will take 2 posts. Back off Empire, don't fool around, or else you'll be dead. Hawaii residents are shocked and scared, believing this was to attack them. They are still in shambles emotionally after Pearl Harbour.
They are under orders to leave when TUN arrives. All personnel involved disobeying the order will be tried. The Empire's sincere apolgies, this was not meant to happen.
And we never violated international waters. Never went into your borders. We sent a damned fleet, fool. What do you think battleships will do? Supercarriers? Please. The destroyers are armed with TBMs. The ships stayed in international waters. You're the one essentially provoking us for doing a legitimate military maneuver. You are violating us. The GAD's on our side, TUN, and it takes a lot to get them moving. And I don't think UKNS will be so enthusiastic to help you when the GAD surrounds them utterly. Reconsider, because you're the aggressor here. We've got the moral high ground. Castle Bravo? We've got better. You can't do anything with them if everyone with the launch codes are dead before you realize it. The B-52? Nice toy. If you'll attack us for being a little aggressive, then maybe we should showcase our might with new missiles. And move them to the Eastern tip of Russia. Canada is well within range. (the whole moving thing is top secret, under the cover of snow.)
IMPERIAL PRESIDENT SPEECH TRANSCRIPT AND ASSASINATION ATTEMPT [PRESIDENT HU]: Hello! Hello! Thank you! Today, the United North launched a battle squadron against a legitimate military action made by our nation. Our nation launched the Second fleet in order to showcase its might. They were under orders to leave when the United North arrived. They disobeyed these orders. This no doubt endangered the Empire, and was quite insulting towards the United North. However, most shocking was their next reaction. Despite the Imperial fleet's non-aggression and obedience to international waters, the TUN sent a battle squadron to threaten our fleet into submission. In addition, they have sent many insulting and threatening messages to our Empire, a wholly unnecessary action meant to get their way. We will leave these waters, as they ask. However, we will not tolerate these insulting messages. They are not merely undermining the Empire, they are undermining basic human politeness. "Completely crush your nation in half"? Such is the rudeness of these actions by the United North. This is unacceptable in every way! Not only does the United North perform aggressive actions at a law-abiding fleet, they insult our nation and claim to have the moral high ground! Pearl harbor? What lies. They cannot even see the Imperial carriers from the islands, and the Empire has not fired a single shell. Not a single torpedo. Not a single aircraft launched. Not a single bomb dropped. Just some ships crossing by, thank you very much. No aggressive action, no threats, nothing but a fleet. A small one, by the way! This is jaw-dropping. I personally am confused that any nation would ally with this warmonger. We wholly abided by international law during this crisis, and stayed outside of TUN waters. What does the TUN do? Throw aircraft carriers at us! What is this tomfoolery? Are they simply misinformed, or are they intentionally provoking us? I am, my fellow citizens holding my breath as you are for the next move from the United North. We, as much as we need to defend our interests must prevent Nuclear war. Let this situation find a peaceful end. Let the world chug on as it always has, and we will be as right as rain. Thank you, thank- [Gunshots can be heard. The president falls to the ground, apparently still conscious.] Agh! What is this- evacuate! Evacuate! Terrorists! [The President grabs his arm in apparent pain. A bleeding wound in the arm, as well as a leg wound can be seen. The President howls.] [IMPERIAL GUARD MISS KANG] Let's go! [The President escapes and is rushed onto the Moscow central hospital. 2 guards exchange fire with the assailant, referred to as UNIDENTIFIED TERRORIST #2.] [UNIDENTIFIED TERRORIST #1] FOR A FREE INDIA! [UNIDENTIFIED TERRORIST #2] Die, Indian scum! [UNIDENTIFIED TERRORIST #1 and #2 exchange fire; all civilians are evacuated.] [A device on UNIDENTIFIED TERRORIST #1, apparently a bomb vest, fails to achieve its complete destructive effect and blows UNIDENTIFIED TERRORIST #1 into pieces.] [UNIDENTIFIED TERRORIST #2 flees.] It is still as of yet unknown what group attempted to assassinate the president. Regardless, this incident has shaken President Hu. The Empire is not yet pointing fingers.
The Empire's greatest strength is getting out of sticky situations and blaming others for their actions it seems... All of Timmins has been evacuated. The population of merely 29,000 residents is now dropped to a mere 0, except for researchers, hazmat teams, and the stupid few. All hospitals and medical centers have been completely cleaned out, and now sit empty. Full neighbourhoods are now deserted, and the whole city gives a creeping glow. The only life is the odd hazmat researcher. As a nation, TUN thanks all its nations supporters, UKNS, "The Empire" and UFOS. Without your generosity and help, this situation would be much dire, and I don't believe we could have resolved it by ourselves in that quick of a time. Statistic: Deaths from initial blast: 3 Firefighter/first responder deaths: 15 Firefighter radiation cases: 100 Radiation cases: 1,200 Citizen deaths via radiation: 13 Total Timmins population: 0 The area is now restricted from entering.
The Empire merely stated fact. What the Empire said is all true. Technically true, at least. All Imperial ships involved stayed out of TUN waters.All Imperial ships involved did not fire a single shell.From a law standpoint, the Empire performed a legitimate military action which the TUN reacted to violently.