I once complained that a friend of an auction host was bidding against me. This goes back awhile(ICC responded to it)and without naming names I can say pretty confidently that they were involved together in at least a shop and a casino at the time. ICC responded that if they wanted to inflate the value of the items and take a chance on buying them from themselves in the end, that was ok. I feel the same way here. If a buyer wants to take a chance on paying more that is fine. If they are hoping that someone sees the auction and outbids them, it doesn't matter. It is their game they are playing. I suspect that part of the reasoning was that it perhaps was pretty obvious in this case but hard to detect and enforce generally so it was allowed. If a player doesn't have funds, or in the case of a reverse auction the items, it seems to me that Staff should be able to police that if they had a mind to. If a player bids against himself, check his funds. On the other hand, if he can pay what he is bidding, let things play out however people want to play.
The issue you note in your first paragraph, with sufficient proof, is reason for a ban from the marketplace in the current rules.
So, what are the rules for auctioning off Survival Update V2 items? I've seen a bunch of auctions and there are probably rules written somewhere, but I haven't been able to find them and figured that this would be the best place to ask.
(Sorry for the double post, but I just remembered this bit and you can't edit posts here </3) Is the auction considered over once the time stated in the OP has elapsed, or once the items have been delivered and the winner has paid? To put it another way, if an auction of mine is over but the payment/items have not been sent, am I allowed to create another auction in the same section?
And I would have won that auction for 600r, if it wasn't for you meddling kids! but I felt bad and alerted staff. It went under "review" and the auction was cancelled before I hit 24 hours. It would have looked so good at 5007 But this is my favorite dragon egg auction. Tokens for dragons eggs...Aikar said so!
Once a winner is declared the auction is over. All that the thread is there for is arranging the exchange of goods and rupees. At this point you can start a new auction.
Rules are not any different than normal items as of this moment. Default double chest for non-enchanted.
thanks Krysyy this clears a lot of stuff up and i hope there is way less confusion now with the V2 rules
Also on V2 rules, do the new potions (fire res, levitation and venom (all types) come under this rule? Or do they come under this rule? It may seem like common sense but an auction was closed recently due to a fire res potion being in there, and there is no explicit ruling against auctioning one Super Fire Resistance potion at this time. Some clarification on these new items might help out people in the future (¬‿¬)
Those new potions are from mob drops much like the zombie virus and just like the zombie virus, they would need to be full amounts. If I am wrong about that, I apologize. I believe they do fall under the potion section as all potions do (except of course the Love Potion No.9 which is a special event item).
We're in the process of modifying auction rules and the changes will alleviate this problem. Until the rules change, let's hold off on auctioning potions unless there is a 54 qty. New rules will be finalized this weekend.
I am curious to know what brought about the rule of not being allowed to 'bump' auction threads? I always thought it was just there to keep your auction visible so that it didn't fade to the second page of the listed auctions. I am not trying to start anything, I am just curious.
Just wondering as well: what are "temporary items from the survival update 2"? That is the kind of rule which is bound to confuse plenty of (new) players because... there is no mention of those anywhere (not on the wiki as far as I can tell) so people are left to guess. If you mention certain stuff at the very least don't just assume that everyone will understand what you're talking about.
Found it in 2 places in a few seconds by searching 'temporary' in the wiki. Mentioned here about not being auctionable and also here as to what items it is.
For more information regarding this, I advise that you check out the thread concerning the topic at hand in excruciating detail.
Here's the thread Krysyy's talking about: https://empireminecraft.com/threads/rules-updates-august-11-2018.77914/